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Security manager, central africa regional third-party monitoring project
Publié il y a 4 ans

Security Manager,

Central Africa Regional Third-Party Monitoring Project,

Democratic Republic of Congo

Company Profile:

MSI, a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area international development firm with a 35-year history of delivering development results across the world. Our core expertise is in the fields of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), institutional development, public sector management, peace and stability, governance and anti-corruption. MSI has implemented projects in 90 countries around the world such as Jordan, Kenya, Indonesia, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Colombia and Mexico. As one of the leading companies in our field, MSI has partnered with organizations across all sectors of international development to support clients ranging from large bilateral and multilateral donors such as USAID, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program to national and local governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, foundations and universities. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at www.msiworldwide.com.

Project Summary:

This three-year USAID Central Africa Regional Third-Party Monitoring (CART) project will establish independent, impartial, timely, responsive, contextualized, and forward-looking third-party monitoring (TPM) and operational support services. CART will provide a comprehensive range of verification and outcome monitoring, and learning services that will increase FFP's and its implementing partners' (IP) understanding of the outputs, outcomes, progress, challenges, successes, results, and lessons learned for both emergency and non-emergency activities within CAR, DRC and ROC. This project seeks to improve FFP's capability to utilize humanitarian assistance resources to ameliorate the drivers of poverty and malnutrition characterized by complex emergencies within the region.

**Please note: Only citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo are eligible for this position

Position Summary:

This position is responsible for overseeing security management and mitigation functions that support effective program implementation in complex locations. Specifically, the Security Manager (SM) ensures provision of real-time security analysis for informing program strategy and for updating and rolling-out policies and procedures with program team members. The SM, with support from the Procurement & Logistics Manager, also provides key input on remote management strategies and contingency plans together with the procurement team and partners, which keep program field teams safe and secure while also ensuring continuity of implementation.


  • Monitor and analyze security conditions in the country in general and the areas where the project works via local media, security reports, and information collected from field-based staff and local partners

  • Help assess security risks that may impact staff movements and safety in different parts of the country and communicate them in a timely manner to ensure timely decision-making and up-to-date situational awareness

  • Communicate safety and security developments and analysis to staff on a regular basis

  • Ensure the continued relevance and consistent implementation of Standard Operating Procedures related to the health, safety and security of the field-based staff

  • Recommend changes to security or logistics procedures in conjunction with the DCOP and the HQ Security Manager, when appropriate

  • Ensure a constant update of the emergency contact list and the issuance of badges on time

  • Evaluate, review and update the lock down, hibernation and evacuation plans for MSI in Iraq and ensure that the practical preparations are in place and known to all staff involved and in coordination with security service provider

  • Follow up on actions to be taken to ensure compliance with safety and security standards

  • Serve as the project's Security Focal Point (SFP) and provide regular updates and trainings to project staff on basic security topics such as fire safety, communications, etc.

  • Serve as SFP with security service provider in regards visitors' entry, workplace health, and safety and security protocols

  • Ensure drill and trainings required by MSI security policy are completed on schedule

  • Issue regular security and safety updates to project staff, and coordinate emergency messaging in the event of a crisis in accordance with the phone tree and security manual

  • Create an information network in the project operational areas

  • Build strong professional relationships with UN agencies, local authorities, other operators, (local and international) and other relevant actors

  • Participate in security coordination meetings and stay aware of current security problems


  • Bachelors' degree in a relevant field required

  • Minimum of five years of experience developing and overseeing security strategies and procedures for different kinds of teams with donor-funded programs or the private sector in complex contexts in DRC

  • Experience with ROC and CAR is an asset

  • Proactive problem-solving skills

  • Abilities to work independently and with teams

  • Strong service orientation

  • Ability to advise and support staff in a consultative manner

  • Ability to adapt to abrupt changes

  • Fluency in French required, advanced-level English preferred

Reasonable Accommodations: MSI is dedicated to hiring an inclusive workforce. If you would like to request reasonable accommodations during the application process, please email MSI.Dept.HRRecruiting@tetratechinc.onmicrosoft.com with “Reasonable Accommodations” in the title. Our recruitment team looks forward to engaging in an interactive process to provide reasonable accommodations for candidates.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

Please submit application by no later than November 16, 2020.


Apply Here

How to apply

Apply Here

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