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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
Personal assistant
Publié il y a 3 ans




: Personal Assistant


: Executive Structure


: Kinshasa


: CDI assorti d’une période d’essai de 3 mois


Standard Bank RDC fait partie du plus grand groupe bancaire de l’Afrique en termes de capitalisation boursière dont le siège se situé à Johannesburg. Présente dans 38 pays dont 18 en Afrique, c’est depuis 1992 qu’elle opère au Congo à la suite de l’acquisition d’ANZ Grindlays Zaïre qui existait dans le pays depuis 1973.

Standard Bank RDC offre une gamme variée de produits et services par le truchement de ses diverses branches à travers la RDC via un réseau des intermédiaires (banques correspondantes). Nous avons développé une expertise dans la prestation des services liés aux besoins des entreprises minières, multinationales, Nations-Unies et autres organisations internationales opérant en République Démocratique du Congo.

Nos équipes allient leur connaissance approfondie sur les conditions et déterminants du marché en RDC à l’expertise du Groupe Standard Bank opérant dans les marchés émergeants aux fins de développement des solutions sur mesure répondant aux besoins de la clientèle


Links to structure

Job title*

Personal Assistant

Job function*

Business Support

Job family*

Secretarial Services

Job reports to*

Country Chief Executive
Dotted line to Head, People & Culture

Career type*



Level of Work*

2 - Supervisory and Analytical

Job purpose description*

To support the Chief Executive by providing administrative support, schedule coordination, secretarial functions, procurement, travel management, meeting, and workshop coordination.
The incumbent will also provide support to the People & Culture Unit in administrative tasks, secretarial and event management, as well as other related duties.

Job criticality

Operationally Critical

Key Responsibilities


Output group 1*

Manage the Chief Executive’s schedule of meetings

Outputs and measures*

  • Proactively manage the diary of the CE, set up meetings as requested, independently scheduling appointments where necessary and referring to the Executive on the prioritization of appointments, therefore assisting in the management of the workload. Review the diary requests with the executive on a daily basis to determine which meetings should be accepted, delegated or declined.
  • Track and monitor the acceptances and declines obtained from parties that have been invited to the meetings requested by the executive. Resolve attendance issues. Liaise with relevant parties to reschedule any meetings.
  • On a daily basis, print meeting documents and packs and provide them to the executive for their reference, or ensure that the packs are available in electronic format if the executive uses a mobile device (such as iPad).
  • Compile meeting packs and presentations, including the printing and binding, to be distributed prior to meetings.
  • Co-ordinate the end-to-end organisation of meetings by ensuring required attendees are available, all logistics and accesses are arranged, all meeting documentation is prepared and distributed as required and that all related issues are resolved independently.
  • Take minutes of meetings on request. Ensure that the minutes are approved by the meeting Chair, distributed to the relevant stakeholders within the agreed time period and key action items followed-up.
  • Arrange teleconferences and video conferences and liaise with internal service provides to obtain dial in details.
  • Arrange refreshments for meetings on request from the executive.

Output group 2*

Manage all travel arrangements including transfer, accommodation and flights

Outputs and measures *

  • Co-ordinate and arrange all travel requirements, documents, plans and itineraries for the Chief Executive/s by liaising with bank-approved travel agencies in order to provide suitable travel options to the manager for their approval.
  • Determine the visa requirements for regional or international trips and ensure that the Chief Executive has the right documentation and appointments to obtain visas in good time.
  • Adhere to the bank's travel policy in relation to class of travel and hotel accommodation.
  • Arrange transfers to and from airports to ensure minimum disruption to the CE’s schedule.
  • Ensure the executive is equipped with all relevant emergency numbers and contact numbers of hosts as well as accommodation and transfer companies.
  • Provide the CE with a detailed itinerary prior to each trip.

Output group 3*

Provide administrative support to the Chief Executive

Outputs and measures *

  • Develop the leave plan for the year, approve leave and payroll items for the Executives subordinates.
  • Maintain all confidential filing on behalf of the Chief Executive. This could include client files and employee files.
  • Review incoming emails into the executive's mailbox and flag for follow-up or redirect to other members of the team to act on.
  • Order stationery for the department, control stationery stock and proactively order high usage items to ensure all requirements are available to staff when needed.
  • Type out communications, speeches, articles, briefings and project proposals, board papers, agendas, reports and other documents, as requested, to be distributed in the business within the required deadlines.
  • Follow up with the CE’s direct reports the submission of country reports within the required deadline.
  • Respond or redirect staff, customer or other stakeholder issues relevant to the Chief Executive and follow-up on closure or resolution of issues.
  • When applicable, view the Chief Executive's incoming mail on an ongoing basis. Flag items that need personal attention and direct selected emails to the Executive's direct reports or other departments for resolution.
  • Prepare records and documentation such as agendas, notices, minutes and resolutions for corporate meetings.


