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Immunisation and gender consultant
Publié il y a 5 ans

Flowminder is seeking a consultant to work as a gender and immunisation specialist for the Mapping for Health in DRC project. They will support the development of effective project level strategies and approaches to address inequalities in immunisation coverage and barriers to immunisation, including but not limited to sex- and gender-based inequalities.

Background information

The Mapping for Health in DRC project aims to strengthen the effectiveness and equity of vaccination interventions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) through the provision of technical assistance for the development of micro-plans, and harmonised and integrated spatial demographic and health data. Mapping for Health in DRC is led by the Ministry of Health (MoH), supported by Flowminder and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University (CIESIN), in collaboration with the WorldPop research group at the University of Southampton (UoS) and their partners. Mapping for Health in DRC is a continuation of previous GRID3 (Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development) work in the DRC.

The Mapping for Health in DRC project is being contracted in two phases (3 months scoping and 15 months implementation) and therefore the gender and immunisation work will also follow two distinctly contracted work-packages.

Description of services required

Develop a comprehensive and up-to-date stakeholder map of DRC-based organisations working directly (e.g. gender-based violence) and indirectly (e.g. child labour) in the field of gender equality in health - and related - outcomes

Contribute to preparations for a baseline needs analysis to assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in immunisation policy and practice and document (written report) existing good practice as well as omissions and challenges.

Preparations for an expert roundtable on gender and health systems strengthening in DRC (roundtable to be held during implementation phase)

Contribute to the refinement of the design and development of the implementation phase of the project.


Scoping: up to 25 days between October 2019 and December 2019

After the scoping we will be seeking a candidate to take part in the implementation Jan 2019-July 2021(TBC). Ideally the successful candidate will participate in both the scoping and evaluation phases of the project.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Advanced University degree in Gender Studies, Social Sciences, Social and Behaviour Change Communication, Anthropology, International Development, Public Health or other relevant degree;

  • Specialism in Immunisation essential;

  • Specialism in Gender highly desirable

Work Experience:

  • A minimum of five years of progressively responsible professional work experience, preferably working on immunisation within similar organisations at national and international levels in programme planning and implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation;

  • Hands on developing country experience highly desirable;

  • Experience of working with bilaterals, multi laterals and global health partnerships;

  • Prior work experience in the field of gender, an asset.


  • Analytical skills and conceptual thinking;

  • Ability to actively listen and facilitate solutions to complex challenges;

  • Track record to work effectively in a team environment;

  • Proven ability to work effectively with different stakeholders, including civil society organisations, international organisations and governments;

  • Excellent written and oral communications skills;

  • Demonstrated experience with information management;

  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside of the organisation.

Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English. Fluency in French highly desirable.

Additional information

The project is taking place in Democratic Republic of the Congo, though the work is being performed in Southampton (United Kingdom) and is being done in collaboration with partners in the U.S and in Switzerland. The consultant can be based remotely though occasional travel to Southampton may be necessary. Additional travel to Kinshasa in DRC is possible. Reasonable travel costs will be reimbursed in line with Flowminder Travel Expenses Policy.


To Apply

Closing date: 15th October 2019.

Applicants should email careers+igc1019@flowminder.org with the following (preferably in pdf format):

  • A brief expression of interest outlining why you are interested in being part of the work

  • Your day rate

  • CV(s) (2 pages) with details of relevant experience

For contact careers+igc1019@flowminder.org

Please note that due to the very high volume of applications we receive, we greatly regret that we are unable to send personalised acknowledgements or give feedback on applications. If you do not hear from us by the 20th October 2019 you should assume that you have not been shortlisted. Only applications with both of the requested components will be considered.

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