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Business development, partnerships and communication manager (bdp&cm)
Kinshasa | Bukavu
Publié il y a 2 ans


Job Title:    Business Development, Partnerships and Communication Manager (BDP&CM)

Reporting to: Central Africa and Great Lakes Regional Representative

Contract Type: Full Time (37.5 hrs/week), 1-year fixed term (renewable)

Principal Location: Kinshasa or Bukavu with regular travel to other parts of the Country (circa 30% time).

Deadline: 14th July 2023


Part 1: Role Purpose:

The BDP&CM is a senior position within the SC-DRC team. The BDP&CM will work with the Programme Team and Regional Representative to identify donor trends, lead the development of a funding strategy to support SC humanitarian response and Strategic Plan, support structured donor engagement, identify and track funding opportunities, and coordinate proposal development. The position requires a highly organized individual who can manage complex processes with many stakeholders. The post holder will work with others to creatively package our programme strategies in ways that attract the right donor support and grow our portfolio strategically and sustainably.


Part 2: Key Responsibilities



New Business Development

In collaboration and with support from the HQ Fundraising team, Identify, research, and disseminate information on new funding opportunities from bilateral, multi-lateral, private sector, foundations and other institutional donors.
Develop and regularly update funding strategies for Country Strategic Plan and Humanitarian Response Plan in collaboration with the Senior Programme Manager.
Develop a system to monitor progress toward targets set out in the Strategy
Work with technical Roving Coordinators and partners technical team leaders to develop generic concept notes for specific programmatic areas. These concepts should reflect our ambitions and new creative thinking to achieve more for vulnerable children.
Use creative approaches to link programme aspirations to donor priorities, while also working with the Senior Programme Manager and Regional Representative to effectively influence the strategies of donors.
Provide regular updates to the Central Africa and Great Lakes Senior Management Team (CAGL-SMT) on the status of the funding pipeline and key trends to monitor.
Work with Street Child offices in Europe and US to explore the potential for private sector partnerships and other innovative ways to fundraise from their back donors.
Pro-actively seek local donor intelligence on prospective new opportunities or partnerships.
Ensure key contacts, required formats and donor strategies are kept up-to-date at the country office level.
Lead on the development and management of consortium arrangements. Ensure appropriate documentation developed and filed to support consortium arrangements.


Proposal Development

Lead the BID no BID analysis of all promising funding opportunities
Process-lead the development of high-value or complex proposals or bids, building on global, regional and national expertise, and ensuring the highest quality product.
Serve as pen holder or lead writer for all DRC proposals and support other regional countries as appropriate on competitive bids
Coordinate multisectoral coordination for project design with the Senior Programme Manager, Roving CPiE Coordinator, Roving EiE Coordinator and Roving Green Economic Empowerment Coordinator, Country Operations Manager (for field team inputs, logistics, costings, etc.), Security, Finance, and HR (for staffing requirements).
Ensure full internal review and sign off as per the proposal development process protocol established by SC in DRC and in the region.
Draft key sections of proposals that are standard inputs – e.g., capability statements; country context and programme experience, while drawing on the expertise of Roving Technical Coordinators, Operations, Finance, HR and Security.
Represent Street-Child as a generalist, alongside technical experts, in consortium meetings regarding proposal development.
Ensure that Street-Child’s Theory of Change and key approaches are reflected in new proposals and that key elements of programme quality are included (e.g., CLWD, child participation, child safeguarding, gender, lessons learned from past programming, accountability, adaptive management, effective and sustainable partnerships, etc.).
Coordinate Value for Money calculations in proposal development, as required.


Facilitate donor engagement

Working with the Regional Representative, support structured donor engagement for the Country Office
Participate in donor visit to project(s) within the Country Office portfolio, as required.
Cultivate business relationships with external stakeholders and potential partners for large scale or strategic funding opportunities, either as a prime or sub-recipient in consortium arrangements.
Effectively represent SC programme objectives, capacity and challenges to donors, fostering long term relationships.
Plan and initiate regular donor check-in/update visits with major institutional donors.
Working with the DRC CMT and CAGL-SMT, set ambitious targets for donor engagement and to influence donor strategies.
Represent Street-Child as a generalist, alongside technical experts, in consortium meetings and design processes.

Humanitarian Localisation and Co-creative partnerships

In coordination with the RLPM, lead on ELLIE’s activities implementation in DRC to advance the local level leadership in Humanitarian sector.
Lead on the Street-Child localisation strategy in DRC in close collaboration with the Regional Localisation and partnerships Manager (RLPM).
Coordinate the local partners network capacity strengthening and the co-creation process with key selected partners in targeted sectors and geographic zones.
Co-lead with the Regional Representative and the RLPM

Strategic and operational communication

Using the most recent NTIC, develop on an annual basis a documentary on Street-Child achievement in DRC for the donors and stakeholders’ attention.
On an annual basis, organise door open days for the attention of the public including donors, INGOs partners, local partners, government, etc
On a quarterly basis, organise a dining event with Street Connected children in big cities with active partners in the sector to discuss options for their positive transformation to valuing citizenship in DRC.
Actively raising Street Child DRC profile on Street-Child Websites, Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, internal WhatsApp’s groups in collaboration with Street-Child Global communication team.
Extract from each proposal the visibility requirement in each grant agreement and donor commitment, prepare a detailed action plan with timeline and execute in coordination with the project managers.
On a quarterly basis visit Street-Child field sites to collect communications materials for internal and external use but also for New Business Development purpose.
Engage actively with RLPM and the global communications teams to generate ideas, polish materials and ensure Street-Child DRC communications are appropriately targeted.
Any other tasks as required or directed by the Area Office.



Part 3: Person Specification





Education / Qualifications

Educated to degree level or higher

Master’s degree in Economics or International Marketing or equivalent experience.

Experience and Knowledge

Proven donors experience : ECHO, BHA, EU, SIDA, NMFA, FCDO, USAID, UNICEF, ECW, WFP, etc.
Humanitarian/development professional with a relevant Masters’ Degree or equivalent professional experience.
Understanding of the Grand Bargain, C4C and global localisation agenda.
Professional communicator and proficient in communication product.
Recommended minimum 5 years’ experience in both emergency and development contexts, preferably with solid experience in new business development
Experience in coordinating development of large-scale or strategic proposals, including the development of multi-million-dollar project budgets.
Excellent organizational, coordination and interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate and negotiate clearly and effectively at all levels, summarizing and synthesizing complex information for a variety of audiences.
Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Solution and results oriented, with the ability to challenge existing mindsets.
Ability and willingness to dramatically change work practices and hours, and work with incoming surge teams, in the event of emergencies.
Fluency in English and French, both verbal and written, required.
Commitment to Street Child values, including willingness to abide by and enforce the Child Safeguarding policy.

Great experience of communication, new ideas generations for marketing product perspective.
Experience of partnerships with local NGOs and cluster engagement.
Work experience in Sub Saharan region in general and the Great Lakes region in particular

Skills and Abilities

Excellent written and spoken communications in English and French
Excellent relationship building skills, with an ability to skilfully navigate both national and international stakeholders;
A belief in local partnership and locally led development is essential
A ‘can-do’, and agile attitude, a passion for problem solving and adaptative thinking;
Ability to skilfully balance independent working with wider teamwork with both UK and international teams

Knowledge of Swahili or other relevant local languages


Ability to travel regularly in fragile contexts



How to apply


To apply for this fantastic opportunity, please send your CV and a compelling covering letter as a combined/single document (max 3-pages) to the link below:



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