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Zonal director
Publié il y a 5 ans

Le poste

Zonal Director  (02 Positions) : Kinshasa & Lubumbashi

This position is Only for Congolese national candidate and each candidate must provide in the resume the preferred location for his application

I. Purpose of the position

To provide overall strategic leadership to World Vision’s emergency, development and advocacy programming in the assigned zone for the sustained well-being of children, particularly the most vulnerable. Key areas of focus are strategy implementation, external engagement, including positioning and resource acquisition, and staff safety and security.

II. Major Responsabilities

1. Leadership

  • Promote WV’s Vision, Mission, Core Values and key Partnership Standards and Practices among WV staff and partners
  • Build a strong Zonal Senior Management Team, providing strategic guidance and building management capacity, synergy, and depth of leadership; 
  • As member of WVDRC Senior Leadership Team (SLT), participate in all SLT meetings for decision making and review of organizational business
  • Promote leadership style that respects & values diversity in gender, religion & ethnicity in DRC;
  • Ensure excellent standards in the management of the human, financial, capital and technical resources of the organization, which includes inspiring and setting high standards of work and clear performance indicators and accountability to stakeholders

2. Strategy Development and Implementation

  • Participate in development of the national strategy ensuring that the zonal context is reflected and taken into account in the strategic orientation of the national office.
  • Lead implementation of the Country Strategy Implementation Plan (CSIP) and Annual Business Plan (ABP) as pertains to the zone
  • Lead in negotiation with donors and Support Offices (SOs) regarding ministry growth within the Zone in coordination and consultation with the IPD and the National Director;
  • Develop and improve capacity to respond to natural and man-made emergencies arising within the zone;
  • Support development and implementation of disaster preparedness and response plans that reflects the unique issues within the Zone;

3. Program Development, Implementation, Monitoring & Reporting

  • Provide leadership & guidance in annual planning & budgeting for all projects within the Zone;
  • Coordinate development of new project proposals and concept notes in response to funding opportunities as well as ministry priorities within the Zone;
  • Oversee development of design document and approval of new program/project start-ups from assessments, design, implementation and evaluation;
  • Ensure that community members and beneficiaries, especially children, are adequately consulted and involved in program development, implementation and evaluation across programmes within the zone
  • Coordinate regular reviews on implementation of all projects within the Zone through monthly, quarterly and annual review meetings to ensure implementation as per approved plans and budgets;
  • Facilitate the signing of MOUs, Field Level and Grant agreements with donors and support offices with WVDRC before any implementation;
  • Ensure that all programs/projects within the Zone are monitored and evaluated in accordance with the LEAP standards or donor-agreed M&E plans;
  • Ensure all agreements with donors and support offices and other stakeholders are adhered to;
  • Coordinate development, review and submission of timely and accurate project and financial reports;
  • Prepare and submit monthly management reports (MMR) to the IPD by the 1st day of the month;
  • Ensure that partnership initiatives such as LEAP 3, CWBO, Horizon, CONCUR and Provision are appropriately implemented within the Zone;

4. Financial Management

  • In coordination with the Finance department oversee Zonal compliance with all relevant sections of the Field Financial Manual – FFM (inventory, finances, capital assets and administrative procedures of the Zone to conform to WV standards);
  • Ensure that all projects’ finances in Zone are managed and accounted for in ways that have been agreed upon with the donors and support offices;
  • Ensure that appropriate approval limits are adhered to;
  • Provide overall strategic leadership and initiative for identifying and securing financial resources to support the program work in the Zone;

5. People Management

  • Lead and manage the Zonal team in a way that facilitates a high performance culture, open trustworthy relationships and integrity, promote a culture of learning and development, employee engagement and good stewardship of human capital
  • Ensure implementation and compliance to Partnership Performance Management Standards and Principles, while seeking to implement Performance Management guidelines in the Zone;
  • Define work responsibilities (clear JDs fully signed by all staff) and reporting relationship for staff in the Zone;
  • Lead in identifying staffing needs, determine skills and qualifications and ensure fast track  recruitment and appointment in coordination with P&C for timely program implementation;
  • Lead in the development and implementation of plans to address relevant issues raised by zonal staff through surveys such as OurVoice and other staff engagement venues.
  • Ensure that all staff in the Zone and project areas attends daily devotions, annual Days of Prayer and Spiritual Retreats as part of staff spiritual nurture;
  • Support initiatives for staff care and well-being for both international and local employees;
  • Work with P&C to identify talents within the zone and support the implementation of capacity building plans including leadership development initiatives, coaching and mentoring;

