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Programme director - drc
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 5 ans

Concern Worldwide started working in DRC in 1994. Since that time we have grown into one of the leading humanitarian organisations operating in DRC with national rapid response programmes, resilience programmes, cash, WASH and nutrition programmes. This is an exciting opportunity to lead the programme team of Concern as it continues to support displaced and extremely poor households in the second largest humanitarian crisis in the world. Through developing and managing humanitarian and resilience programmes in Eastern and Central Congo, you will help us make sure we have the greatest impact on the lives of poor, vulnerable and displaced people. Today, 1 in 10 people in humanitarian need live in DRC- come and help us do our part.

About the role: This is a 24 month, replacement role with unaccompanied terms. This position is based in Goma with a salary of Grade 5 - (€44,095 to €48,995).

You will report to the Country Director and will line manage the three Area Coordinators (North Kivu, Tanganyika and Lomami/Kasai), the Grants Manager, the Gender and Protection Manager and the M and E Manager. You will work closely with the Systems Director, and the Country Financial Controller.

We would like you to start on 1st July 2020.

Your purpose: As a member of Concern’s Senior Management Team in DRC, the Programmes Director will:

  • Lead quality and control in programmes through improving programming methodologies, techniques and through mentoring of managers on programme tools, approaches and methodologies.

  • Provide strategic direction to the programmes implemented in the different areas

  • Build a network of key technical and peer agencies, which allows for shared learning, identifying potential consortium actions, programme development and the establishment of effective advocacy platforms.

  • Lead on the development of high quality proposals linked with the country programme strategy.

  • Actively participate in the management and development of all aspects of Concern DRC’s operations.

  • Ensure in-country learning and information sharing across the DRC areas of operation by creating and maintaining good communication linkages between and within programmes and areas.

  • Ensure high quality programme reporting to donors, partners and communities.

  • Ensure accountability processes and procedures are in place and working effectively including Complaints and Response Mechanisms and beneficiary feedback mechanisms.

You will be responsible for:

Programme Design, Implementation and Development

  • Lead on the development of proposals in collaboration with the Grants Manager and by coordinating inputs from proposal teams (programme and support).

  • Support the Area Coordinators and Programme Managers in programme design, providing technical guidance at all stages of the programme cycle ensuring the implementation of high quality programming

  • Ensure that the impact of Concern’s programmes is captured through strong Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning processes through ongoing critical reflection and discussion.

  • Identify new programmatic areas or funding opportunities to build on existing programming and increase impact

  • Ensure that opportunities for working with partners are fully explored and work with programme and finance teams to ensure partner assessments (CLOFAT and CLOSAT) are carried out; ensure capacity building plans for partners are developed and implemented where necessary.

  • In conjunction with the Country Director (CD) and other programme staff, ensure proper documentation and record keeping related to all programme areas.

  • Ensure gender and protection are integrated into all programme activities.

  • Ensure that the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) is rolled out across DRC– ensuring compliance to the standards by supporting and advising managers and staff in their application.

  • In conjunction with the field based staff, ensure continued effective roll out and implementation of the Complaints Response Mechanism across all Concern DRC locations.

  • Work with the Country Director and the Desk Officer to develop and maintain a funding strategy to ensure we are developing projects and proposals in line with our broader programme strategy.

Staff Development and Organisational Learning

  • Ensure all programme staff have regularly set and reviewed personal performance objectives that are relevant to programme direction and needs.

  • Proactively seek, receive, synthesise and disseminate programme relevant material to all programme managers, advisors and senior systems staff.

  • Ensure linkages between geographic and programmatic areas through country level team meetings

  • Support and mentor programme staff in management and or technical (programme) subjects.

  • Build clear processes in each programme to ensure organisational learning is prioritised and systematically used in project cycle management, external exchange and advocacy.

  • Ensure that Concern’s Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4) and Code of Conduct are fully integrated and implemented in all aspects of work.

Country Strategy and Networking/representation

  • With the CD, lead the implementation of the Country Strategic Plan (2017-2021).

  • With the CD, support the development of a new Country Strategic Plan (2022-2026)

  • Develop national level networks relevant to increasing Concern’s learning and profile, which increases potential for funding opportunities; such as new funding sources or approaches to funding such as consortium work and joint advocacy efforts.

  • Together with the CD, ensure active and visible participation in national level coordination including relevant clusters and donor/implementing partner groups.

  • Work with the CD to develop international communication pieces to promote learning and influence.

Donor Compliance and Reporting

  • Ensure effective donor compliance through training on donor guidelines, effectively managing the donor reporting schedule and monitoring the quality of donor narrative and financial reporting.

  • Guide teams in preparing Concern’s Annual Programme Reports, and consolidate inputs into the country level report.

Finance and Budgeting

  • Review programme budgets and ensure they are realistic, in line with donor regulations and match donor project budgets.

  • Review management accounts and provide feedback to budget holders.

  • Ensure project managers and area coordinators are adequately following up on project expenditure and explaining any variances.

  • Assist the Country Financial Controller (CFC) in the preparation of donor and internal budgets and financial reports.

Your skills and experience will include:

Education, Qualifications & Experience Required:

  • Third level qualification in Development Studies, Nutrition, Public Health or any other relevant discipline.

  • At least five years overseas experience in similar or related senior management positions.

  • Experience of programme development, proposal writing and participatory planning methodologies.

  • Experience project and programme cycle management, developing and implementing programme quality tools and monitoring and evaluation processes.

  • Fluent English and French – written and spoken.

  • Experience of staff development.

  • Knowledge and experience of Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and emergency preparedness

  • Knowledge of mainstreaming Equality (especially Gender) and Protection.

  • Strong training and mentoring skills.

  • Excellent communication skills both verbal and written.

  • Ability to work with culturally diverse groups of people.

  • Ability to organize and plan effectively.

  • Experience of networking and representation at coordination fora.

  • Excellent organisational and planning skills.

  • Ability to work under pressure often to strict deadlines.,

  • Experience of working in insecure zones.

  • Empathy with organisational goals.


    Education, Qualifications & Experience Required:

  • Work experience in Africa, particularly in DRC

  • Experience working in nutrition, early recovery, WASH or emergency sectors

How to apply

Les candidatures en français sont les bienvenues

All applications should be submitted through our website at https://jobs.concern.net by the closing date and CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.

All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline OR Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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