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Program quality and development specialist in drc
Sud-Kivu | Bukavu
Publié il y a 2 ans

Location: Democratic Republic of Congo, Bukavu/South Kivu with frequent field trips and regular trips to other locations & provinces of PIN implementation

Starting date: ideally September/October 2023

Duration: 1 year with possibility of extension

Languages: Good knowledge of both – English and French

Reporting: Head of Programs

People in Need (PIN) has been working in DR Congo since 2008 and every year helps hundreds of thousands of people predominantly in emergency crises. We aim hard-to-reach and violent-hit ares of Eastern Congo, mainly South and Nort Kivu province focusing on mainly helping malnurished children, pregnant and lacktating mothers, disseminating emergency supplies and cash distributions for IDPs & host communities. We are looking more into development areas (nexus context), and based on recently released PIN Relief and Development Department’s Strategic Planning, more focus also concerning impacts of climate change and related adaptation measures. For more info see https://www.peopleinneed.net/what-we-do/humanitarian-aid-and-development/dr-congo.

Program Quality and Development Specialist will lead PIN DRC’s pre-positioning in developing new grants / fundraising priorities, design, lead and write proposals and concept notes, finalize proof of concept of all tested interventions and perform required tasks of submitting proposals (or close collaboration with HQ on submission if requested). S/he will be primarily responsible to coordinate with PIN’s Institutional Fundraising Unit (IFU) and Knowledge and Learning Department (KLD) for donor and partnership mapping & relations development, identifying new funding opportunities, preparing for PIN’s pre-positioning and leading new business case development together with technical advisors, managers and other team members. Program Quality part will consist mainly supporting or leading complex reporting activities for already granted projects, if necessary - supporting project teams with donor communication on compliance with the quality rules and meeting high standards of PIN interna rules. Keeps up with and supports project teams on the project quality management especially related to utilization of internal databases and data-collection tools (e.g. internal project reports).

Main responsibilities:

Fundraising & Resource Mobilization

  • Lead the proposal and resource mobilization development process together with Head of Programme (HoP), and Country Management Team (CMT) members including setting up Programme Development Task Force (PDTF) for each opportunity, leading kick off meetings, preparing division of tasks, time plan, and pro-actively leading and/or participating in other necessary tasks related to preparation for specific business cases and/or funding opportunities;
  • Lead, write and contribute to the development of concept notes and funding proposals (including budgets and compliance), in coordination with all relevant PIN departments, and ensure:
  • Relevancy to the constraints and needs of the country, appropriate definition of beneficiaries and target groups, documented added value;
  • Appropriate design of the action – coherency, analysis of the problem, external factors, consistency of activities and results, consideration of cross cutting elements, analysis of stakeholders;
  • Sustainability of the action – impact on target groups, multiplier effect, sustainability on different levels;
  • Cost effectiveness and value for money, together with PDTF and finance team;
  • Monitoring and risk analysis;
  • Contribute to building partnerships and coordination for engagements with potential and existing partners in line with PIN DRC’s and Relief and Development Department (RDD) Country Strategies;
  • Ensure that PIN’s proposals and programmatic design are in line with governmental programs and national priorities;
  • In close cooperation with CD and HoP, lead on and develop engagement with local & international civil society members, non-traditional civil society actors and other prioritized stakeholders with the aim to ensure sustainability of PIN DRC’s programmes and appropriate exit strategies (including impact investment, leveraging private and other potential funding);
  • Lead on capacity development of PIN DRC’s team in topics necessary for proposal writing, successful positioning and programmatic (sectoral) planning;
  • Ensure aligning of proposals and programmatic design with donor strategies (including their mainstreaming policies, such as environmental policy, GESI policy, GBV mitigation etc.), together with government’s commitment towards SDGs (and UN agenda) and governmental (periodic) plans and policies;
  • Closely collaborate with MEAL team to ensure and use innovative means to measure and communicate impact of PIN DRC’s programming, and together with MEAL Coordinator and HoP lead on integrating PIN’s learning, best approaches and mainstreaming agenda in all program design and proposal development;
  • Cooperate with IFU and KLD advisors and PIN DRC advisors, and submit requests in advance to support from IFU and K&L, in case of need identify other expert/advisory needs for successful project design;
  • Participate in reviewing/updating (or development) of PIN DRC’s key strategy documents (e.g. Country Strategy 2023-2026; Partnership & Fundraising Strategies etc.)
  • Based on the regular engagement with key stakeholders, explore and identify opportunities for strategic portfolio development of PIN DRC, in line with PIN DRC Country Strategy plan;
  • Together with CMT (Country Management Team), engage in PIN’s positioning and advocacy and selection of advocacy points as per Country Strategy, engage in advocacy and policy dialogues where appropriate, ensuring PIN represents the needs of its beneficiaries and based on its field experience in order to campaign for needed policies, donor commitments etc.


