: Manager, Client & Account Services
: CAS (Technology & Operations)
: Kinshasa
: CDI assorti d’une période d’essai de 6 mois
Standard Bank RDC fait partie du plus grand groupe bancaire de l’Afrique en termes de capitalisation boursière dont le siège se situé à Johannesburg. Présente dans 38 pays dont 18 en Afrique, c’est depuis 1992 qu’elle opère au Congo à la suite de l’acquisition d’ANZ Grindlays Zaire qui existait dans le pays depuis 1973.
Standard Bank RDC offre une gamme variée de produits et services par le truchement de ses diverses branches à travers la RDC via un réseau des intermédiaires (banques correspondantes). Nous avons développé une expertise dans la prestation des services liés aux besoins des entreprises minières, multinationales, Nations-Unies et autres organisations internationales opérant en République Démocratique du Congo.
Nos équipes allient leur connaissance approfondie sur les conditions et déterminants du marché en RDC à l’expertise du Groupe Standard Bank opérant dans les marchés émergeants aux fins de développement des solutions sur mesure répondant aux besoins de la clientèle
Links to structures
Job function*
Business Support
Job family*
Operations Business Support
Job reports to*
Head, Operations
Career type*
Level of work*
3 - Managerial
Job purpose description*
To manage and enable Client Services by developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy aligned to the business strategy, goals and objectives through 1) managing and leading an effective team to ensure that client requests and queries are actioned by the query resolution teams within agreed turnaround times aligned, 2) working with the ombudsman or equivalent where applicable in order to achieve optimal resolutions of queries, in order to achieve business objectives in line with Global Operations and the Bank’s strategy, vision and values and 3) providing support service to the business segment with regard to client onboarding, profile creation, new account processing and account maintenance
Job criticality
Operationally Critical
Key responsibilities*
Output group 1*
Ensure strategic execution
Outputs and measures*
Output group 2*
Partner with customer and business to improve relationships
Outputs and measures*
Output group 3*
Maintain Customer service
Outputs and measures*
Output group 4*
Conduct Client On-Boarding and Account Services
Outputs and measures*
Output group 5*
Ensure cost management
Outputs and measures*
Output group 6*
Ensure Effective resource utilisation
Outputs and measures*
Output group 7*
Management of people resources
Outputs and measures*
Output group 8*
Ensure operational performance
Outputs and measures
Output group 9*
Improve on business controls
Outputs and measures
Formal minimum qualification 1*
Type of qualification: Honours Degree
Field of study: Business Commerce
Experience required 1*
Job Function: Business Support
Job Family: Operations Business Support
Years: 5-7 Years
Experience Description: 3-4 years’ experience in related areas such banking operations, Understanding of Client Services and Account Processing. Extensive experience in managing complex operations, ideally within the financial service sector.
Behavioural Competencies
Behavioural Competency 1*
Competency Label: Providing Insights
Competency Description: This dimension is about providing insight with regards to aspects that are likely to have an impact on the organisation. It is about making it clear to others what the implications of internal and external organisational environmental factors and processes are on the competitive position of the organisation. “Providing Insights” should be done with a focus on improving the situation.
Behavioural Competency 2*
Competency Label: Team Working
Competency Description:
This competency is about working well in a team. In order to develop this competency, individuals are encouraged to acknowledge the views and contributions of others, and to involve others in decision-making.
Behavioural Competency 3
Competency Label: Developing Strategies
Competency Description:
This competency includes facets of behavior such as being visionary and establishing effective plans that take into consideration long-term aspects. This competency also includes the need for individuals to focus on identifying trends.
Behavioural Competency 4
Competency Label: Meeting Timescales
Competency Description:
This competency involves individuals adhering to time scales and meeting deadlines. The focus is therefore on being reliable at completing tasks and being punctual.
Behavioural Competency 5
Competency Label: Establishing Rapport
Competency Description:
This competency is about the behaviours an individual should employ in order to effectively engage people, establish positive personal contact and improve the likelihood of maintaining positive relationships. This competency is therefore about putting people at ease, making friends and helping people feel welcome.
Behavioural Competency 5
Competency Label: Following Procedures
Competency Description: The important behaviours associated with “Following Procedures” in the organisation include adhering to rules, following instructions and being risk averse.
Technical Competencies
Technical Competency 1*
Competency Label: Business Administration Skills
Competency Description:
The ability to coordinate multiple administrative activities in to enable the efficient operations of a department.
Proficiency Level: ADVANCED - Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to others
Technical Competency 2
Competency Label: Written Communication
Competency Description:
Ability to express ideas by means of clear and effective writing, in order to support professional communication internally and externally to the Bank.
Proficiency Level: ADVANCED - Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to others
Technical Competency 3
Competency Label: Business Acumen
Competency Description:
Understand the Banking industry and the impact that the economic and regulatory environment have on the organisation. Application of this knowledge in the assessment of risks and recommend appropriate control and quality frameworks.
Proficiency Level: ADVANCED - Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to others
Technical Competency 4
Competency Label: Customer Understanding
Competency Description:
The ability to analyse customer needs by engaging with them, analysing their business objectives and their financial position.
