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Programs & planning director
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans

Definition of the Position

The Programs and Planning Director provides overall leadership and management of ADRA DRC Programs , including leading the planning , design ,development ,implementation, donor reporting and field –level management , while ensuring the highest standards in compliance with obligation and results according to signed agreements , oversees program strategic planning and implementation, MEAL systems ( Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning ) development and implementation , human resource management / development and networking /partnership activities for ADRA DRC.


The applications should be addressed to the Country Director - ADRA DRC and sent by email to the following address: jobinternational@adradrcongo.org and info@adra-afro.org

No later than June 24, 2022 at 11:00 p.m (Kinshasa time). Mention Job title in the Subject line.

Experience, Knowledge and Skills

Successful development and emergency experience with at least 5 years of work in senior management in a cross-cultural environment .

Additional qualifications include:

  •  Strong commitment to ADRA’S purpose, motto and values
  •  An understanding and experience of working with ADRA Network will be an added advantage but not mandatory.
  •  An understanding and experience of working with multiple donors
  •  Ability to work effectively under pressure and under extreme hardship conditions
  •  Willingness to travel at least 50% of the year to project areas with limited amenities
  •  Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, as well as negotiations and administrative abilities
  •  Skills in facilitation, networking, and analysis of information
  •  Ability to think strategically
  •  Emotional intelligence that demonstrates an all-round maturity in executing his roles in this position
  •  Ability to be creative in proposal writing and passionate in fundraising
  •  Demonstrate well-developed knowledge and sensitivity of cross-cultural communication and dynamics
  •  Proficiency in English
  •  French is an added advantage

Program Planning and Development - 50%

  •  Lead in program strategic planning (together with the Programs Committee of the Board) and implementation for the Country Office.
  •  Lead program planning and development activities of ADRA, ensuring that new projects are impact driven and appropriate to meeting the long-term development needs of the target groups and region/areas, which are aligned with ADRA global and country policies and strategic plans, and are in line with national and state government policies and programs on relevant development themes and social issues.
  •  Periodic update of funding forecasts/donor database.
  •  Apply latest tools/technologies, best practices, guidelines, standards, and indicators in planning for new projects whenever appropriate.
  •  Work with the MEAL in the design of needs assessments, implementation, and analysis processes for all projects being considered.
  •  Take lead in and oversee the proposal writing and budget preparation process for each new project (including concept note and logframe preparation).
  •  Ensure consultation with appropriate government counterparts, and participation of local partners and beneficiaries in the program planning and development processes.
  •  Implement sustainability strategies and phase out plans in all projects
  •  Regular update of professional and technical advisors/services list, and consultant list (in-country) for new project development, training, and MEAL.
  •  Familiarity with donor policies, strategies and priorities for the country and support compliance.

Program Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning - 20%

Work with the MEAL Manager to ensure the following is accomplished :

  •  Log frame/ other design frameworks preparation for each new project/ program.
  •  Establish the MEAL system for ADRA (together with MEAL Manager).
  •  Guide the baseline, mid-term and end-of-project study preparation, implementation, and analysis processes for each project as appropriate.
  •  Orient program manager and key project staff of MEAL plans, including project objectives, key indicators and other specifications of each project as approved by the donor.
  •  Supervise performance of program managers, guided by project documents, performance evaluation forms, and on-site visits.
  •  Monitor the financial spending of each project as per financial statements provided by the finance department. Provide necessary follow up as needed.
  •  Review/edit monthly/quarterly progress reports submitted by program managers.
  •  Negotiate approval with donors, in consultation with the Country Director, for changes to project strategies if required.
  •  Monitor and report on the progress of achieving the country ADRA Program Strategic Plan.

Technical Support - 10%

  •  Ensure that program/project managers and EM coordinator are provided with necessary resources to maintain/update their technical knowledge and skills in carrying out their project interventions in respective thematic areas.
  •  Ensure compliance of project interventions to international/national standards, donor policies, and relevant government policies in question (in association with MEAL activities).
  •  Assist in identifying, selecting/negotiating, and evaluating local partners.
  •  Develop and update a database for internet resource materials. Sharing of useful information, websites, experiences, project ideas, etc., among peer colleagues through email correspondence.
  •  Encourage subscription of all key project staff to relevant e-forum/e-technical groups facilitated by other organizations.

Staff Management and Development – 7.5%

  •  Establish project implementation structure for each project with Country Director.
  •  Ensure key project staff have job descriptions (in association with HR Officer).
  •  Recruit key project staff (in association with HR Officer).
  •  Orient newly recruited project staff (in association with HR Officer).
  •  Supervise on-the-job training of program manager.
  •  Conduct continuous performance evaluation appraisal of Program staff reporting to him in line with ADRA DRC HR Policy guidelines.
  •  Plan for and provide capacity development opportunities for project staff (i.e., conferences, training workshops, etc.).

Networking, Partnership Building, and Communication – 7.5%

  •  Develop close working relationships with all project participants and key stakeholders, including government counterparts, local partners, NGOs, private sector, and Seventh Day Adventist Church constituencies at local level
  •  Establish and maintain good working relations with the relevant government ministries as well as other higher-level stakeholder groups (donors) at national level.
  •  Ensure timely submission of all the reports, including financial statements, to donors, following the requested formats.
  •  Support external missions in ways that foster transparent and open learning discussions.
  •  Represent ADRA or delegate someone from ADRA at key conferences, meetings, cluster meetings and workshops pertaining to programs.

Other duties as assigned by supervisor – 5%

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications containing:

  •  A cover letter
  •  Detailed curriculum vitae

The applications should be addressed to the Country Director - ADRA DRC and sent by email to the following address: jobinternational@adradrcongo.org and info@adra-afro.org

N o later than June 24, 2022 at 11:00 p.m (Kinshasa time). Mention Job title in the Subject line.

ADRA DRC is an equal opportunity employer. Only candidates meeting the job profile and shortlisted will be contacted.

ADRA is an equal opportunity employer. Every qualified applicant will be considered for employment.

ADRA does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, genetic information, age, national origin, marital status, disability status, political ideology.

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  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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