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mbitita steph
Membre depuis 6 ans
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Monitoring, evaluation & learning (me&l) office
Sud-Kivu | Bukavu
Publié il y a 6 ans

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (ME&L) Officer, USAID Solutions for Peace and Recovery Project, Bukavu, DRC

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (ME&L) Officer, USAID Solutions for Peace and Recovery Project, Bukavu, DRC

Project Summary:

The goal of the Solutions for Peace and Recovery (SPR) program, implemented in eastern DRC (North Kivu and South Kivu), is to increase social cohesion through inclusion of women and marginalized groups in community-based conflict analysis, prevention, resolution, and recovery. SPR provides USAID/DRC with the ability to respond to dynamic, time-sensitive, and/or unique opportunities to reinforce peace and prevent or assist in the recovery from conflict in areas that are strategically important to the stability of eastern DRC.

Position Summary:

The Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (ME&L) Officer will report to the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Director and will be responsible for the coordination of the projects monitoring, evaluation, research and learning activities in South and North Kivu, and assisting the overall coordination of MEL department. He/she will manage the project monitoring & evaluation (M&E) assistants and will provide training and support to program officers/assistants, and partner staff in data collection and data integrity.

The roles and responsibilities of the M&EL Officer will include but not limited to:

  • Supports oversight and support in the areas of performance monitoring and evaluation.
  • Conducts data-inputting for M&E and is the chief person responsible for maintaining all databases relating to SPR and partner performance
  • Provides regular input into the project activity tracker system to ensure that all project M&E activities run smoothly and are well-coordinated across technical and finance/administrative teams.
  • Participate, as appropriate and as directed in the design and implementation of performance monitoring and verification systems.
  • Support compliance with any requests related to Data Quality Assessments (DQAs) and developing Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRs)
  • Participate in the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative information
  • Support the M&E Director in convening SPR performance review meetings on a quarterly basis.
  • Support the M&E Director in organizing M&E planning meetings
  • Support the process of training and regularly enhancing the knowledge and skillsets of SPR staff and partners on a range of performance management subjects, M&E and data quality.
  • Work closely with Grant Managers and the M&E Director to plan and execute M&E training of SPR grantees
  • Enlist the assistance of Program Assistants/Manager to conduct periodic interviews of SPR beneficiaries with a particular view towards identifying SPR successes
  • Reports to the M&E Director
  • In charge of all M&E functions for the Goma office and supervise the M&E Assistant for the Bukavu to ensure quality M&E functions,
  • Prepare the first draft of SPR M&E performance data report for both quarterly and annual reports for the review by the M&E Director,
  • Prepare and enter SPR quarterly/annual performance data into USAID/DRC Online Data Portal
  • In the absence of the M&E Director, organize quarterly or annual learning sessions with program staffs and partners,
  • Manages the interns and proxy monitors for the North Kivu province and support the South Kivu M&E Assistant role in this respect
  • Serve as functional supervisor to the M&E Assistant
  • Approve and validate M&E deliverables and grantees milestones after consultation with the MEL Director
  • Conducts other similar duties as assigned
  • Hold regular Skype meetings with the MEL Director to brief him on M&E activities in the field and seek guidance on issues that needs his particular attention
  • At the field level, conduct training and coaching to program staffs and Subgrantees on the M&E system and data collection tools using agreed upon materials prepared by the MEL Director
  • Conducts other similar duties as assigned


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mbitita steph
Membre depuis 6 ans
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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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