6. Risk Mitigation & Management

  • Ensure that all Zonal projects have MWRAP and coordinate risk based audits with Internal and External auditors as per the WV audit schedule and regulations or as per donor requirements;
  • Coordinate timely management responses to audit reports by respective project managers within the Zone as per audit standards;
  • Follow up with all audited programs and projects to ensure they have developed implementation plan of all audit recommendations that will guarantee implementation of 100% of all the audit recommendations;
  • ead in identification of risks within the Zone and ways of mitigating against the same;
  • Ensure compliance with WV policies and procedures as well as National and Provincial government regulations.

7. Networking and Collaboration

  • Ensure compliance with WV policies and procedures as well as National and Provincial government regulations
  • Create and maintain collaborative linkages (networking) with FBO and Churches, Government, other INGOs and LNGO, build and deepen local partnerships, seek active collaboration with UN agencies, East based bi-lateral Missions (with particular focus on DFID, ECHO);
  • Actively attend UN and INGO forums such as the Heads of Mission meetings and CPIA (Comité Province Inter-Agence);
  • Ensure WVDRC’s work in the Zone is appropriately highlighted and branded through media, internal WV communications;
  • Work with the Zonal and National Office Advocacy Manager and Director in order to develop and implement appropriate advocacy strategies to raise awareness of and advocate for change in key issues within the Zonal context
  • Further WV’s position as a key advocate for the well-being and rights of children; 

8. Safety and Security

  • Further WV’s position as a key advocate for the well-being and rights of children;
  • safety plans and protocols (evacuation plans, SRA etc) and ensure understanding and compliance by all staff and visitors within the Zone;
  • Ensure all new programming and expansion plans are accompanied by a Security Risk assessment;
  • Ensure staff safety by overseeing implementation of all security protocols, orient staff to the management of potential risks related to operation especially in insecure operational areas;
  • Liaise with other international organizations to collect information about the security environment and, where appropriate, discuss joint responses to security threats. 

III. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Master’s Degree in International Development, Business Administration, Public Health, Economics, Rural Development or other related field
Proficiency in French and English required (essential to have at minimum working level of French language with a willingness to improve). Swahili or Lingala is an advantage.
Minimum of 5 years managerial experience in Portfolio and Program Management with a thorough understanding of all areas of project management cycles in a complex, international development organization.
Demonstrated track record in proposal development, funding acquisitions and grant management for major government donors preferred
Preferred Skills, Knowledge and Experience:

  • Master’s degree in Development, Social Sciences, Management or other field applicable to developing country context
  • Training or certification in Portfolio and/or Programme Management with accredited institutions such as PMI, Prince 2, or IPMA.
  • An understanding and experience in working within the WV Partnership.
  • Strong commitment to WV’s vision, mission and core values.
  • Mature Christian who models Christian Leadership in dealings with others.
  • Understands and values diversity and maximizes diversity to achieve organizational goals – has the right attitude to value, listen to and build on local capacities.
  • Must be a coach, mentor and team builder committed to talent identification and development.
  • Ability to engage at a strategic level with senior government, UN and INGO officials.
  • Ability to lead a multi-cultural team with an empowering and outcome oriented approach.
  • Strong budgetary and financial management skills.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.  Ability to communicate in or learn (add appropriate language here) helpful.
  • Good interpersonal, organizational and time management skills.
  • Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts, stressful environments and physical hardship conditions with limited resources.
  • Able to work on a cross-cultural environment with a multi-national staff.
  • Ability to solve complex problems and to exercise independent judgment.
  • Computer literate in Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes or similar database, email and internet programs
  • Ability to travel within country, regional and internationally.

NB : For applyplease click on the link : https://careers.wvi.org/jobs/sponsorship/zonal-director/14401

End Date : 26th February 2020


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