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Save the children : recrute advocacy communications campaigns and media director
Publié il y a 2 ans


Based in Kinshasa


We are Save the Children. We work in more than 120 countries. We save children’s lives. We fight for their rights. We help them fulfill their potential.

About Save the Children

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard.
We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

  • No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • All children learn from a quality basic education and that,
  • Violence against children is no longer tolerated

We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children. We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive workplace where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.


The Director of Advocacy, Campaigns, Communications and Media is a key role in the DRC CO, bringing strategic leadership on policy, advocacy and communications and raising the profile of the issues facing children in the DRC, and of Save the Children’s work in the country. S/he is a member of the Senior Management Team and will drive advocacy and communications to advance Save the Children’s policy positions and influence decision-makers, both at national level and internationally. In so doing, the Director of ACCM will shape and implement Save the Children’s efforts to influence and bring about change in the awareness, attitudes, behaviors and policies related to the rights of children in DRC.


  • The Director of ACCM is accountable for all advocacy, policy, campaigns and communications/media work of the DRC CO and provides strategic direction and vision for SCI DRC CO advocacy and communications work as well as for the ACCM Team;
  • Brings strong leadership to ensure the ACCM team is well functioning and able to achieve its priority objectives, and provides guidance, support and mentoring to the ACCM Team members;
  • Key member of the SMT and ensures productive working relationships between ACCM and other teams in the CO;
  • Ensures that Save the Children is a leading voice speaking out for children and affected people in DRC during humanitarian crises, through the production of compelling media, communications and advocacy products, among other initiatives;
  • Develops and implements systems and processes to ensure that advocacy and communications are evidence based and built from the programs and experience at field level;
  • Ensures that all staff in the country office are aware of and properly understand the approved advocacy strategy and can actively contribute towards its objectives;
  • Strengthens internal communications and brand visibility within the CO and builds a network across the Save the Children members in order to raise the issues in DRC to global levels;
  • Builds a network at country level with external organizations, donors, UN agencies and other key stakeholders and works to raise the visibility of SCI in the humanitarian community and with the public;
  • Undertakes high level representation in country with donors, ministries, UN agencies, NGOs and is the main focal point for contact (maintains database of contacts and shares advocacy and comms content and products);
  • Build alliances and partnerships with other NGOs in country to undertake coordinated advocacy;
  • Leads specific advocacy initiatives, including for Safe Schools Declaration advocacy and the DRC Joining Forces Alliance, plus other initiatives as needed;
  • Leads risk and crisis communications for the DRC CO when needed;
  • Focal point for ensuring advocacy and comms is included in proposal development and is meeting relevant KPI requirements;
  • Responsible for ACCM team performance, development and wellbeing.



  • At least 7 to 10 years' experience in a similar or equivalent position in an NGO or humanitarian organization;
  • Good analytical and synthesis skills and high quality written and oral communication skills;
  • Field experience working with local NGOs, associations and volunteers essential;
  • Experience in organizing and conducting meetings at local and national level;
  • Fluency in spoken and written English and French (knowledge of other national languages would be an asset);
  • Proven ability to propose solutions to challenges of any kind (logistical, practical or strategic);
  • Strong planning skills - understanding how to plan and implement a strategy;
  • Experience in managing large amounts of information and the ability to manage it quickly;
  • Ability to work effectively and smoothly in a high-pressure environment and to prioritise and manage tasks effectively;
  • Organisational skills, strong teamwork skills, empathy and flexibility;
  • Commitment to the mission, values and approach of Save the Children International.


  • Previous working experience in the DRC and knowledge of the context;
  • Experience in conducting advocacy and campaigning activities linked to education in emergencies, malnutrition;
  • Experience undertaking media interviews at national and international level.

How to apply?

Please apply using a cover letter and up-to-date CV as a single document before 17 March 2023.

Click links below:

01. https://drc.savethechildren.net/careers/details?jid=87047
02. https://stcuk.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2300011Q&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Africa%2FLagos

03. https://stcuk.taleo.net/careersection/in/jobdetail.ftl?job=2300011Q&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Africa%2FLagos

We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Applicants are advised that Save the Children International does not require any payment or expense during the entire recruitment process. Any request in this direction should be immediately reported as contrary to the values and practices of our organization.



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