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Call for consultants - market assessment for climate adaptation technologies in the drc
Publié il y a 5 ans


Expert in Climate Technology Innovation, Business Development and Entrepreneurship


1.0 Background

The AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a non-profit institution supporting early and growth-stage businesses – through the provision of patient capital – to innovate, create jobs, leverage investments and markets to create resilience and sustainable incomes for rural poor and marginalised communities in Africa.

AECF’s strategy is focused on agribusiness/agriculture and renewable energy sectors with increased support to climate technologies, deepened focus on gender, youth, and employment, aimed at attaining the institution’s vision of ‘A Prosperous and Enterprising Rural Africa’.

Since 2008, AECF has invested in 268 businesses across sub-Saharan Africa focusing on Agribusiness, Renewable Energy and Climate Technologies. As of 2018, we have impacted more than 17 million lives, created over 12,000 jobs and leveraged over US$ 750 million in matching funds from the private sector.

AECF is headquartered in Kenya with offices in Cote d’ Ivoire and Tanzania.

2.0 Purpose and Objectives of the assignment

The AECF is calling for consultants for an anticipated assignment to undertake a Market Assessment for the Introduction of Climate Change Adaptation Products and Services in DRC. The assignment will require in-depth analysis, preparations and consultations with various stakeholders at national levels and envisage field missions for data collection and stakeholder consultation to the DRC.

The Consultant will work in close coordination with national counterparts and under the overall supervision of the respective Project Manager at AECF and will carry out the duties as described below:

  1. Baseline analysis of market conditions in the Water, Energy and Agriculture sector, including:

  2. Review of market conditions sectoral policy, strategy and existing regulatory requirements that are in place in DRC with view on the water, energy and food sectors

  3. Mapping of current financial landscape within the three sectors

  4. Analyze and document key stakeholder’s interactions and programmes by both public and private sector as well as available products and services within the water, energy and food sectors in the climate adaptation space in DRC – with a focus on both, private and public sector

  5. Assessment of opportunities for introducing technological innovations and business models for climate adaptation in the DRC, including:

  6. Mapping of existing best available adaption technology innovations, such as products, services and business models that provide adaptation benefits in DRC

  7. Identification of regional and international best practice examples that are suitable for replication in the target sectors in the DRC

  8. Define critical success factors for the deployment of adaptation technologies including affordability and accessibility as well as replicability and scalability of products and services in DRC, within the water, energy and food sectors

  9. Analyse the socio-economic impacts of identified solutions to households and communities with special focus on vulnerable segments of the population including women, youth, smallholder farmers, small entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium enterprises, in rural and urban areas of the DRC.

  10. Analyse short-, medium- and long-term adaptation impact of identified solutions with a focus on reduced vulnerability, enhanced resilience and the adaptive capacity of the households and communities.

  11. Based on the above, develop sector-specific selection criteria for adaptation technologies

  12. Development of a framework for adaptation investments, including:

a. The proposed methodology for measuring incremental benefits of adaptation investment for identified sector solutions and services

b. Mapping of the Investment landscape in DRC and the region and screening of Financial Service Providers offering financial products and services to MSMEs

c. Incorporate climate risk and vulnerability assessments that provide for the achievement of targets despite the risk

d. Develop tailored Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will constitute the base for the identification and assessment of market readiness of adaptation technologies in the DRC

e. Incorporate climate risk and vulnerability assessments in the design of the framework.

f. Prepare tailored term sheet for adaptation investment

3.0 Key Qualifications

Education: Advanced university degree in business analysis, business development, innovation and entrepreneurship or other related disciplines, preferably with specializations climate innovation and entrepreneurship.

Technical and Functional Experience:

• Experience in conducting a market assessment on adaptation technologies in Sub Saharan Africa on the water energy and food sectors specifically, preferably within the DRC

• Know-how on the regulatory and policy environment in DRC, with a focus on innovation, business models and financial mechanisms

• In-depth understanding of climate innovation and entrepreneurship, climate technologies and business models for adaptation in the priority sectors water, energy, and food;

• Demonstrated capacity in designing financial term sheets and investment criteria for early-stage projects

• Analytical thinking; planning, organizing and problem-solving abilities

• Ability to communicate effectively to communicate complex and technical information to technical and general audiences.

Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and French is required.

4.0 Duration of the Contract

All tasks and deliverables under this contract shall be finalized no later than 6 months after the execution of the contract.

We consider this a part-time engagement: the total working days during this period is expected to be not more than 25 working days in total.

5.0 Evaluation Criteria

The individual consultant will be evaluated based on the below preferential point system scoring.

a) Proposals must score a minimum of 75 points in the technical evaluation to proceed to financial evaluation; only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened.

b) The applicant with the highest total number of points and/or with a recommendation from our technical evaluation panel will be awarded the contract at the discretion of AECF and subject to pre-contracting negotiations and scoping;

Key areas for Evaluation/ Assessment

Weighted Award

Technical Evaluation

Level of Expertise-30

· Relevant knowledge (Education) in the specified field (10 points)

· Experience and Skills in the specified field (10 points)

· Experience in similar projects of comparable size, complexity and technical speciality (5 points)

· Experience carrying out similar assignments in DRC (5 points)

Proposed Methodology-30

· Understand the task. Addresses the important aspects of the task. The scope of the task well defined and corresponds to the scope of work. The approach proposed is appropriate for the task.


· At least 3 reference

Only applicants obtaining a minimum of 75% of the total technical points would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Financial Evaluation

· Reality to market/value for money based on the assignment (inclusive of any applicable tax). **25

6.0 Proposal Submission

Interested and qualified individual consultants are invited to submit their proposal comprising of the following:

  1. Provide personal CV including all qualifications and experience in similar projects;

  2. Submit at least three (3) up-to-date recommendation letters;

  3. Provide a Cover Letter demonstrating the understanding of the challenge and your suitability

  4. Financial proposal showing clearly the budgeted cost for the work to be conducted (to be submitted in a separate document from the technical proposal);

  5. Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents. Financial proposals will not be opened until the conclusion of the technical evaluation and then only for those proposals that are deemed qualified and responsive.

*Please note: AECF is obliged by the Kenyan tax authorities to withhold taxes on service contract fees as well as ensure VAT is charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position with regards to provisions of Kenya tax legislation when developing their proposals.

7.0 Disclaimer

AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party.

How to apply

Application details

The AECF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The AECF considers all interested candidates based on merit without regard to race, sex, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

  1. Interested consultancy firms and individuals are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals to aecfprocurement@aecfafrica.org. 5:00 PM EAT on 7th September2020.

b. The Subject of the email should read “DRC Market Assessment Expert-Expert in Climate Technology”. The AECF shall not be liable for not opening proposals that are submitted with a different subject.

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