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Consultant programme and policy officer - protection & gender
Publié il y a 4 ans

  1. Work with senior management in Country, Area and Sub-Offices to foster a strong culture and leadership that support protection mainstreaming, gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) across programming and operations.
  2. Carry out gender and age analyses, protection assessments and advise the Country Office on the implementation of the Gender and Protection Action Plans;
  3. Support programme staff to integrate gender equality mainstreaming, women’s empowerment and protection throughout the programme management cycle (design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation);
  4. Support the finalization of country-specific tools and guidelines to assist field offices mainstream both protection and gender in their activities;
  5. Undertake field trips to oversee and support field operations;
  6. In collaboration with the relevant programme staff ensure gender, protection and SEA issues can be captured through the Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism and responded to appropriately;
  7. Devise and support the implementation of gender and protection capacity development initiatives. Train colleagues on gender; protection analysis, response development and integration of these areas in WFP’s work.
  8. Represent WFP in all relevant inter-agency gender, protection and Accountability to Affected People meetings and other coordination mechanisms established;
  9. Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships on GEWE with WFP’s internal and external partners to support gender transformative programme development and implementation on GEWE initiatives.
  10. Participate in the Country Office PSEA Focal Points Network and train partners to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA);
  11. Liaise with colleagues and any partners working on programmatic complaints and feedback systems in the country to ensure coherence, collaboration and cross referral between systems.

How to apply


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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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