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Laboratory specialist
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans

Who we are

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and armed violence. We take action in response to emergencies and protracted crises at the same time promoting respect for international humanitarian law. We are an independent and neutral organization, and our mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. For more information, please visit https://www.icrc.org/en

The work will be carried out as a collaboration between ICRC and FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics. FIND is non-profit organization driving innovation in the development and delivery of diagnostics to combat major diseases affecting the world’s poorest populations with deep technical and practical experience in the definition of needs, generation of evidence for regulators and policy-makers and strengthening of laboratory systems. For more information, please visit www.finddx.org .

Role description

In 2021, FIND and ICRC conducted Phase 1 of a laboratory capacity assessment of twelve laboratories in the Gaza strip and Eastern DRC, using the WHO Laboratory Facility Assessment tool, as well as the WHO SLIPTA tool. We are now entering into Phase 2 of the project to address gaps in laboratory capacity identified in the countries, as well as driving global work to strengthen diagnostic capacity in humanitarian settings.

In this position, you will be in charge of implementation, technical oversight and guidance of the in-country work during Phase 2.

There are two workstreams that relate to concurrent in-country work in both Gaza and DRC:

  •  Implementation of a laboratory quality management system (QMS) using the SLMTA module framework and SLIPTA assessments across 2-3 laboratories per country

2. Diagnostics system strengthening

  •  Development of efficient and appropriate test menus for conflict settings (C-EDL)
  •  Collation of testing data, infrastructure and epidemiological data for geo-spatial analysis to optimise referral and supply networks in the country/region
  •  Laboratory workflow improvements within the selected laboratories with a focus on the optimised test menus (this may include activities around maintenance, quality, supply-chain)

Main responsibilities

  •  Foster strong working collaborations and consultative processes with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and key in-country stakeholders and feedback priorities and needs to global teams
  •  Conduct SLMTA workshops: train, mentor and supervise in-country quality officers in DRC and foster a culture of quality in the selected laboratories
  •  Develop and implement workplans for implementation of the SLMTA program and SLIPTA assessments in selected laboratories
  •  Form or strengthen a national technical working group for the implementation of QMS
  •  In consultation with the MOH and partners, conduct assessments and workshops to inform the context-specific development of setting appropriate testing menus, focusing on an essential diagnostic list for conflict settings
  •  Use the (C-EDL) to develop minimum laboratory standards required to support these tests
  •  Work with international teams to collate and analyse country/regional level data on health care facility testing, equipment, population and facility-level epidemiology to develop network models for referral and supply chain strengthening
  •  Develop reports and presentations for local and global teams

Education and experienced required

  •  Advanced degree in a laboratory technology/science to bachelor level essential (masters degree favourable)
  •  At least 7 years of relevant laboratory technologist experience with demonstrated ability to manage complex teams across a range of activities
  •  Experience in the implementation, monitoring and review of laboratory QMS
  •  Training/experience in SLMTA/SLIPTA or similar laboratory quality improvement /accreditation programs preferred
  •  Experience in programmatic diagnostic review activities
  •  Database management and/or high level of competence with excel
  •  Fluency in English and French (B2 minimum in both languages)

Desired profile and skills

  •  Excellent communication skills (both speaking and writing)
  •  Multiple projects and stakeholder management skills
  •  Demonstrated strategic creative thinking and organizational skills
  •  Cross cultural knowledge and sensitivities
  •  Preparedness to travel within country settings

Our operational & field constraints

  •  In line with the principle of neutrality, the ICRC does not assign personnel to a country of which they are nationals
  •  Our field staff members must be in good health and will have to do a medical check-up prior to departure in the field
  •  Our field staff members are prepared to accept unaccompanied postings (i.e. no spouse, partner, children or dependents) for at least the first 24 months
  •  In line with our security guidelines, our staff members must hold a manual driving license

What we offer

  •  Rewarding diverse work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
  •  A two-week orientation course and other opportunities for further in-house training
  •  Attractive social benefits.

Additional information

  •  Type of position : Mobile
  •  Activity rate : 100%
  •  Starting date : September 2022
  •  Location : Goma
  •  Hardship : H2 : non-family posting and limited amenities
  •  Job level: B3
  •  Type of contract : 12 months renewable
  •  Deadline for application : August 1st, 2022

The ICRC values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates.

For more details: https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=ICRCPROD&career_job...

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