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Monitoring and evaluation specialist pour 33 pays
Publié il y a une année
International Advisory, Products and Systems

International Advisory, Products and Systems Ltd. (i-APS) is a U.S. woman-owned and managed consulting firm. We have extensive experience in complex settings providing third-party monitoring (TPM), monitoring and evaluation (M&E), capacity building and knowledge management. Our main clients are UN agencies, INGOs, nationals’ institutions, etc. i-APS is holder of a global WFP agreement for decentralized evaluations.

We are planning to apply for the tender “Third-Party Review of Supply Chain Network Design” to perform an end-to-end assurance review of the WFP supply chain network in the mentioned countries.

Job purpose

Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the monitoring process and team. Leading and coordinate monitoring activities within the country office, ensuring to generate quality deliverables like reports, monitoring tools to review WFP’s end-to-end supply chain.

Minimum qualification requirements

  • Nationality: All mentioned
  • Education: University degree in Development Economics, Performance Management or other relevant field.
  • Experience:
    • At-least 5 years work experience in monitoring and evaluation processes
    • Demonstrated experience in qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, in research design, sampling
    • Demonstrated experience working with UN Agencies and/or INGOs
    • Demonstrated working experience in the country
  • Language: Proficiency in both oral and written communication skills in English and country language

Desired experiences

  • Experience in monitoring supply chain for international development agencies or organizations (UN agencies, INGOs) is highly desirable
  • Experience developing user-friendly and practical knowledge products (e.g. dashboards, reports, presentations). Knowledge of SPSS, Stata & Tableau is highly desirable.
  • Highly analytical, good writing and communication skills
  • Experience in effectively managing processes involving many internal and external stakeholders.
  • Excellent stakeholder management skills. Leadership/team management and staff development skills.

Estimate number of days – 40-50 days

How to apply

Interested candidates should present an application as follows:

  • CV and one-page cover letter summarizing the consultant’s fit for the position;
  • Please include the reference: MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST - Supply Chain
  • Proposed Daily fee

By 20 November 2023 TO: sdragicevic@i-aps.com and cc jobs@i-aps.com

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  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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