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Logistics coordinator
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 5 ans

Logistics Coordinator


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 190 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.

Organizational Context

On the 1st August 2018 the MoH officially declared 10th EVD outbreak in Mabalako Health Zone, Beni territory. Following an alert from the North Kivu Provincial Health authority about a cluster of cases in Mangina end of July 2018, four samples out of six tested positive for EVD. On 6 August 2018, the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB) confirmed by genetic sequencing that this latest outbreak is caused by the Zaire ebolavirus species and is not connected to the recent outbreak in Equateur Province. As of 4th august 2019 2,753 EVD confirmed or probable cases with 1,843 deaths, the 10th outbreak is now the biggest outbreak in the country’s history and the second largest ever in recorded history. The epicentre of the epidemic, initially in the town of Mangina, has moved towards the south, first to the city of Beni and later to the much larger city of Butembo. Katwa, a nearby town on the east of Butembo, became a new hotspot by the end of 2018. To date, 26 health zones in North Kivu and Ituri provinces have reported confirmed or probable cases, and the global numbers of cases are steadily rising. Goma the capital city of Nord Kivu (over 1 million population) notified the 1st EVD case on 14 July 2019 and to date, 4 positive cases has been recorded with 1 death. On 17th July WHO made the declaration of DRC EVD as Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The IFRC issued on July 15th 2019 the fourth revision of the One International Appeal (OIA) seeking a total of 43 million Swiss francs to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Democratic Republic of the Congo Red Cross (DRC RC) and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement) partners to respond to the ongoing Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in North Kivu/Ituri, while continuing to support the DRC RC in reinforcing its organizational epidemic preparedness to deal with a potential new EVD outbreak in Equateur. The objective of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) operation is to contribute to preventing and reducing morbidity and mortality resulting from the Ebola virus disease in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Job Purpose

The role of the Logistics Coordinator is to co-ordinate and manage the operation logistics support on behalf of the IFRC in conjunction with National Society (NS) and in-line with Logistics strategy to optimise service quality and cost effectiveness and to meet the needs of the Federation, partners and external services users. With guidance and support from the Head of Logistics Unit, Africa Region, this role carries both coordination and management responsibilities. As such, this role requires excellent team working, training and project management skills and technical expertise.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Logistics standards and procedure

  • Responsible for setting up, implementing and maintaining standard IFRC procedures for all the logistics activities and the supply chain management of the North-Kivu Ebola Operation.
  • Provide technical leadership on the conformance to IFRC guidelines with regards to Logistics Standards, including logistics financial and procedural management of the procurement process, contract management, stock management, fleet and transport services and import and customs processing for enabling the timely and cost-effective entry of goods into the country, seeking clarification and guidance.

Budget Management

  • Responsible for the Logistics management and running cost budget, adhering to the IFRC procedures.
  • Monitor and report on all expenditure against approved logistics budget lines.
  • Provide budget forecast for logistics activities in operation budget
  • Support programme on the design and revision of the programme budget.

Staff Management

  • Provide coaching and on-the-job training to national and international staff and volunteers with regards to building capacity at local levels on Logistics Standards and accountability to provide sustainable resource to the National Society. Provide logistics technical advice, support and training to IFRC staff/delegates and National Society to ensure the necessary capability and understanding exists to ensure that there is full adherence to best practice principles, and compliance with necessary regulation, legislation and IFRC procedures
  • Line management of logistics staff (national or international) as per the Logistics Department organization chart
  • Supporting/directing those functions
  • Setting clear objectives for all staffs
  • Managing performance and appraisals


  • Responsibility for meeting the Delegation’s material, equipment and service requirements:
  • Manage the sourcing, procurement and delivery of national and international goods and services as appropriate in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  • Manage the processes for obtaining quotations, comparative bid analysis and purchase recommendations and, when authorized, purchase appropriate supplies.
  • Manage procurement contracts for goods and services. Monitor records and track performance for all procurement contracts.
  • Ensure that an efficient and up-to-date asset and material tracking system is in place for all procurement and distributions.
  • Monitor and maintain accurate supplier information for regularly-purchased items: keep informed of local market conditions and establish and maintain good working relations with suppliers and inspection companies.
  • Liaising with IFRC Logistics Departments, on procurement and material supply issues as required.

