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Acquisition and assistance specialist/ usaid / drc
Publié il y a 2 ans


1. SOLICITATION NO.: 72066023R10006

2. ISSUANCE DATE: February 15, 2023

3. CLOSING DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: March 15, 2023 at 17:00 (Kinshasa Time)

4. POINT OF CONTACT: Christiane Lemba, e-mail at usaidhrkinshasa@usaid.gov

5. POSITION TITLE: Acquisition and Assistance Specialist (Entry Level)
Note: Multiple awards may be made as a result of this solicitation.

6. MARKET VALUE: The entry level of this position is equivalent to FSN-09.

This position is a part of an established career ladder, beginning at FSN-09 and ending at FSN-11. Attainment of the full-performance grade is contingent on the Specialist successfully completing required training, meeting agreed-upon objectives and milestones, and performing in a Fully Successful (or equivalent) manner. Promotion to the target FSN-11 grade level is not mandatory nor automatic, and failure to achieve at a high level of performance may be the basis for dismissal.

USAID/DRC will make an award to a CCN at the entry level grade stated with contract options (upon satisfactory performance) to place the contractor at each progressive level until the full performance level is reached.

In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/DRC, final compensation will be negotiated within the grade level of the performance level for which the CCNPSC is selected.

7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The period of performance is Five (5) years, estimated to start o/a September 2023 or earlier if required clearances are obtained. The services provided under this contract are expected to be a continuing nature that will be executed by USAID through series of sequential contracts, subject to the satisfactory performance, the continued need, and the availability of funds.

8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties.

9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Cooperating Country Nationals as defined in AIDAR Appendix J: “Cooperating country national (“CCN”) means an individual who is a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country.”

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