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Evaluation officer - international consultant
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans


The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. We are currently seeking two Evaluation Managers in the Democratic Republic of Congo; one for our Goma office and one for our Kalemie office.


DRC ranks 175th out of 189 on the Human Development Index in 2020. According to the 20th Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), approximately 27 million people are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above), and are in urgent need of food assistance, including 6 million people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4).

The World Food Programme (WFP) has been present in the country since 1973, providing live saving food assistance and nutrition interventions, in addition to logistics support for the humanitarian system. In 2021, WFP and its partners assisted almost 6.3 million people. This included 4.5 million people who received in-kind food, 1.4 million people who received cash, and 1.8 million children, pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLW/G) with specialized nutritious food.

WFP invests in reliable evidence generation to inform programming. The first evaluation will focus on a large resilience project in North and South Kivu, funded by BMZ. This is a joint WFP-FAO-UNICEF project, aiming to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of 60,000 smallholder farmers (28,000 in North Kivu and 32,000 in South Kivu) and supports vulnerable populations in the targeted communities in the areas of food security, livelihoods, and access to basic social services. This is expected to contribute to the overall objective of peace and stabilization in the two provinces. The project approach to resilience is based on the triple nexus approach (humanitarian - development - peace), promoting links between humanitarian action, recovery, and development, laying the foundation for sustainable development. WFP will contract an evaluation firm to lead the evaluation of the resilience programme. The Evaluation Manager will sit in the WFP Goma office and lead all coordination efforts between the three agencies, the regional bureaux and the evaluation firm.

The second evaluation is an Impact Evaluation (IE) focusing on targeting of WFP’s emergency interventions. WFP identifies food insecure households to receive food or cash for a period of three to six months. New cohorts are identified throughout the year, across the country. WFP’s current targeting method relies on Proxy Means Testing and community criteria, combined to identify the most food insecure households in each village. The IE will test different targeting methods in different villages, and compare results – looking at inclusion errors, exclusion errors, cost effectiveness, community satisfaction and social cohesion.

The IE will be led by WFP’s Office of Evaluation (OEV) in Rome, with technical support from the World Bank’s Research Group, Development Impact Evaluation (DIME). WFP’s OEV received funding from USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs (BHA) to begin building capacity for optimizing humanitarian interventions using impact evaluations. The DRC Targeting IE will feed into this workstream. The Evaluation Manager will be responsible for overall supervision of all data collection, plus coordination between WFP, OEV, DIME and data collection partners.


Under the direct supervision of the Head of VAM/M&E in Goma/Kalemie, and with oversight/guidance from programme colleagues (including the resilience Officer in Goma), the Evaluation Managers will have the following responsibilities:

  •  Provide daily coordination between the evaluation team and local counterparts (including the project implementing partners who will also act as enumerators), ensuring that concerns are effectively communicated between parties, flagging emerging issues that may be of potential concern to one or both parties, and ensuring that effective and productive collaboration is maintained.
  •  Help ensure that targets are met on time, and that all activities are carried out in accordance with the study design.
  •  Cooperate effectively with all co-workers, as well as national, provincial, and local government officials, and any other stakeholders or external collaborators.
  •  Ensure adherence to budget throughout the evaluation process
  •  Keep the evaluation team and relevant members of the project implementation team routinely updated on activities, concerns, and decisions that need to be made.

Impact Evaluation (Kalemie) specific tasks:

  •  Work closely with the implementing organization to ensure compliance with randomization protocols and treatment assignments are administered according to the agreed upon protocols and plans.
  •  Ensure that evaluation activities that need to take place prior to rollout of interventions (e.g., baseline data collection; randomization) are effectively carried out.
  •  Visit as many study communities as possible to ensure that they have the assigned program status and gather general information about the implementation process.
  •  Attend community-based targeting sessions (as relevant and where appropriate); take notes on discussions/participation.
  •  Monitor implementation activities so that the evaluation team understands and has documented the details of implementation across study areas.
  •  Assist in the design and revision of quantitative survey questionnaires for baseline and follow-up data collection as well as survey manuals; and liaise with technical support staff for survey software as necessary.
  •  Participate in training and sensitizing of enumerators and field-testing of questionnaires.
  •  Run pilot survey exercises, provide feedback on field operations and survey instruments, and make and monitor improvements.
  •  Conduct high frequency checks during data collection to ensure quality control; conduct spot-checks, household re-visits, and re-training of enumerators if needed.


Education :

Master’s degree in economics, political science, sociology, public policy, or related fields, including training in econometrics and statistics.

Experience :

At least 5years managing evaluations of aid and development interventions in low- or middle-income countries.

Knowledge & Skills:

Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Well organized, detail-oriented, and able to prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously with minimal supervision.

Experience in providing research assistance and record of strong performance.

Demonstrated ability to coordinate multiple teams of people, organizations and activities concurrently.

Experience in the analysis of quantitative survey data.

Experience using Stata or R preferred

Willingness to undertake regular and extended field visits and interact with different stakeholders.


Strong oral and written communication skills in English and French, and advanced level of Swahili preferred


The Evaluation Managers will be directly supervised by the heads of VAM/M&E in Goma/Kalemie, working closely with relevant programme colleagues. S/he will work very closely with WFP’s Regional Evaluation Officer and HQ OEV colleagues.



Réf.: VA 168564

Kindly note the only documents you need to submit at this time are your CV and Cover Letter Additional documents such as passport, recommendation letters, academic certificates, etc. may potentially be requested at a future time. 


For candidates who experience problems accessing WFP E-recruitment platform and need accommodations in applying, please contact wfprecruitment@wfp.org mentioning the VA number in the subject line.

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