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Third-party monitoring lead – usaid drc monitoring, evaluation and coordination contract (mecc) 2
Publié il y a 5 ans

Scope of work

Integrity is seeking a Third-Party Monitoring Lead for the Monitoring, Evaluation, Coordination, Contract Deux (MECC-2) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Central African Republic (CAR). The purpose of MECC 2 will be to provide support to the DRC Operating Unit, the CAR Operating Unit and the Central African Regional Operating Unit (CAROU). The support will include technical and advisory services in planning, designing, conducting, disseminating, and learning from monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the Mission’s portfolios in order to measure progress towards development objectives and improve the achievement and sustainability of the missions development outcomes. Additionally, this award will provide services to strengthen the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) capabilities of USAID/DRC staff, targeted local partners, and the Government of DRC.

The TPM Lead will oversee and support the effective design and implementation of the independent monitoring and framework for MECC-2 in DRC. The role of the TPM Lead will be to provide support to the design and manage implementation of the TPM tools and work plans. The TPM Lead will manage activities to verify, track and analyze program performance according to USAID and IP established indicators and plans. S/he will apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to primary performance and contextual data of MECC-2. The TPM Lead will be responsible for the quality and timely submission of TPM deliverables as well as training and capacity development of relevant staff involved in the project.

This is a Kinshasa-based, full-time position. The expected period of performance is an estimated five years to cover the duration of the program. Please be advised that the position is dependent on contract award.

Pr­oject background – USAID DRC MECC

USAID is reorienting its policies and practices with the goal of becoming an evidence-based, learning organization that supports countries in their journey to self-reliance. USAID explores M&E approaches that respond to local host-country priorities and strengthen local actors.

USAID has revamped its Development Policy and put a greater focus on sustainability, ownership and knowledge transfer, where learning from M&E is key. The new USAID operational guidance for the Program Cycle (ADS 201) applies the principles of: (1) Analytic rigor to support evidence-based decision making; (2) Managing adaptively through continuous learning; (3) Promoting sustainability through local ownership; and (4) Utilizing a range of approaches to achieve results.

USAID/DRC applies these principles in its development work, including in its M&E efforts since 2016 through the “Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination Contract-MECC”. The USAID/DRC Mission is dedicated to advancing the Government of DRC (GDRC) along the journey to self-reliance and the broader Agency organizational learning and development policy efforts through enhanced Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA). The ability to continuously assess performance and adapt to change are critical to yielding the desired outcomes. Achievement of the mission’s strategic development goals and objectives will require rigorous implementation of MEL and adaptation tools, methods and processes at each step in the program cycle through this contract.

MECC-2 will aim to improve upon and provide additional implementation support to the Country Development and Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and USAID’s regional strategic frameworks through enhanced MEL system. The selected contractor will provide broad MEL support to the USAID/DRC technical offices - Education; Peace and Security; Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; Health; Economic Growth; Food For Peace; Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance; and the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment program (CARPE).

Your experience and expertise

We are looking for a wide range of experience in supporting collaborative processes that create better spaces for people to reflect on and learn from each other’s experience and know-how in the context of MEL. In particular, the TPM Lead will have:

  • Demonstrated ability to implement and manage M&E systems in challenging environments in DRC and the region.
  • Experience designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative research tools.
  • Experience developing and maintaining efficient databases and systems for data collection and analysis.
  • Strong management and people skills, highly organized and able to meet tight deadlines under pressure.
  • Developed network of contacts within DRC.
  • A minimum of 6 years of experience in development or humanitarian third-party monitoring, at least 3 years of which should be on USAID-funded activities.
  • Languages: Written and oral fluency in English and French, with the ability to write clear and compelling narrative.

How to apply

If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the application form at http://www.integrityglobal.com/apply/ and attach a CV and Cover Letter at the bottom of your application.

The closing date for applications is 31 August 2020. However, we will review candidates on a rolling basis and the vacancy may be filled before this deadline. We encourage early applications. Please be advised that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Candidates must have the right to work in the DRC.

Please note that this position is contingent on the awarding of funding.

Integrity is an equal opportunities employer. And positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity. We will respect your confidentiality and abide by data protection laws.

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