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Senior program officer (spo)
Publié il y a 5 ans


ISSUANCE DATE: June 22, 2020

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: July 16, 2020, 12:00 P.M. Eastern Time

SUBJECT: Solicitation for U.S. Personal Service Contractor (USPSC)

Dear Prospective Offerors:

The United States Government (USG), represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is seeking offers from qualified U.S. citizens to provide personal services as a Senior Program Officer (SPO) under a United States Personal Services Contract (USPSC), as described in the solicitation.

Submittals must be in accordance with the attached information at the place and time specified. Offerors interested in applying for this position MUST submit the following materials:

1. Complete resume. In order to fully evaluate your offer, your resume must include:

(a) Paid and non-paid experience, job title, location(s), dates held (month/year), and hours worked per week for each position. Dates (month/year) and locations for all field experience must also be detailed. Any experience that does not include dates (month/year), locations, and hours per week will not be counted towards meeting the solicitation requirements.

(b) Specific duties performed that fully detail the level and complexity of the work.

(c) Education and any other qualifications including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, awards or accomplishments.

(d) U.S. Citizenship

(e) Optional: How did you hear about this opportunity? (beta.SAM.gov, OFDA Jobs, Career Fair, etc.).

Your resume must contain sufficient information to make a valid determination that you fully meet the experience requirements as stated in this solicitation. This information must be clearly identified in your resume. Failure to provide information sufficient to determine your qualifications for the position will result in loss of full consideration.

2. USPSC Offeror form AID 309-2. Offerors are required to complete sections A through I. This form must be physically signed. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. AID 309-2 is available at http://www.usaid.gov/forms. **



All USPSCs with a place of performance in the United States are required to have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database prior to receiving an award. You will be disqualified if you either fail to comply with this requirement or if your name appears on the excluded parties list. The selectee will be provided with guidance regarding this registration.

NOTE: As of March 28, 2018, all new SAM.gov entity registrations will now require a signed notarized letter identifying the authorized Entity administrator for the entity associated with the DUNS number. Additional information on the format of the notarized letter and where to submit can be found via the below Federal Service Desk link:


Offerors can expect to receive a confirmation email when offer materials have been received. Offerors should retain for their records copies of all enclosures which accompany their offers. Your complete resume must be emailed to:

OFDA Recruitment Team

E-Mail Address: recruiter@ofda.gov

Website: www.OFDAjobs.net

Any questions on this solicitation may be directed to OFDA Recruitment Team via the information provided above.



Renee Newton

Contracting Officer


The duties and responsibilities will include the following:

· The OFDA SPO will primarily provide full time in-country coordination and management of OFDA programming for humanitarian emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities throughout DRC. The SPO may assist in humanitarian assistance activities elsewhere in the region, as needed.

· This position requires effective daily coordination with several OFDA staff members, as well as with representatives from other USAID offices, Embassy staff, and the humanitarian community, and therefore requires a highly collaborative work style. The SPO must be prepared to function effectively in a challenging and restrictive work environment and be willing to strictly adhere to U.S. Embassy security guidelines. The SPO may be required to serve as a critical component of a USG disaster assessment team, DART, RMT, or to backfill other staff members in the overseas office.

· Serve as the principal point of contact for OFDA programming in DRC. Coordinate closely with both field and headquarters-based components of OFDA’s Regional Team and maintain regular contact with concerned staff in other USAID Missions and U.S. Embassies.

· Lead OFDA’s DRC-based program staff in the development of OFDA’s programming for response and disaster risk reduction activities in DRC and oversee implementation of OFDA’s overarching DRC strategy.

· Continually assess emergency response and DRR needs in DRC in order to ensure that OFDA’s programs are appropriately responsive.

· Support the SHA in maintaining relations with the senior leadership of the DRC humanitarian community to represent USAID and OFDA on humanitarian issues. This will include but is not limited to UN agencies, IOs, NGOs, USG personnel, donors, host government authorities, and others.

· Travel as permitted to assess, evaluate and monitor humanitarian conditions in DRC, and make strategic recommendations for appropriate interventions.

· Participate in and report on joint donor humanitarian evaluations and UN-led assessments, and participate actively in the international community response structures.

· Provide regular reporting, through official cables and other means, on issues related to the humanitarian situation in DRC. Provide overviews of patterns and trends in the humanitarian situation and keep the SHA, Team Lead, and other staff current on response issues. Provide regular reports on site visits, meetings, general atmospherics and other issues that impact humanitarian relief efforts.

