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Program design expert
Nord-Kivu | Kinshasa
Publié il y a 2 ans

Program Design Expert

USAID/DRC Mission Strategic Support Program

Short Term Assignment


Company Profile

SoCha (a portmanteau of Social and Change) is an independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) firm that provides bespoke solutions to social challenges. We are a US-registered, veteran-owned small business and staff support offices in Nairobi, Pretoria and Mauritius. SoCha currently supports multiple foreign assistance interventions across Asia and Africa.


SoCha is contracted to provide technical and advisory services to the United States Agency for International Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo (USAID/DRC) on the 5-year Mission Strategic Support Program (MSSP). MSSP works to strengthen Mission strategic monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems; manage high quality data; provide geo-intelligence; produce rigorous analyses that inform decision making; institutionalize collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) practices; expand localization through targeted and deliberate capacity building; generate action-oriented data visualizations and communications; and provide Mission personnel with third-party monitoring in areas they cannot access. SoCha is responding to a request from the USAID/DRC Mission to use a participatory process of workshops and expert consultations to adapt the design of an ongoing program focused on fostering peace and security in the eastern Congo.

Scope of Work

SoCha is seeking a facilitator with experience working on the design and implementation of USAID programs and fluency in both the French and English languages. The Expert Facilitator will work together with the SoCha Global Evaluation Manager to assess the design of USAID/DRC’s multi-sectoral peace programming in East Congo. The goal will be to use workshops with activity implementers and managers to collaboratively review the program theory of change and results logic and elicit expert judgements leading to probabilistic scenarios surrounding the effectiveness of alternative approaches to programming. The assessment will take place between August and November 2023. The Expert Facilitator is a short-term position. The expected LOE for the role is 50 days. The position will require travel to Goma, DRC for about two to three weeks under SoCha’s robust security posture.


  • Analyze activity documentation to build a detailed Theory of Change.
  • Conduct key-informant interviews with USAID implementing partners and peacebuilding experts.
  • Facilitate and document about 19 in-person and online Theory of Change and other workshops with USAID/DRC and IP staff.
  • Co-author a results briefer.
  • Lead an interactive pause and reflect workshop on the results of the assessment.

Minimum Qualifications and Experience

  • Master’s degree in a relevant field.
  • 5+ years of demonstrable experience in facilitating workshops in-person and online.
  • 5+ years of extensive experience in conducting theory-based evaluations of complex, integrated interventions, especially in peacebuilding.
  • Experience in working with logic flowcharts and other visualization options for Theories of Change.
  • Willingness to learn how to build and evaluate Bayesian Belief Networks.
  • Extensive experience drafting and finalizing assessment reports.
  • Level 4 English and French ability (fluent) is required.

Position location:

Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa.

How to apply:

To submit your application, please apply directly on our recruitment page on our website, using this link : https://jobs.socha.net/deputy-chief-of-party-drc-2/07/05/2023/

Candidates will only be considered if they apply directly on our website. The deadline for submitting applications is July 17, 2023.

Review of applications will be on a rolling basis.

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