  • Together with project management teams (Project Managers, Program Manager/Head of Programs, MEAL Unit) contributes towards quality preparation of regular, interim and final reports;
  • At CP level and under supervision of Project Manager and/or PgM/HoP, ensure that donors’ requirements/questions or comments are met and reasonably explained or justified;
  • Capacitate project staff (and partners if necessary) in aspects of quality reporting, relevant data management and understanding donors’ requirements (both head office and field offices).

Representation and Networking

  • In close collaboration with CD and HoP (CMT), ensures that PIN is well represented and visible within the donor community, among the key partners, stakeholders, private sector, and within coordination forums and delegating this responsibility as appropriate to programme staff, specifically:
  • Organize and together with HoP oversee participation and presentation of PIN’s work and results/impact in relevant clusters and working groups for specific topics/sectors;
  • Ensure that PIN’s views and experience are incorporated into (I)NGO dialogue;
  • Organize and oversee stakeholder mapping for both existing projects and new funding opportunities;
  • Participate in partnership building and capacity strengthening efforts;
  • Represent and network as per the plan of PDTF and/or specific sector needs;


  • Master’s Degree in relevant field (international development, humanitarian aid, civil society, socio-political science, international relations etc.), with at least 3 years’ experience in leading program design, proposal and business development;
  • Prior experience and knowledge of major donors (ideally ECHO, USAID, FCDO, UN agencies, EC, SDC, GAC, GIZ, GCF etc.), relevant knowledge of government stakeholders and partners environment and confidant with their engagement and high-level advocacy skills is a distinct advantage;
  • Successful proposal writing track record including major institutional donors
  • Excellent writing and analytical skills;
  • Good experience with people’s/team management (incl. negotiations, coaching/mentoring experience), including development of national team capacities
  • Possess a comprehensive competency skill set primarily around:
    • Personal integrity and values
    • Excellent interpersonal communication, cooperation & networking skills
    • Excellent management skills
    • Strong learning approach
    • Result oriented, team-work driven, multi-tasking
    • Flexibility and openness to change
    • Problem and tasks solving approach
    • Resilience/coping with stress
  • Prior experience with piloting technology solutions in development and humanitarian aid is an advantage;
  • Good level of both – English and French is a must
  • Ability to organize, plan effectively, prioritize & time-management, delegation of duties
  • Ability to work in difficult conditions (tightened security & safety measures, deteriorated security situation following wide-spread tensions & hostilities in Eastern Congo area), ability of higher stress management & acceptance levels

PIN offers:

  • Working environment in a well-established middle-sized and continuously growing humanitarian organization in challenging context;
  • Salary and benefits according to PIN’s salary scale. Expected super gross salary between 2,350-2,600 EUR based on experience, monthly subsistence allowance 1,800 EUR;
  • Accommodation and local transport costs covered
  • 2 flights to home country covered per year
  • Costs of visas and vaccination covered, assistance with the visa application procedure;
  • 25 days of holiday per year + R&R policy
  • Free 24/7 medical helpdesk and psychological consultations available online
  • Travel insurance (covers the health care incl. the repatriation)
  • Reimbursement of the medical check-up before and after the deployment;
  • Free access to e-learning sites, global PIN’s Induction Training, Knowledge and Learning Department onboarding, and individually tailored capacity building opportunities; incl. HEAT training.

How to apply

Are you interested in this position? Send us your CV (no longer than 4 pages) and short cover letter via our application form. Please note only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on rolling basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled.

People in Need staff are expected to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need Code of conduct and key policies (available at: https://www.peopleinneed.net/key-policies-4142gp).

People in Need is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and is committed to promoting the welfare of children and adults with whom People in Need involves. People in Need expects all staff to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need code of conduct and key policies (available at: https://www.peopleinneed.net/key-policies-4142gp). People in Need Staff will undertake the appropriate level of training.

All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.

We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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