· With guidance from the SHA, coordinate with the donor community on policy issues affecting humanitarian operations, and develop integrated, non-duplicative programs.

· Prepare briefing papers, notes and presentations on OFDA programming for official USG visitors interested in humanitarian issues.

· Conduct performance reviews and evaluations, and coordinate staff development plans for OFDA DRC program team members, with guidance from the SHA.

· May serve in program positions on Washington-based RMTs for up to 45 days.

· As needed, serve on DARTs which may require immediate (within 24 hours) deployment overseas for an extended period of time.

· As needed, may serve on a temporary detail within the office or region not to exceed six months. Duties performed while on detail will be aligned with the Team’s existing duties and responsibilities as well as directly related to the scope of work provided.


(Determines basic eligibility for the position. Offerors who do not meet all of the education and experience factors are considered NOT qualified for the position.)

Bachelor’s degree with significant study in or pertinent to a specialized field (including, but not limited to, international relations, economics, food policy, or a related field) plus a minimum of seven (7) years of progressively responsible experience in emergency relief and humanitarian assistance, including at least two (2) years of international field experience working on multi-agency relief operations in a humanitarian emergency setting.


Master’s degree with significant study in or pertinent to a specialized field (including, but not limited to, international relations, economics, food policy, or a related field) plus a minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in emergency relief and humanitarian assistance, including at least two (2) years of international field experience working on multi-agency relief operations in a humanitarian emergency setting.

BASIS OF RATING: Offerors who meet the Education/Experience requirements and Selection Factors will be further evaluated in accordance with the Offeror Rating System. Those offerors determined to be competitively ranked may also be evaluated on interview performance and satisfactory professional reference checks.

Offerors are required to address each factor of the Offeror Rating System in their resume, describing specifically and accurately what experience, training, education and/or awards they have received as it pertains to each factor. Be sure to include your name and the announcement number at the top of each additional page. Failure to address the selection factors and/or Offeror Rating System factors may result in not receiving credit for all pertinent experience, education, training and/or awards.

The most qualified offerors may be interviewed and required to provide a writing sample. OFDA will not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews. Professional references and academic credentials will be evaluated for offerors being considered for selection. Note: Please be advised that references may be obtained independently from other sources in addition to the ones provided by an offeror. OFDA reserves the right to select additional offerors if vacancies become available during future phase of the selection process.


(Determines basic eligibility for the position. Offerors who do not meet all of the selection factors are considered NOT qualified for the position.)

· Offeror is a U.S. Citizen.

· Complete resume submitted. See cover page for resume requirements. Experience that cannot be quantified will not be counted towards meeting the solicitation requirements.

· USPSC Offeror form AID 309-2. Offerors are required to complete sections A through I. This form must be physically signed. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.

· Ability to obtain and maintain a Secret up to Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information level clearance as provided by USAID.

· Ability to obtain a Department of State medical clearance. **

· Must not appear as an excluded party in the System for Award Management (SAM.gov).**

Satisfactory verification of academic credentials

How to apply


Offers must be received by the closing date and time at the address specified in the cover letter.

Qualified individuals are required to submit:

1. Complete resume. In order to fully evaluate your offer, your resume must include:

(a) Paid and non-paid experience, job title, location(s), dates held (month/year), and hours worked per week for each position. Dates (month/year) and locations for all field experience must also be detailed. Any experience that does not include dates (month/year), locations, and hours per week will not be counted towards meeting the solicitation requirements.

(b) Specific duties performed that fully detail the level and complexity of the work.

(c) Education and any other qualifications including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, awards or accomplishments.

(d) U.S. Citizenship

(e) Optional: How did you hear about this opportunity? (beta.SAM.gov, OFDA Jobs, Career Fair, etc.).

Your resume must contain sufficient information to make a valid determination that you fully meet the experience requirements as stated in this solicitation. This information must be clearly identified in your resume. Failure to provide information sufficient to determine your qualifications for the position will result in loss of full consideration.

2. USPSC Offeror form AID 309-2. Offerors are required to complete sections A through I. This form must be physically signed. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. AID 309-2 is available at http://www.usaid.gov/forms.

Additional documents submitted will not be accepted.

By submitting your offer materials, you certify that all of the information on and attached to the offer is true, correct, complete, and made in good faith. You agree to allow all information on and attached to the offer to be investigated. False or fraudulent information on or attached to your offer may result in you being eliminated from consideration for this position, or being terminated after award, and may be punishable by fine or imprisonment.

To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position, please reference the solicitation number on your offer, and as the subject line in any email.


Via email : recruiter@ofda.gov

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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