Output group 4


Outputs and measures

  • Co-ordinate events or conferences by arranging for facilities and caterer, issuing information or invitations and coordinating speakers.

Output group 5


Outputs and measures

  • Maintain staff or client files on behalf of the executive to ensure the information is accessible as required and only to authorised individuals.

Output group 6

Provide support to enable the department to control costs and effect governance requirement

Outputs and measures

  • Review expense claims prepared by the executive's direct reports by comparing the supporting documents to the claim form. Highlight any out of policy expenses to the direct report. Present the expense claims to the executive for approval.
  • For purchases required in the department, prepare the shopping carts or purchase orders. Obtain approval before submitting to suppliers.
  • On a monthly basis, review departmental budget reports obtained from Finance. Highlight concerns with specific line items for the executive to attend to.
  • Support compliance processes by maintaining registers of gifts received as well as any other supporting check documents as required by Compliance.

Output group 7

Risk, Regulatory, Prudential & Compliance

Outputs and measures

  • Maintain Gift and Asset Registers for the Executive's Office for the purposes of cost control and meeting compliance requirements.

Output group 8

Financial Management

Outputs and measures

  • Compile and review expense claims of the executive's direct reports, highlight key concerns and present to the executive for approval.
  • Participate in corporate social investment identifying possible causes and participating in associated events.



Output group 1

Provide general administrative support as advised by people & Culture Head

Outputs and measures

  • Ongoing
  • Employee wellbeing
  • Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Secretarial tasks
  • Other related admin tasks



Minimum qualification 1*

Diploma in Office Administration or Public Relations. Other relevant qualifications including B.Sc. in Administration or post graduate qualifications such as an MBA is considered a bonus.


Job Function


.Job Cluster


Experience Description

Business Support

Secretarial Services

3-5 years

Experience in all aspects of supporting a senior person in the management of their office or administrative requirements.

Behavioural Competencies

Behavioural competency 1*

Competency Label: Taking Action
Competency Description: This competency is about taking action in service of achieving the organisation's goals. It is about being energetic, showing initiative and being action oriented.  

Behavioural competency 2*

Competency Label: Upholding Standards
Competency Description: “Upholding Standards” within the organisation is important for ensuring that high quality products and services are provided as well as for ensuring that trust is created and maintained. Individuals need to focus on developing proper and discreet behaviour and to honour their commitments in order to be effective at demonstrating this competency.

Behavioural competency 3

Competency Label: Interacting with People
Competency Description: This competency is about fostering relationships that benefit the organisation as well as an individual’s effectiveness and efficiency. More specifically, it includes personal networking behaviours, making contact with others and strengthening relationships.

Behavioural competency 4

Competency Label: Developing Practical Approaches
Competency Description: Adopting practical solutions with an emphasis on learning by doing. This competency requires individuals to utilise common sense when required. Ultimately, this competency is important in order to ensure that organisations implement feasible solutions.

Behavioural competency 5

Competency Label: Checking Details
Competency Description: This competency is concerned with the careful checking and confirmation of details in a task as well as being accurate, which requires individuals to have a strong quality orientation, to be thorough and detailed in their approach.

Behavioural competency 6

Competency Label: Establishing Rapport
Competency Description: This competency is about the behaviours an individual should employ in order to effectively engage people, establish positive personal contact and improve the likelihood of maintaining positive relationships. This competency is therefore about putting people at ease, making friends and helping people feel welcome.

Behavioural competency 7

Competency Label: Following Procedures
Competency Description: The important behaviours associated with Following Procedures in the organisation include adhering to rules, following instructions and being risk averse.

Behavioural competency 8

Competency Label: Completing Tasks
Competency Description: This competency is about completing tasks and projects in a structured manner by employing effective planning and prioritising skills. Individuals also need to manage the project or task to completion in order to demonstrate effectiveness.

