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Gender, youth & social inclusion advisor/adra international
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 2 ans

Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion Advisor - DR Congo RFSA


Reports to: Chief of Party
Supervises: Assigned Team
Revised: January 2023

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that demonstrates God’s love and compassion. ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.
The successful candidate must understand, respect and honor the mission, purpose and identity of ADRA.


ADRA International is seeking a Gender, Youth & Social Inclusion (GYSI) Advisor for an anticipated USAID/BHA–funded Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project aims to reduce and prevent chronic malnutrition in the regions with severe, chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. For over 20 years, ADRA has implemented relief and development activities in DRC with funding from major international donors, including USAID. As GYSI Advisor, your knowledge and experience will ensure that vulnerable and marginalized populations are considered in targeting approaches. This will be done by making sure that social dimensions of food, nutrition, and economic security (FNES) are addressed effectively during the project lifecycle.  

This position will be based in Kasai Region in DRC. It is contingent upon receipt of funding and requires donor approval.    



  • Advanced degree (Master's or higher) in a social sciences discipline such as development studies, international relations, gender studies or a related field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of field/community-based programming experience
  • Demonstrated skills in FNES programming, participatory learning and action and facilitating collaborative problem solving and lead action planning.
  • Demonstrated understanding of gender equality, youth, and social inclusion factors in the context of DRC, including knowledge of related national and global gender, youth, and inclusion frameworks and strategies to support project implementation
  • Demonstrated capacity to lead collection and analysis and utilization of information from a broad range of sources (gender and inclusion analysis).
  • Knowledge or understanding of social, economic, cultural and political context in DRC and the project site in the context of FNES programming.
  • Must have the ability to foster commitment and build capacity among activity staff and in country stakeholders to ensure gender and youth integration and social inclusion.
  • Understand and demonstrate commitment to the importance of gender and youth dynamics in FNES programming
  • Knowledge and familiarity with USAID/BHA funding.
  • Written and spoken command of English and French languages.
  • Knowledge in Congolese language specific to the region preferred.
  • Demonstrated ability to engage key influencers as agents of change and female empowerment preferred.



  • Leading and Supervising – Provides others with a clear direction, motivates and empowers others; recruits staff of high caliber; provides staff with development opportunities and coaching; sets appropriate standards of behavior, gives regular feedback.
  • Relating and Networking – Establishes good relationships with individuals both internally and externally; relates well to people at all levels; builds wide and effective networks of contacts; uses humor appropriately to bring warmth to relationships with others.
  • Creating and Innovating – Produces new ideas, approaches, or insights; creates innovative products or designs; produces a range of solutions to problems.
  • Planning and Organizing - Sets clearly defined objectives; plans activities and projects well in advance and takes account of possible changing circumstances; identifies and organizes resources needed to accomplish tasks; manages time effectively; monitors performance against deadlines and milestones.




  • Provide technical leadership in co-designing, planning, implementing and monitoring of gender and youth integration and inclusion strategies across diverse interventions, anticipating and mitigating  unintended consequences such as gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse.
  • Develop/oversee the development of GBV protocol and train project staff on GBV
  • Oversee and conduct gender, youth, and social inclusion analysis and lead development of subsequent project GYSI strategy; monitor and update project GYSI strategy
  • Coordinate with program staff to ensure implementation of GYSI strategy in program activities.
  • Support monitoring of gender-related activities and collection of data for gender-related indicators
  • Contribute to reporting, including regular reporting,  case studies, and other learning relating to GYSI
  • Provide technical assistance and capacity strengthening to project staff, partners, ministry officials, CSOs, etc. Train and on-board project staff on GYSI principles, the GYSI strategy, and related project policies and priorities
  • Actively participate in the hiring and supervision of project staff to ensure equitable recruitment and hiring practices and employee accommodations are applied throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.



Travel required. Must have the ability to travel on short notice if necessary.


Must be able to work in a fast-paced and customer service-oriented environment; to perform duties under pressure and meet deadlines in a timely manner; to work as part of a team as well as to complete assignments independently; to take instructions from supervisors; to exercise problem-solving skills; and to interact with co-workers, supervisors, network employees, donors and the public in a professional and pleasant manner.

***If interested in applying please go to www.adra.org/careers

Deadline: February 28, 2023

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