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Technical program manager to support digital square drc activities
Publié il y a 4 ans

Le poste

PATH Consultancy – Technical Program Manager to support Digital Square DRC Activities


PATH is the leader in global health innovation. An international nonprofit organization, we save lives and improve health, especially among women and children. We accelerate innovation across five platforms—vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, devices, and system and service innovations—that harness our entrepreneurial insight, scientific and public health expertise, and passion for health equity. By mobilizing partners around the world, we take innovation to scale, working alongside countries primarily in Africa and Asia to tackle their greatest health needs. Together, we deliver measurable results that disrupt the cycle of poor health.

PATH is currently recruiting a short-term Technical Program Manager (TPM) Consultant who will support the Digital Square Project in the DRC. The TPM consultant will support the scale up of a new USAID-funded initiative to guide digital initiatives as they support health systems and improv disease outcomes in the DRC. The consultant will work with PATH DRC Country Director under technical leadership of PATH Digital Health Regional Director The primary objectives of the new project are to:

1. Strengthen the capacity of the Agence Nationale d’Ingénierie Clinique d’Information et d’Informatique de Santé (ANICiiS) to enable the Ministry of Health (MoH) to effectively govern digital initiatives that are intended to reduce disease burden and increase health system efficiencies. Improving planning capacity will ensure that digital initiatives respond to health system needs and are sustainable. Establishing policy and governance frameworks protects the rights of DRC citizens while enabling data sharing to meet public health objectives. Ultimately, strong country-led digital and data governance will support the health system to improve service delivery and increase the capacity of DRC’s health workers.

2. Develop a costed investment roadmap for digital health strategy implementation to strengthen country ownership and leadership of the digital transformation of the national health system. The roadmap will inform and align external and internal donors and investors alike to respond to DRC leadership priorities for digital transformation, increasing ownership, sustainability, driving to improved health outcomes and supporting DRC on its journey to self-reliance. The costed roadmap includes a detailed, budgeted planning tool to align stakeholders behind a holistic strategy for implementing digital initiatives. This will result in increased and improved investments in data systems and data use to strengthen the MOH’s ability to take evidence-based actions, ultimately improving health system outcomes and increasing system efficiencies.

a. Scope of Work

  • Develop a detailed workplan for the USAID DRC Mission, in compliance with USAID policy
  • Support startup of the project including engagement with ANICIIS to prepare a capability assessment
  • Work with ANICIIS leadership to identify and prioritize individuals for capacity building and governance training, working in partnership with the Digital Square Digital Health Applied Leadership Program
  • Work with ANICIIS to identify hardware and software needs to ensure ANICIIS has the needed ICT infrastructure and software tools to enable them to function effectively
  • Support the procurement and deployment of hardware and software for ANICIIS
  • Support the Digital Square DRC team to convene and facilitate consultative meetings with digital health stakeholders at all level of the health system to share and discuss achievements, opportunities and challenges and status of digital health for further inputs
  • Develop project management and reporting templates for the project
  • Develop a recommended communication plan to ensure all relevant stakeholders are kept informed throughout the implementation of the project

b. Deliverables:

  • Capability assessment tool
  • Technical capacity strengthening report and recommendation
  • ANICIIS Hardware and software needs
  • Detailed investment roadmap development plan
  • Project management and reporting template
  • Communication plan

c. Required skills

  • Master’s in business, information systems or related subjects
  • Knowledge of digital health landscape in DRC
  • Digital health experience in DRC
  • Good facilitation skills with ability to communicate with technical and non-technical audience
  • Experience in development of digital health strategy or roadmap
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to establish good working relationships with people of all levels within and outside the government

Please send your request to drcconsultanthiring@path.org


Société :PATH

Site Internet :

Email :drcconsultanthiring@path.org

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