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Deputy director of programs
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 5 ans

With headquarters in Kinshasa and field offices in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Haut Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, and Kolwezi, the IRC is one of the largest humanitarian actors in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The IRC aims to save lives, to strengthen Congolese institutions and to reinforce social cohesion through carefully designed and professionally-implemented programs. The IRC has been working in the DRC since 1996 and currently operates in several core programming areas – primary health care, community-driven reconstruction and local governance, women’s empowerment and the prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence, and emergency preparedness and response. These programs reflect IRC’s guiding principles of capacity-building; participation; partnership; protection and promotion of human rights; and holistic programming.

Scope of work: The International Rescue Committee currently seeks to recruit for the position of Deputy Director of Programs (DDP) for its DR Congo programs, based in Goma. The position will lead the program unit in the areas of strategic programming and planning, ensuring program quality, promoting strategic growth and strong external and internal representation and advocacy. S/he must be able to motivate and lead a diverse staff as well as effectively manage programs, partnerships and budgets. Particular emphasis will be placed on responsiveness to beneficiary needs and evidence of impact. In coordination with the Country Director, the DDP builds and sustains strong donor relationships. Reporting to the Country Director and a member of the Senior Management Team, the DDP directly supervises senior program, technical, and grants coordinators/managers who are responsible for proposal development, program quality and implementation. This position has close working relationships with the Deputy Director of Operations (DDO), Deputy Director of Finance (DDF), Deputy Country Director (DCD), Senior Program Coordinator (SPC), and Grants Coordinator as well as field-based staff. The DDP position may be limited accompanied and requires considerable in-country travel.

The position holder will be expected to spend extensive time supporting programs and teams in the provinces and at field sites outside Goma as well as planning occasional travel to Kinshasa as needed.

Job Description/Responsibilities

Strategic planning

  • Lead implementation of the Country Strategic Action Plan (SAP) through committed investment in achievement of the plan objectives, regular progress review of plans, and discussions with the SAP Executive Committee, by serving as the focal point person for the SAP Monitoring and Reporting Protocol.
  • Lead the country program in strategic program development, by undertaking regular multi-sector assessments, and designing innovative approaches to respond to the needs of the target population.
  • Champion and lead the IRC program team to the achievement of the G&G Standards on the IRC strategic prioritized objectives on Outcome Evidence and measurement, Client responsiveness, Context appropriate, Gender equality…

Program Development & Delivery

  • Provide overall leadership and management to all IRC DRC programs, by protecting and enforcing strategic program direction and growth.
  • In coordination with the Country Director and the Program team, ensure the development of new program opportunities in line with IRC DRC Strategic Action Plan.
  • Develop programs that address long-term issues, identify potential partners (local and INGOs) and donors for the same and develop quality proposals to address these needs.
  • Lead the development of high-quality, needs-based project proposals in line with the IRC Program Framework.
  • Where applicable, in coordination with technical staff, identify local NGO partners; develop and implement capacity-building protocols for the transfer of IRC skills and experience to local government and national NGO partners.
  • Develop advocacy mechanisms and identify networks for coalition building.
  • Ensure IRC DRC’s main signature outcomes, based upon the Strategy Action Plan, are prioritized in all program activities: assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Monitor all programs through regular field visits and review sessions and ensure that program implementation strategies are compatible with overall program goals and objectives.
  • Continually seek out ways to identifying areas- technical and program management issues and to building the capacities of program team members, individually and collectively.
  • Liaise with various stakeholders- local authorities, donors, NGOs, and other operational partners in through attendance in coordination meetings at cluster level and other relevant forums.
  • Participate in the development of strategic work-plans with clear objectives and achievement benchmarks, long-term and short-term priorities, implementation plans, financial projections and tools for evaluation.
  • Ensure program assessments are conducted timely in accordance with donor specific requirements, information is analyzed and shared with all stakeholders; and appropriate actions are taken by program technical staff in collaboration with clients, and partners.
  • Work with the Regional Measurement for Action Coordinator to ensure that appropriate monitoring structure/system is in place and functions fully.

