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Health safety and security manager
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 2 ans


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an international non-governmental organisation of Norwegian origin, present in more than 25 countries worldwide. NRC has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2001. Its programmes focus on the sectors of Education, Rapid Response to Population Movements (RRMP), Protection and Humanitarian Mediation, Shelter (Shelter/Wash), and Information, Counselling, and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in favour of populations forced to move.

All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation's core values: dedication, innovation, inclusion and accountability. These behaviours and beliefs will guide our actions and relationships.

NRC in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is recruiting a Health, Safety and Security Manager for its country operations. The HSS Manager will be responsible for development and management of Health, Safety and Security risks including organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.

Role and responsibilities

The position has a strong component of mentorship of national staff and setting up systems to plan for the mission to be able to guarantee the adherence to NRC standards and durable programming. The HSS Manager reports to the CD.

  1. Development and management of NRC Health, Safety and Security risks system at national level
  2. Conduct Security Risk Analysis (SRA) according to minimum operational requirements (MOSS) and follow-up with the implementation of the mitigation measures
  3. Play an active role in the Country Management Group and Crisis Management Team.
  4. Minimize health, safety and security risks to the operations of NRC, promote durable programming
  5. Management of health, safety and security staff at country office
  6. Support, training, control and development of health, safety and security staff in all offices
  7. Prepare reports as required
  8. Communicate and cooperate with relevant external actors, provide contextual analysis and develop a network
  9. Train and develop staff in safety and security through security and first aid trainings, and briefings
  10. Coordinate and manage health, safety and security activities, draft budgets, contribute to proposals and strategies in accordance with NRC and donor requirements
  11. Undertake regular missions to the field to assess risk and provide technical support and advice to the Area Managers (AM) and Country Director (CD) on appropriate mitigation measures
  12. Be an active member of the Crisis Management Team if needed

What we look for


  • Minimum 3 years of experience from working as a senior Security Advisor in a humanitarian/recovery context
  • Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts such as Central Africa
  • Experience in eastern Congo and the Great Lakes strongly preferred
  • Ability and willingness to work and live under difficult circumstance
  • Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities
  • Capacity to synthesize and communicate complex concepts simply and directly
  • Risk management approach
  • Proven experience in training people
  • Ability to work in a diverse team
  • Knowledge of own leadership skills/profile
  • Fluency in French and English, both written and verbal


  • Handling insecure environments
  • Initiating action and change
  • Empowering and building trust
  • Influencing
  • Capacity to adapt and to communicate well in all circumstances

More info on this role here!

What We Offer

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to join our work culture that empowers every employee to share ideas and take responsibility: At NRC we think outside the box. We encourage ideas and give responsibility to all employees at all levels, to help solve the complex issues that we face. You will have many opportunities to be heard and take the initiative.

  • 12 months contract
  • Grade 9 on NRC salary scale
  • Location: Goma
  • An opportunity to match your career to a compelling cause
  • A chance to meet and work with people who are the best in their fields

Deadline to apply: 9/11/2022

How to Apply

If interested, apply here.

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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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