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Monitoring and evaluation opportunity
Publié il y a 3 ans


ÉLAN RDC is a private sector development programme that aims to increase the incomes of over a million low-income men and women in the DRC by 2020. ÉLAN RCDC is implemented by the consultancy firm Adam Smith International and funded by the UK government as part of its private sector development strategy in the DRC.

We aim to build a more efficient and inclusive economy for the DRC. We provide international expertise and market insight to businesses, financial institutions and industry associations, supporting them to innovate and grow.

We follow a “market systems development” approach (also known as the “Making Markets Work for the Poor” (M4P) approach), which seeks to develop and promote sustainable and scalable solutions to systemic constraints in markets that prevent poor producers and consumers from benefiting from their participation in them.

Impact study - improved seeds distribution in North-Kivu and South-Kivu

In 2014, seed companies in the DRC did not consider smallholder farmers to be a viable market segment and thus these farmers did not have access to seeds. Efforts were made by the Elan 1.0 programme to ensure that agribusinesses provide SHFs with quality inputs and advisory services. Today they are the main focus of seed companies in the DRC. Seed companies apply direct marketing and sales techniques and have sold over 1,800 MT to SHFs across the country, from less than 500 MT prior to Elan. The industry has proved itself to be creditworthy and has started to organise in associations and around broad public-private platforms to improve the business environment. Access to seeds and advisory services has already improved the yields of thousands of SHFs.

A joint impact study is to be carried out for Elan 1.2 partnerships partners Ets Munga and NASECO. These partnerships were designed to extend distribution networks of the partners in the North Kivu and South Kivu provinces. Based on their performances reached during Elan 1.0 new locations have been selected in Uvira and Fizi territories for instance. Volume of improved seeds sales targeted were: 279 metric tons of rice seeds for Ets Munga and 142 tonnes of maize seeds for NASECO.

This evaluation aims to measure the impact of using improved seeds instead of local ones and the subsequent income change generated by SHFs. A joint evaluation can be conducted for both partners because both interventions have been implemented in the same zones with similarity in terms of agricultural seasons and harvest period. The present impact study will be conducted in a context of post-harvest period during which farmers who have used improved seed of maize and/or rice might have experienced expected changes in yield and income during the last two harvest seasons in 2020.

Impact study - quality improvement of coffee and cocoa using post-harvest equipment and dissemination of good agricultural practices

The specialty crops sectors (cocoa and coffee) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continue to enjoy a period of great transformation as they continue to recover from a protracted period of decline. Since 2000, cocoa exports recovered to more than 11,000 MT in 2015, while coffee exports surged to over 12,000 MT at the same time. As DRC’s resurgence as an origin has largely been built on interest from buyers seeking single origin or specialty grade cocoa and coffee, as investments in crop rehabilitation, diversification and SHFs certification have evolved, it is increasingly looked to as an ever-more reliable source for specialty and bulk buyers seeking top-quality and conventional lots. Yet, despite progress, bearing the brunt of market failures & volatility, vast networks of poor Congolese SHFs who rely on specialty crops as their primary source of income remain exposed and vulnerable.

The key objective if this study is measuring the impact of the activities implemented by SCAK and Virunga Coffee; the study will jointly evaluate the two partnerships. Key activities considered for this evaluation are the ones related to the use of post-harvest processing equipment resulting improved crops quality: washing stations for arabica and dehuller machines for robusta.

Impact study - household renewable energy devices usage

The DRC presents a unique opportunity for off-grid and decentralized energy generation, by strategically combining them with on-grid expansion. However, in the DRC these solutions are seen as being mutually exclusive: each employs a different approach, group of stakeholders, financial mechanisms and roll-out or implementation strategy. This is mainly due to outdated technical and financial notions still being connected to both on- and off-grid energy systems at both a national policy level in the DRC and amongst several multilateral development banks (MDBs) that provide funding to the sector.

A low urban electrification rate of 19% versus an average of 76% for Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank, 2016), represents a unique potential for pico-solar and smaller solar home systems (SHS) sales in the DRC among the large population of urban and peri-urban poor. Urban households generally have both higher spending power and higher energy demand than their rural counterparts. Urban households in DRC are comparable to off-grid households located in rural areas of neighbouring countries in terms of income and energy demand (mainly lighting, phone charging and Radio/TV). However, they are more densely grouped together in the DRC, for example in Goma or Bukavu, notably lowering the costs of goods sold (COGS) compared to other countries. These households can be reached through retail and credit sales using PAYGO models, as they are also targeted intensively by mobile telecom operators through mobile money agents and represent the majority of the off-grid urban households.

The study will be carried out within a context where ALTECH has developed its business in North Kivu, South Kivu and Kasaï. The objectives of the evaluation are to measure key performance indicators in line with the project, understand the effectiveness and the impact of the activities implemented by the two partners in terms of sales and income increase resulting from RE devices usage: from costs saved in adopting the use of renewable energy products or from higher economic opportunity.

A more detailed Terms of Reference for these studies may be found on Elan RDC website: https://www.elanrdc.com/m4p-approach

How to apply

A more detailed Terms of Reference for these studies may be found on Elan RDC website: https://www.elanrdc.com/m4p-approach

Interested bidders should send an email to Arnaud Galinié, arnaud.galinie@elanrdc.com, copying Wafa Hafiz, wafa.hafiz@elanrdc.com.

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