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Early warning early action/cash programme officer - drc
Publié il y a 4 ans

Job Title: Early Warning Early Action (EWEA)/Cash Programme Officer

About the role: This is a 12 month, new role with unaccompanied terms based in Manono, Tanganyika Province, DRC with a salary of Grade 1 (€31,110-€34,566).

Reports to: ERNE Programme Manager

Liaises with: Nutrition Programme Officer, Finance Officer, Logistic Officer, Base Manager, Grants Manager, Area Coordinator, Programme Quality and Development Coordinator, Programmes Director, and other ERNE programme staff

Job location: Manono, Democratic Republic of Congo

Contract: One-year fixed term contract (start on 1st February 2021)

Job Purpose: The EWEA/Cash Programme Officer will support the ERNE programme in the planning, implementation, and monitoring the delivery of the EWEA component; and preparedness for cash-based early action responses.

Key responsibilities:

Programme Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring

· Assist programme teams in preparing work plans and procurement plans for Concern’s ERNE programme.

· Assist with the implementation of Concern’s ERNE programme, with a particular focus on supporting the implementation of the EWEA/Cash focused activities.

· Monitor local, national and international sources of early warning information, ensuring that this information is integrated into programme area monitoring system.

· In collaboration with the M&E team, conduct needs assessment, monitoring and evaluation; determine the thresholds for triggering early action and cash by promoting and respecting gender and equality aspects in all steps.

· Work with communities to define existing coping and early warning/responses.

· Liaise with the ERNE field programme, Logistics, and finance Units to ensure that technical support on cash transfers, including market and risk analysis to select the most appropriate transfer mechanism, preparedness including beneficiary selection, developing framework agreements, risk management and monitoring is in line organisational guidelines and incorporated in EWEA actions.

· Support the scheduling, collection and production of reports in adherence to Concern and donor guidelines.

· Monitor and evaluate effectiveness and impact of activities and make recommendations for improvements.

· Assist in documentation, dissemination and production of best quality case studies (good practices/approaches/models) on EWEA, and Cash Interventions in areas of Concern’s work.

· Advice the Programme Manager on necessary changes as observed on the ground in order to improve implementation of planned interventions.

· Share visibility materials for Concern’s website and social media (e.g. photos, programme updates, case studies).

· Support with the planning and preparation for internal/external visits e.g. donor visits, Concern HQ/US Communications team visits, as required.


· Represent Concern at relevant coordination meetings at local level as required.

· Work closely with relevant authorities and communities to facilitate community education on Laws, Policies and Standards on EWEA and cash interventions; and ensure all interventions in the communities are in alignment with Standards and policies together with partners, conduct regular reflection and learning events.

· Conduct community mobilization and sensitization meetings with community-level leaders

· Actively participate in collective exercises such as preparation or updates of Preparing for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) plan, implementation of Concern’s accountability plan and Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments, and other Concern initiatives.

· Adhere fully to the commitments and rules of Concern’s Programme Participant Protection Policy and Code of Conduct (P4 and CofC), and ensure that any abuses or suspected abuses are reported and or dealt with as appropriate.

· Any other tasks agreed with the Line Manager.

Skills and Experience Required


· BSc degree in humanitarian/development studies, food security, or a related/relevant field.

· At least one-year practical experience working in cash transfers, disaster risk reduction, early warning systems in International NGOs, development agencies or the private sector.

· Experience in various approaches and tools, e.g. EMMA, pro-poor market systems, etc. used in market and cash transfer programmes such as market and value chain analysis, income generating activities, community-based saving and loan groups, and business and vocational training.

· Proven experience in designing and implementing training initiatives at organisational and community levels: participatory approaches, community engagement, etc.

· Proven ability in report writing, research and documentation.

· Proven analytical, planning and time management skills.

· Experience of working in an insecure environment.

· Strong French and English language ability.

· Flexibility and the ability to work with a multi-cultural team.

· Demonstrable interpersonal and communication skills.

· Good organisation, planning and management skills.

· Ability to work under pressure.

· Excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel.


· Experience in team management.

· Outgoing personality with excellent training skills.

· Experience in establishing or contributing to sub-saharan early warning systems, including analysing data sets of early warning information.

· Experience or knowledge of international standards such as SPHERE and CHS

· Experience working with research institutions, and relevant national and international institutions and networks.

How to apply

All applications should be submitted through our website at https://jobs.concern.net by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.

Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.

Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

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