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Senior protection and safeguarding advisor
Publié il y a 3 ans

As the Senior Protection and Safeguarding Advisor, you will lead, manage and maintain the delivery of World Vision DRC’s strategy to end violence against children and overall child protection programming portfolio, ensuring compliance with donor requirements, World Vision’s Global Child Protection Sector Approach, and the organisation’s design, monitoring, and evaluation cycles. You will work with other sectors to strengthen integrated approaches to achieving child protection outcomes, ensuring quality monitoring and evaluation of child protection/ending violence against children programming and demonstrating evidence of impact. Your role will be to ensure that all child protection interventions (regardless of funding stream) are of a high technical quality to achieve desired outcomes for the most vulnerable boys and girls in DRC. You will also provide technical support to child protection in emergencies or Response situations.

You will engage externally to position WV DRC as a trusted organisation of excellence in child protection & child participation. You will represent WV DRC and build strategic partnerships with key government agencies and other child-focused organisations to advance the protection of boys and girls from violence. This position will also play a critical role in securing adequate funding through engagement with World Vision Support Offices and other donors as required.

Requirements include:

  • Bachelor’s (License) degree or equivalent in the fields of child protection, social work, international development, child development, or a related field.
  • At least 5 years work experience in the field of Child Protection and Safeguarding;
  • Experience working in a complex, international organisation in the NGO/international development context.
  • Experience in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and report writing essential.
  • Knowledge and understanding of how to apply a systems approach to child protection programming
  • Strong understanding of global strategies and frameworks to end violence against children
  • Knowledge on legal international conventions related to Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • Fluent in French and English (Writing and oral);

How to apply

Find the full responsibilities and requirements for this position and apply online by the closing date 01 July 2022.

World Vision is dedicated to our team members’ development and their success. We aspire for all employees to be fulfilled through their work and their contributions to an organisation working to provide long-term sustainable solutions to the world’s most vulnerable people.

For more information on World Vision International, please visit our website: www.wvi.org. Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness. Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.

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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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