Proficiency Level: ADVANCED - Mastered the concept, able to act independently, provides guidance and training to others
Leadership Competencies (for jobs in Levels of Work 3 to 7)
Leadership Competency 1
Competency Label: Customer and Client Focused Innovation
Competency Description
Focusing attention and efforts on understanding customers (or customer segments) and proactively addressing different customer/client needs. Makes organisational changes or innovates when needed to address customer/client needs.
Proficiency Level Description
Focuses the team on the customer/client; Restructures the team to focus attention on the specific customer needs. This may be done with the intent to build closer relationships or increase organisational credibility in such clients or segments.
Leadership Competency 2
Competency Label: Leading Courageously
Competency Description
Believing in one-self, own judgement, skills and experience, and using this self-confidence to challenge others for the benefit of Standard Bank.
Proficiency Level Description: 3 Has confidence to bring conflict into the open to be resolved; Is able to confront others (peers, boss, etc.) or brings disagreement into the open with the purpose of resolving it, landing on a decision, to ensure action. Is open and honest when communicating with others ("straight talk"). Challenges popular values, decisions and opinions to ensure that actions are taken in the Bank's best interest. Takes action in defiance of corporate rules and procedures for the greater good of the business and its stakeholders. Accepts personal risks and/or consequences of failure and persist in the face of opposition or fear.
Leadership Competency 3
Competency Label: Driving Delivery of Results
Competency Description: Proactively identifies business opportunities or barriers to business performance and addresses them. Takes accountability for improving the business. Demonstrates a sense of urgency around the achievement of stretching business goals.
Proficiency Level Description: 3 Makes decisions and takes action to achieve a challenging goal; Sets challenging goals that will have a significant impact on the business or support the organisational strategy. The challenging goal might be related to the speed of execution or implementation. Commits significant resources and/or time to reach a challenging goal, while also taking action to mitigate risk.
Leadership Competency 4
Competency Label: Holding People Accountable
Competency Description
Sets clear performance standards and expectations and holds others accountable when these are not met. Takes accountability for team delivery against the expectations and contribution to results.
Proficiency Level Description: 4 Makes tough performance decisions; Dismisses a team member when they act against organisational values or they continuously under-perform, not having responded to previous clear expectations, feedback and action.
Leadership Competency 5
Competency Label: Growing Capability
Competency Description: Taking responsibility for identifying, developing and retaining capability for the benefit of the broader business, based on a genuine intent to foster the long-term learning or development of others.
Proficiency Level Description: 2 Grows capability by providing balanced developmental feedback; Provides ongoing feedback to individuals with the purpose of reinforcing their positive attributes and discussing areas of development. Gives positive feedback and praise explicitly stating what the individual has done well and how this assists the team/the organisation. Tolerates well-intended mistakes and treats them as learning opportunities for that person and for the team.
Additional Job Dimensions
Typical direct reports for this job*
Job Family: Business Support
Number: 1-10
Job Family: Click here to enter text.
Number: 1-10
Indirect reports
Job Family: Click here to enter text.
Number: Choose an item.
Job Family: Click here to enter text.
Number: Choose an item.
Financial accountability*
Type of Budget: No Budget Managed
Size of Budget (ZAR equivalent): Click here to enter text.
Type of accountability: Choose an item.
Internal relationships*
Business area: Operations
Job: Business leaders, line teams and teams across the department
Nature of relationship: Receive a service from them
Sphere of influence: Limited to their department only
Description or examples: Interact where second level query resolution is required
External relationships*
Role type of external contact: Customers, Industry Groups and Centre Teams
Nature of relationship: Manage the relationship
Description or examples: Provide customer services support and execution on requests
Accountability for problem solving*
Degree of guidance received to solve problems:
Routine - Standard instructions and close supervision
Description or examples: Degree of original thought required to solve problems:
Variable - Differing situations within boundaries of experience
Description or examples: Provide customer services support and execution on requests
Accountability for planning of activities*
Specific tasks are performed
Description or examples: Provide customer services support and execution on requests
Discretion allowed for decision making*
Controlled - Existing work instructions and established routine
Description or examples: Provide customer services support and execution on requests
Work environment*
Working Conditions: Regular overtime may be required
Physical Requirements 1: Open plan office
Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’adresser leurs candidatures par e-mail à l’adresse électronique en reprenant l’intitulé du poste en objet de leur e-mail. Les dossiers comprendront uniquement une lettre de motivation ainsi qu’un Curriculum Vitae détaillé à jour (en Français et en Anglais) renseignant les numéros de téléphone et adresses e-mails d’au moins trois personnes de référence.
Seuls les candidats de nationalité congolaise remplissant les critères susmentionnés seront considérés pour la suite du processus. Il sied de préciser qu’au regard de la nature du poste, les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées et que la maîtrise de l’anglais oral et écrit sera un élément déterminant dans la sélection des profils.
La date de clôture pour la réception des candidatures est fixée au mardi 23 août 2022 à 17h00’.
La Direction des Ressources Humaines