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Projet manager
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans

Peace and Security Cluster

The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster (PSC) is a principal service provider in the field of mine action with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), UNDP, UNICEF, Governments of mine-affected countries and other mine action partners. It is led by the Director, who has overall authority and accountability for the performance PSC on behalf of its clients. The Director is responsible for administering and providing oversight of the day-to-day management of the Project Field offices, both according to the client requirements and in line with UNOPS rules and regulations.

Background Information - Job-specific

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has suffered nearly two decades of turmoil, particularly in the eastern provinces. The use of landmines was a feature during the conflict and Explosive Remnants of War from the fighting remain a hazard.
UNMAS established its presence in the DRC in 2002 to provide support to the Peacekeeping Mission (MONUSCO) and to conduct humanitarian mine action. It continues to work with all actors involved in mine action, and weapons and ammunition management and safety issues.
KOICA Project Information: **
UNMAS DRC recently received funding from the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to implement a two years project starting in June 2022 in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Tanganyika with the following objectives:
1) Effectively implement UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 on sustained peace, justice, strong institutions and effective and inclusive governance through the development of a sustainable national capacity in explosive hazard management.
2) Effectively implement UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 on strengthening the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development through increasing the National Mine Action Authority (CCLAM) capacity to coordinate Mine Action activities and therefore encouraging the return of displaced people, opening freedom of movement in a post-conflict society, decreasing fear and threat of the ‘frozen violence’ of landmines and other ERW and Goal 17.
Outcome 1:DRC security sector and/or national NGOs responds appropriately to EOD tasks
Output 1.1: National NGO personnel trained to conduct explosive ordnance disposal.
Output 1.2: Land is released for productive use.
Output 1.3: CCLAM has increased capacity to coordinate Mine Action activities in the DRC.

Functional Responsibilities

Reporting to the Head Project Unit (HPU), the Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project and provides services to the donor, partners and beneficiaries. The Project Manager acts on behalf of the Project Board to manage the project on an ongoing basis during the Implementation Stage.

The main responsibility of the Project Manager is to ensure that the project objectives and outputs are delivered within the specified project tolerances of time, cost, quality, scope, risk and benefits. The incumbent is expected to meet the organization’s performance and delivery goals. Specific responsibilities and duties include, but are not limited to:

Project Delivery and Performance:

  • Assign, as per the Project Plan, work packages to Team members and approve deliverables produced by them.
  • Develop, complete and update implementation plan and Implement the approved plan (including the establishment of milestones) within tolerances set by the Senior Management.
  • Embed sustainability dimensions including social and gender inclusion, environmental and economic aspects into project life span.
  • Manage the production of the required outputs, taking responsibility for overall progress and use of resources and initiating corrective action where necessary.
  • Ensure that quality of work packages and deliverables complies with the quality requirements defined in the Implementation Plan.
  • Liaise with any external suppliers or account managers.
  • Manage acceptance and delivery of work packages.
  • Monitor project progress ensuring that work packages are being executed properly.
  • Control project and work packages changes.
  • Accept goods, services or works delivered by suppliers. Lead contract management duties including supplier performance evaluation. Identify, and anticipate in a timely manner, potential risks and issues and advises mitigating measures to the HPU so that maximum benefit to partner(s) and other stakeholders is achieved.
  • Identify and report to the supervisor potential business opportunities for UNMAS/UNOPS.
  • Provide technical and planning support to Mine Action implementing agencies with regards to project implementation including training, materials development, monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance activities.


  • Comply with all organizational policy and specifically the Project Management Manual.
  • Prepare/adapt all relevant plans for approval by the HPU.
  • Manage the reporting obligations defined in the Legal Agreement and in the Implementation Plan.
  • Draft the requirements definitions for procurement processes. Approving requisitions and requests for non-purchase order payments; Evaluating submissions received, if appointed to the evaluation team. Ensure maintenance of the project files and lessons learned are recorded.
  • Ensure the development and implementation of project financial management guidelines and control mechanisms, in conformity with UNOPS rules and regulations.
  • Support and advice on budgets, cash flow and obligations to ensure that deliverables are met and payments to contractors and personnel are received on time.
  • Support and advice on project expenditures against the budget (based on accurate financial reports).
  • For project closure purposes, provide a formal handover of the project to the closure manager/HPU.

Monitoring and reporting:

  • Prepare and issue regular project and/or financial reports in accordance with Partner and UNOPS requirements for reporting.
  • Regularly review project status, evaluating performance criteria (scope, cost, schedule and quality).
  • Maintain diaries and progress reports as required by the organization’s standard procedures.
  • Provide routine oversight and analysis of delivery data within the dashboard system.
  • Ensure all project team members track and regularly update milestones and targets for the duration of projects' life span.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should follow the link below to apply:


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