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Programme funding coordinator
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 2 ans

Tearfund's operational work started in DR Congo in 2002 targeting remote areas affected by conflict and chronic vulnerability in Eastern Congo. The operational work specializes in household food security; Peacebuilding; fight against sexual and gender based violence, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion; Environmental and Economic sustainability and Livelihoods. The programme has an annual turnover of nine million pounds. The programmatic approach is one of developmental relief, with a strong emphasis on community participation, reducing the risk and impact of disasters and building the capacity of local government structures. Tearfund's programme in DR Congo includes both operational work as well as partner supported work.

We are seeking an experienced Programme Funding Coordinator to assist the Programme team and partners to produce high quality proposals to access donor funding for both the operational programme and selected partners, and to provide accountability to those donors while ensuring compliance to donor and Tearfund rules and conditions. As a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT) the role is responsible for coordinating all donor proposals and reporting, and donor project knowledge management systems within the Country. This requires working closely with both Tearfund and local partner staff to draft and edit donor proposals and reports; coordinate compliance with various institutional donor rules, Tearfund policies and National Government processes; coordinate and support donor field visits, audits and evaluations; document beneficiary stories; lead analysis of field experience to derive lessons learned; write news and prayer letters on request; cultivate and maintain a personal network of donors and INGOs; and share best practice.

The Programme Funding Coordinator is responsible for the management of the team who will carry out the responsibilities of donor scoping, donor and consortium business development, Partner assessment and capacity building, Project design and proposal writing, ensuring donor / TF compliance, monitoring of the implementation, producing reports of high quality and on time as required by the donors, analysis and sharing of field experience/ lessons learned,

The successful applicant will have:

  • Educated to degree or equivalent qualification in development, humanitarian affairs, international relations, or other relevant courses
  • Substantial experience working in Local and/or International NGO with similar position: grant management, proposal development (narrative and budgets) and donor reporting.
  • Proven ability to develop winning proposals for public and/or private sector donors (including one or more of FCDO, USAID, EU and multilateral donor mechanisms)
  • Experience in logframe development and Project Cycle Management;
  • Ability to coordinate large scale proposal development with staff based globally;
  • Experience of managing people and teams.
  • Excellent English language, written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent French language, written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to communicate easily and understanding of development communication
  • Excellent organisation and administrative capacity
  • Strong interpersonal and team coordination skills
  • Ability to analyse and interpret data
  • Excellent problem solving skills and ability to learn quickly
  • Strong negotiation and representation skills
  • Ability to lead and facilitate team prayer and Bible studies
  • Ability and commitment to apply biblical principles prayerfully within all aspects of the role
  • Good numeracy skills and Proficiency in Microsoft Excel Intermediate Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Outlook skills

Applicants must be committed to Tearfund's Christian beliefs. The recruitment process will include specific checks related to safeguarding issues. In addition, personal identification information will be submitted against a watchlist database to check against criminal convictions as a counter terror-terror measure.

How to apply


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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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