Finance/ Grant Management· .

  • Ensure close monitoring through the SPC and senior program team of the progress made on projects through attendance at Project Cycle meetings, in particular regular attendance on Project Implementation Meetings, ensure necessary follow up and keep program team on taking appropriate actions.
  • Make the necessary arbitrage and allocate budgets across sectors and ensure that there is proper ration between program costs as well as needs to operationalize programming (program/support ration).
  • Lead in negotiations with partners to ensure proper division of the funding envelope and in particular around questions of ICR
  • Lead or assist in project’s budget development with the field teams and program managers/coordinators in consultation with finance and operations departments.
  • Review all program donor reports and new project proposals in collaboration with the program department, technical coordinators, operations and finance departments; ensure completeness, quality and timely submission.

Operations Responsibilities and Working with the other departments

  • Encourage constructive and productive communication between program and the others department’s staff to guarantee timely service.
  • Ensure program compliance with internal control procedures.
  • Directly supervise the Senior Program Coordinator, Senior technical coordinators, Grants and M&E Coordinator
  • Facilitate the conceptual, managerial, organizational and technical capacities of the program staff to effectively contribute to the achievements of the program objectives and their development within the organization.
  • Coach and build capacity of program staff leading to staff retention and enhancing program quality.
  • Coordinate or supervise the recruitment of all senior program staff, and recommend promotions, performance action for program staff in consultation with direct supervisors, Human Resources and the Country Director.
  • Ensure the Performance Management System for all staff under the DDP direct supervision is followed and carried out as required

Communication, Reporting and Data Collection

  • Liaise with counterparts, UN agencies and NGOs in the field to coordinate multi-sector integrated programs, standardize sector specific activities and obtain up-to-date information for program planning and implementation.
  • Ensure IRC participation in respective sector specific coordination forums and help foster exchanges of program information, best practices and training materials with partners, involved communities and various line Government ministry officials.
  • Ensure regular communication between field program teams and program department staff.
  • In coordination with the Country Director and the management team ensure effective communication mechanism is in place to facilitate access to information by all staff to enhance inclusive participation and empowering work environment.
  • In coordination with the Country Director and program managers/coordinators liaise with IRC’s Technical Units (NY and UK) for technical guidance and support on quality implementation and new program design.


Required Competencies

  • Eight years of overseas experience (ideally in sub-Saharan Africa), preferably in relief/development work with management and supervisory responsibilities in program, administration at senior management level.
  • Minimum of five years of international experience in program management.
  • Direct experience in building the capacity of national NGOs and working with local partners including a clear understanding of NGO capacity building.
  • Experience working with and coordinating with donors including EU, ECHO, foundation donors, UN (WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR), DFID, OFDA. USAID, the World Bank, etc. and knowledge of specific donor guidelines and priorities.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of monitoring and evaluation systems and procedures.
  • Demonstrated excellence in proposal and report development and writing.
  • Demonstrated excellence in human resource management, particularly in a multi-cultural environment, including techniques for staff development, training, motivation, and discipline.
  • Demonstrated excellence in multi-tasking, time management, and flexibility.
  • Demonstrated skills and experience in working finance, security and operational frameworks.
  • Knowledge of best practices in project design, implementation and community participation techniques.
  • The ability to take the initiative and proven ability to work creatively, innovatively and effectively to make decisions with limited direct supervision.
  • Knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet software programs.
  • MSc. degree in relevant field (Development Studies, Social Sciences, International Relations, etc.)
  • Excellent written and spoken English essential. Good working Knowledge French would be a distinct advantage.
  • Willingness to travel to the field

Security and Housing:

The DDP will be based in Goma or Gisenyi (Rwanda) with regular travel to various provinces. Goma is a large city with many INGOs and international actors. It is moderately secure, but remains unpredictable and security can change quickly in North Kivu. The DDP will be housed within individual housing and possible accompanied status if based in Gisenyi. Goma does not allow for dependents.


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