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Monitoring & evaluation specialist goma, democratic republic of congo
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 4 ans

The Jane Goodall Institute is currently recruiting for a Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (MES) for an anticipated integrated multi-sectoral governance, conservation and development public private partnership project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The anticipated project is expected to implement activities focused on improving governance through local government and local institutions which enhance biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing outcomes in eastern DRC.

About the Jane Goodall Institute

Founded in 1977, the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) USA is an international non-governmental organization that continues Dr. Goodall’s pioneering work on chimpanzee ecology and behavior. Its mission is to promote wildlife conservation, in particular chimpanzee sustainability, through research, education, and community conservation. The breadth of JGI’s mission reflects Dr. Goodall’s personal philosophy that the survival of all species, whether chimpanzee or human, depends upon the collaboration of all people. In 2012, JGI formally adopted an ambitious 30-year goal to protect 85% of Africa’s wild chimpanzee populations in their natural habitats. In reaching this goal, JGI will capitalize on its considerable strengths and experience gained from working throughout the chimpanzee range, which includes more than 50 years of chimpanzee behavioral research at the Gombe Stream Research Center; 20 years of developing people-and community-centered conservation strategies; impressive expertise in the use of geospatial technology to innovatively map and monitor human and chimpanzee use of forest resources; and a global environmental and humanitarian youth program—Roots & Shoots.

Under its Africa Programs (AP) Department, JGI USA implements community-based conservation activities in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, and Uganda. Our Africa Programs partners include, but are not limited to, Arcus Foundation, Disney Conservation Fund, J.P. Fletcher Foundation, USAID, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), and a strong individual donor base, as well as responsible private sector actors.
Essential Functions:

The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will provide technical expertise in general Program monitoring, reporting on indicators for measuring Program overall performance and progress towards set goals/objectives and developing and maintaining the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) plans. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be responsible for data collection, verification and reporting. She/he will support implementation of the adaptive management best practices and guide Project team through the process of learning from and making programmatic decisions based on the results of monitoring and evaluation data.

Key Responsibilities:
• Develop and manage a MEL plan (to include Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) plan, Learning Agenda (LA) and Performance Matrix) measuring the impact of the program against set goals and indicators throughout the life of the program.
• In coordination with program leadership and consortium partners, prepare and conduct a baseline survey as well as subsequent mid and end – line project studies
• In close collaboration with program leadership guide staff and partners in an annual Pause and Reflect exercise to identify successes upon which to build as well as adjustments or improvements to be made to increase overall program effectiveness.
• Develop and implement consistent data collection processes, tools and methodologies.
• Train relevant program staff in data collection, assessment & monitoring methodologies as needed.
• Conduct regular field visits to monitor progress and assure high quality data collection and reporting. • Carry out regular Data Quality Assessments (DQA) to statistically evaluate data in order to determine whether they meet the quality required for projects processes and are of the right type and quantity to be able to actually support their intended use.
• Be up to date on the M&E methodologies used by USAID and JGI and integrate these in work carried out for the program.
• Support development of narrative reports to include quantitative and qualitative data and other relevant M&E sections.
• Manage the development of surveys for assessment & monitoring purposes.
• Oversee the design and operation of databases for the entry and analysis of survey data.
• In collaboration with program leadership, develop plans and prioritization criteria regarding JGI’s geographical coverage of DRC.
• Provide analyses and reports on assessment and monitoring surveys to program leadership and USA counterparts.
• Other duties as assigned.

Desired Job Knowledge:
• Demonstrated ability to manage complex data analysis, monitoring, and evaluation of project implementation activities in the context of biodiversity/natural resource and/or development projects. Prior USAID experience is strongly preferred.
• Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of all requirements necessary for a results driven program M&E.
• Experienced in developing and effectively applying performance management plans or similar tools is required. Experience applying theories of change, results frameworks, logical frameworks, or similar tools for project design, implementation and learning is a plus.
• Expertise in but not limited to reviewing work plans, quarterly reports, participating in field visits, initiating regular portfolio reviews, contributing to program evaluations and adaptive management processes.

Minimum Qualifications
• At least a bachelor’s degree (preferably a Master’s Degree).
• At least five years of M&E experience, preferably having worked on projects of similar size and complexity. Prior experience in managing USAID M&E systems is strongly preferred.
• Proven experience administering evaluations in developing countries.
• Strong communication skills, both interpersonal and written, to fulfill the technical and managerial responsibilities proposed.
• Working experience in developing countries; experience in DRC preferred.
• Strong English and French writing and speaking skills, Swahili fluency is preferred.

Working conditions
The position will require most of the work time to be spent in a very isolated rural and undeveloped zone of eastern DRC. Accommodation, travel and living conditions may be difficult and may vary over time. Challenging partners and stakeholders may require flexible and time-consuming support, coaching and assistance.

Physical requirements
Climate and health conditions may pose a challenge and candidates should be prepared for physically demanding conditions.

Direct reports
Chief of Party

How to apply

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo - The Jane Goodall Institute (recruitee.com)

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