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Strategic learning advisor/adra international
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 2 ans

Strategic Learning Advisor - DR Congo RFSA


Title: Strategic Learning Advisor
Reports to: Chief of Party
Supervises: Learning Team
Revised: January 2023

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that demonstrates God’s love and compassion. ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.
The successful candidate must understand, respect and honor the mission, purpose and identity of ADRA.


ADRA International is seeking a Strategic Learning Advisor (SLA) for an anticipated USAID/BHA–funded Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project aims to reduce and prevent chronic malnutrition in the regions with severe, chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. For over 20 years, ADRA has implemented relief and development activities in DRC with funding from major international donors, including USAID. As SLA, your knowledge and experience will ensure the continued learning into the implementation of the project .  

This position will be based in Kasai region in DRC and is contingent upon receipt of funding and requires donor approval.





  • Advanced degree (Master's or higher) in development studies, international relations, agriculture, nutrition, public health, business administration, or related field
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in related work.
  • Knowledge of CLA and its applications
  • Knowledge of electronic platforms for knowledge management
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Demonstrated expertise in knowledge management, organizational learning and capacity strengthening in international development projects.
  • Strong experience in leading efforts to capture, synthesize, disseminate and use relevant technical knowledge to guide effective programmatic decision-making.
  • Competence with facilitation and participatory techniques that drive peer-to peer knowledge exchange, continuous programmatic learning and improvement.
  • Strong interpersonal skills to develop and maintain strategic working relationships and support communication and cross- organizational collaboration with local government and Ministry officials, community leaders, community-based organizations, donors, partners and other stakeholders  
  • Detail-oriented and excellent time management skills with the ability to meet deadlines and deliver required results in a timely and quality manner.
  • Knowledge and familiarity with USAID/BHA funding.
  • Written and spoken command of English and French languages.
  • Knowledge in Congolese language specific to the region preferred.




  • Persuading and Influencing – Makes a strong personal impression on others; gains clear agreement and commitment from others.
  • Presenting and Communicating Information – Speaks clearly and fluently; expresses opinions, information, and key points of an argument clearly.
  • Formulating Strategies and Concepts – Works strategically to realize organizational goals; sets and develops strategies.
  • Planning and Organizing - Sets clearly defined objectives; plans activities and projects well in advance and takes account of possible changing circumstances; identifies and organizes resources needed to accomplish tasks; manages time effectively; monitors performance against deadlines and milestones.



    • Provide strategic leadership for learning and knowledge exchange
    • Ensure that programmatic learning and results are fully documented, shared and used to drive adaptive management processes.
    • Lead the collection, analysis, documentation, dissemination and use of best practices and lessons learned.
    • Design and implement internal and external knowledge exchange and learning events to improve peer-to-peer learning, knowledge sharing and application.
    • Develop and/or maintain strategic relationships with relevant stakeholders to promote effective coordination, collaboration and dissemination of program learning.
    • Support the design and implementation of an M&E framework and plan that incorporates CLA principles and components.  
    • Build staff and partner capacity in CLA and participatory adult learning techniques
    • Develop and maintain a safe environment that encourages the sharing of problems, ideas, and solutions.
    • Perform other duties as assigned.




  • Travel required. Must have the ability to travel on short notice if necessary.



  • Must be able to work in a fast-paced and customer service-oriented environment; to perform duties under pressure and meet deadlines in a timely manner; to work as part of a team as well as to complete assignments independently; to take instructions from supervisors; to exercise problem-solving skills; and to interact with co-workers, supervisors, network employees, donors and the public in a professional and pleasant manner.

***If interested in applying please go to www.adra.org/careers

Deadline: February 28, 2023

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  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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