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Country director
Sud-Kivu | Bukavu
Publié il y a une année

This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional candidate to lead the Finance team of International Alert in DRC.

International Alert began working in DRC in 2002 integrating peacebuilding into local development programmes. In 2023 Alert DRC has projected annual funding of £7 million – with confirmed grants from USAID [Sub agreements], Dutch MoFA, Canada MoFA, GIZ, and EC, and a strong pipeline of further funding for the years to come.

In this position, you will be responsible for managing the finances of the DRC programme, under the supervision of the Country Director. You will support Alert DRC staff and partners and contribute to the programme’s impact and sustainability by assuming overall responsibility and line management for the finance function. You will provide capacity building support for colleagues and partner staff to ensure they have the relevant technical skills to implement our grants and contracts. You will liaise effectively with the finance team in London.

Alert’s programming in DRC focuses on supporting peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Our programmes contribute to increasing inclusive peace processes and decision making, building social cohesion, and improving analysis and understanding of conflict dynamics. It is the largest and one of the most diverse portfolios of Alert worldwide and includes cross-border projects.

The successful candidate will be a qualified accountant with significant experience in a similar role within an INGO. S/he will be an excellent communicator who can work effectively with partners, colleagues and donors. S/he will be proactive in identifying obstacles and proposing solutions to the Country Director, while constantly reviewing and updating organizational policies and systems to enhance our efficiency.

This is a great opportunity to support the peacebuilding work of the organization by developing and working with a committed team.

The Finance Director works closely with the Country Director supervising the work of our programmes, partners, and ensuring quality and accuracy and control of finance and operations. The post holder will also play a pivotal role in the Senior Management Team (SMT).

Essential qualifications include: At least 10 years in progressively senior financial roles within large and/or global organizations, with at least 5 years in a management capacity (Previous Finance Leadership experience); specifically strategic decision making of complex programmes including responsibility for contract management. At least 5 years’ experience in grants management as well as an understanding of major donors USAID, Dutch MoFA, FCDO, Canada MoFA, GIZ, EC, Sida, UNDP regulations with international NGO country office experience

Furthermore, we are looking for someone well organized, results and detail-oriented with a proven experience in peacebuilding/ conflict transformation and familiarity with gender- and conflict-sensitive approaches. In addition, experience of developing donor reports and nurturing constructive relationships with international and local partners (governmental and non-governmental) is essential as well as an excellent working knowledge (spoken and written) of both French and English.

Please note that the above are just some of the role requirements. For the full requirements, please click here to view the job description.

How to apply

Please follow this link to apply.

All applicants must have existing right to work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

International Alert prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from underrepresented people including women, people from the Global South, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, and other historically marginalised people.

While International Alert will endeavour to contact all candidates within a reasonable time, this may not always be possible due to limited resources. Therefore, if you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, you can assume that your application has, on this occasion, been unsuccessful.

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