Operational Support

  • Develop the logistics planning for the operation in order to provide efficient logistics services to all programs.
  • Support the Operation manager and programme managers in the identification and development of logistics components within programme plans.
  • Responsible for advising and validating the technical logistics and supply chain elements of programme plans.
  • Responsible for the development, implementation and management of the overall Logistics Plan of Action for the operation, including all appropriate procurement, contracting, transport management, warehouse management, stock control, distribution and convoying, workshop management and customs clearance to meet the requirements of the operation’s plans.

Supply chain

  • Overall responsibility for the performance of the Logistics Department.
  • In conjunction with programmes, develop, maintain, update and monitor key indicators of the supply plan to meet programme objectives.
  • Liaise and coordinate with the relevant stakeholders regarding the delivery of supplies, and keep all parties informed, in a timely manner, of any changes.

Contingency stock for the region

  • In conjunction with programme, responsible for the development, implementation and management of the contingency stock for the region, including the North-Kivu province, other DRC provinces and neighbouring countries; maintain, update and monitor key indicators of the contingency plan to meet programme objectives.

Report and filing

  • Ensure that all logistics documents are filed and archived in a systematic manner.
  • Responsible for all the Logistics Department’s narrative, financial and technical logistics reports in a timely manner through the Operations manager. Develop and monitor key performance indicators.
  • Responsible for issuing timely monthly reports detailing specifics according to the needs and distributing them to the Logistics Unit, Africa Region

Other duties

  • Overseeing physical asset tracking and the good maintenance of all equipment.
  • Overseeing fleet management and transport, including maintenance and smooth transportation of materials.
  • Overseeing air and route transport management of the IFRC staff in conjunction with ICRC Logistics and Security.


  • Relevant university degree (such as Management, Development Studies, etc.)
  • Master’s Degree in Logistics or related Discipline
  • Security training (IFRC or equivalent approved training organisation)
  • Basic Delegates Training Course or equivalent knowledge


  • 5+ years’ experience of a wide variety of logistics roles and activities, including procurement, contracting, transport management, warehouse management, stock control, distribution and convoying, workshop management and customs clearance
  • 5+ years’ experience in leading and managing logistics in a humanitarian organization in developing countries
  • Ability to motivate, lead and work effectively through others to achieve operational objectives
  • Experience of working with a Red Cross/Crescent Society and/or the Federation in Logistics. Demonstrate use of and compliance with IFRC Logistics Standards
  • Strong knowledge and experience, particularly in a large-scale / multiple items integrated supply-chain management
  • Experience of the use of Cash/Vouchers
  • Budget and financial management skills

Knowledge, skills and languages

  • Project management skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to provide authoritative advice
  • Effective reporting skills for organizational monitoring and donor accountability
  • Excellent analytic and computer skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint)
  • Sensitive to diversity/can work cross culturally - in particular regarding the position of women in society and the sensitivity around ethnic divides
  • Accountability – must take responsibility for decisions and actions, use information appropriately to assess/make informed judgments and/or take action
  • Skilled in training, mentoring and coaching individuals and groups, as appropriate
  • Ability to work in a cross-functional environment. Capable of influencing and obtaining cooperation of individuals not under supervisory control, as a member of multinational team, and managing remote relationships to achieve results
  • Highly motivated, self-starter able to lead a process, engage others and create ownership
  • Flexible and willing to deal with ambiguity, changes and challenges
  • Able to prioritize work, multi-task and meet deadlines
  • Willing to travel and operate in a demanding working environment
  • Proven experience to carry out logistics assessments and set up large operations.
  • Excellent skills in networking with other agencies and organisations
  • Valid international driving licence (manual gears)
  • Fluent spoken and written English (Required)
  • Fluent spoken and written French (Required)
  • Fluent spoken and written Swahili (Preferred)

Competencies and values

Values: Respect for diversity; Integrity; Professionalism; Accountability
Core competencies: Communication; Collaboration and teamwork; Judgement and decision making; National society and customer relations; Creativity and innovation; Building trust
Functional competencies: Strategic orientation; Building alliances; Leadership; Empowering others, managing performance


The Federation is an equal opportunity employer.

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