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Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting officer
Publié il y a 5 ans


The Essor Programme forms part of the Department for International Development’s (DFID) Private Sector Development (PSD) portfolio and is a flexible facility delivering Business Environment Reform (BER) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Essor provides policy and technical assistance to the DRC Government to reform the business environment, including (1) bringing reliable, renewable energy to three cities via an innovative international auction of solar mini-grid concessions; and (2) formalising the economy, reducing corruption and facilitating access to credit through government reforms to reduce poverty.

The programme, currently in its extension phase, commenced in January 2015 and will be completed in December 2021.


Contract type: local hire

Contract duration: twelve months, with a possibility for extension into 2021

Location: Kinshasa based, with occasional travel to other sites in DRC**

Starting Date: ASAP**


The Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer will work under the supervision of the M&E, Impact Assessment and Reporting Lead and in close coordination with the rest of the Essor team and external M&E consultants. The Officer will be responsible for assisting with reporting, information management, data collection and administration for the Essor program.


§ Reporting & information management

o Assist the M&E Team in managing the reporting schedule, gathering information from the program workstreams and assisting in updating the MRM database.

§ Administration

o Assist other M&E Team members and external M&E consultants in scheduling, financial management, logistics and other administrative tasks;

o Assist in the preparation and facilitation of M&E-related meetings and workshops.

§ Data collection & analysis

o Conduct regular site visits and pulse checks with program stakeholders, independently or jointly with the M&E Lead;

o Undertake data collection and data analysis for evaluations, research and surveys;

o Conduct quality assurance, data quality and data verification activities.

o Assist with the development of results chains and related indicators for programme interventions.

o Accompany and support external consultants on field visits to program sites both within and outside Kinshasa.

§ Other

o Translate M&E-related documents and tools into English, French and/or Lingala;

o Coordinate with other Essor functions/teams, including gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and communications.


§ Experience, knowledge and technical skills


o Fluency in French and Lingala (written and spoken); high proficiency in English (written and spoken); command of other languages indigenous to DRC is an asset;

o Ability to operate Microsoft Office applications, including Word and Excel;

o Minimum of two years working in a position related to monitoring, evaluation, program coordination or research;


o Post-secondary degree in a relevant discipline is an asset;

o Experience in primary data cleaning for M&E or applied research is an asset;

o Experience in data analysis and report writing is an asset;

o Familiarity with the sectors of business environment reform, banking, finance foreign investment and/or OHADA law in DRC is an asset;

o Familiarity with the private sector in the DRC is an asset.

§ General competencies

o Willingness to conduct periodic field visits within and outside Kinshasa;

o Fine attention to accuracy, detail and quality;

o Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collect information from external stakeholders with discretion and political sensitivity;

o Ability to work independently as well as in a team;

o Excellent organizational skills;

o Willingness to work under pressure and in a timely and efficient manner during periods of tight deadlines.


§ Salary defined by Essor salary grid based on experience, expertise, and other factors;

How to apply

Please send your CV over email to bethanie.m.thompson@pwc.com, including your contact details. We will then respond to shortlisted applicants.

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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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