Behavioural competency 9

Competency Label: Showing Composure
Competency Description: This is about the extent to which individuals can remain calm under pressure and maintain poise before and during important events. As such, the competency addressed in this document is concerned with the extent to which individuals show behaviours that lead to the effective handling of pressurised situations.

Behavioural competency 10

Competency Label: Documenting Facts
Competency Description: “Documenting Facts” emphasizes logical reasoning, specifically when referring to an individuals’ understanding of information and the clear communication of such information in writing. Logical reasoning is supported by a fact based or objective approach.

Behavioural competency 11

Competency Label: Meeting Timescales
Competency Description: This competency involves individuals adhering to time scales and meeting deadlines. The focus is therefore on being reliable at completing tasks and being punctual.

Behavioural competency 12

Competency Label: Team working
Competency Description: This competency is about working well in a team. In order to develop this competency, individuals are encouraged to acknowledge the views and contributions of others, and to involve others in decision-making.

Technical Competencies

Technical competency 1*


Competency Label: Dairy Management
Competency Description: The ability to review, plan and update meeting schedules and calendars for optimum use of available time.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 2*


Competency Label: Email Monitoring
Competency Description: The ability to review emails and determine the priority and importance of responses required.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 3*


Competency Label: Meeting Logistics
Competency Description: The ability to arrange meeting venues, refreshment and equipment such as projectors, video conferencing or teleconferencing tools.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 4

Competency Label: Procurement Process
Competency Description: Knowledge and application of the SAP vendor management modules and the supporting business processes.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 5

Competency Label: Travel Arrangements
Competency Description: The ability to analyse travel for value for money and engaging with travel agents to do the bookings and arrange the approvals..
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 6

Competency Label: Written Communication
Competency Description: The ability to express ideas by means of clear and effective writing, in order to support professional communication internally and externally to the Bank..
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 7

Competency Label: Record and Archive Management
Competency Description: The ability to store, retrieve and when needed, destroy documents according to regulatory requirements and company policies for document management.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 8

Competency Label: Applications: Microsoft Office Suite
Competency Description: Ability to use Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowePoint and Outlook.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 9

Competency Label: Expense Processing
Competency Description: Is able to process sums owed by the Bank in an timely manner using the SAP system.
Proficiency Level: PROFICIENT - Clear knowledge and application of the concept

Technical competency 10

Competency Label: Financial Acumen
Competency Description: Knowledge and understanding of costing, budgeting and finance concepts and the understanding and application of related processes and procedures.
Proficiency Level: BASIC - Applies elementary concepts to develop activities under supervision

Additional Job Dimensions

Typical direct reports for this job*

Number: No direct reports

Financial accountability*

Type of Budget: Operational Budget
Type of accountability: Monitoring only

Internal relationships*





Business area: Internal support functions        
Nature of relationship: Provide a service to them
Description: Engage with the offices of other senior decision makers to coordinate meetings, arrange events or to relay information on behalf of the Executive

Business area: Internal support functions        
Nature of relationship: Receive a service from them
Description: Build relationships with key stakeholders across enabling functions to ensure the executives support needs are provided. Building relationships to ensure that office relocations, technology support, stationery, equipment and other new requests can be directed and completed quickly.

External relationships*

Role type of external contact: Customers
Nature of relationship: Provide customer service
Description or examples: Receiving complaints and enquiries, directing to the correct function or department for resolution and following up to ensure that the client has received a response.

Role type of external contact: Suppliers
Nature of relationship: Manage the relationship
Description or examples: Follow up with external providers for outstanding services or to resolve payment queries.

Work environment*

Working Conditions : Domestic/local travel may be required
Physical Requirements: Open plan office                


Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’adresser leurs candidatures par e-mail à l’adresse électronique info@standardbank.cd en reprenant l’intitulé du poste en objet de leur e-mail. Les dossiers comprendront uniquement une lettre de motivation ainsi qu’un Curriculum Vitae détaillé à jour (en Français et en Anglais) renseignant les numéros de téléphone et adresses e-mails d’au moins trois personnes de référence.

Seuls les candidats de nationalité congolaise remplissant les critères susmentionnés seront considérés pour la suite du processus. Il sied de préciser qu’au regard de la nature du poste, les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées et que la maîtrise de l’anglais oral et écrit sera un élément déterminant dans la sélection des profils.

La date de clôture pour la réception des candidatures est fixée au vendredi 05 août 2022 à 17h00’.

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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