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Independent consultant (consultant indépendant)
Publié il y a 4 ans

Le poste

Terms of reference for the recruitment of an independent consultant

Reason: Development of an interactive performance indicators and results dashboard

Descriptive Summary

Breakthrough ACTION (BA) is a five-year cooperative agreement between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) to lead USAID's global Social and Behavioral Change (SBC) programs. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, CCP leads a consortium of partners with Save the Children International, ThinkPlace, Ideas42 and Viamo with funding from the following program elements: Malaria, MNCH, FP, WASH, Nutrition, TB, GHSA, Education and Democracy, Governance and Human rights. Breakthrough ACTION’s progress tracking and monitoring system include 43 indicators across the above program elements implemented in nine selected provinces.

In order to better track and monitor these indicators as well as project performance and finances, the project is seeking an experienced Strategic Information Specialist and Database Developer. This consultant will develop an interactive and user-friendly dashboard of performance indicators and results table for the Breakthrough ACTION DRC project.

General Objective

Provide a consultation to project team members to discuss and define details of wanted visuals, programmatic deliverables, project management progress, and financial updates. Once details have been agreed upon, design an interactive and user-friendly dashboard for the visualization of the BA-DRC’s performance indicators and results table.

Description of the anticipated dashboard

The following components will be required for the dashboard :

  • A title and a short description of the dashboard.
  • A list of figures representing the total of BA-DRC approved indicators.
  • Infographics and condensed tables summarizing the indicators with different disaggregation.
  • A set of slicers and filters (provinces, project year, program elements) for data visualization and progress monitoring per year and per life of the project.
  • An option to include financial data (obligated funds to date and pipeline per program elements).


The consultant will work remotely (home-based) under the overall supervision of BA Chief of Party and the direct supervision of BA-DRC Research Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Team.
After an initial consultation to determine the exact parameters of the dashboard, BA will provide the consultant with the performance indicators and results table in Excel format and provide all necessary clarifications to the consultant for the successful completion of the assignment.


  • A first iteration of the dashboard for review.
  • A final version of the dashboard incorporating all feedback.

Consultant’s Profile/Areas of Competence

The consultant will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least a post-graduate degree in computer-science or a related discipline;
  • Demonstrated experience with VBA, data analytics and visualization applications and platforms;
  • Previous experience with similar assignment(s).

Duration of the Consultation

The consultation start and end date will depend on the pace of other Breakthrough ACTION activities in country, but they are anticipated to be during the months of March and April 2021 for a period of no longer than 10 days. The consultant will be expected to bill only for the hours required to complete this work during the time period.

Submission of application

Interested applicants should submit their CVs and daily rate to the following email address: Ba.drc.jobs@gmail.com with the subject line of “Dashboard Consultant” no later than XX date.


Société :Breakthrough ACTION

Site Internet :

Email :Ba.drc.jobs@gmail.com

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