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Deputy director- programs
Nord-Kivu | Beni
Publié il y a 5 ans

In August 2018, the DRC witnessed an EVD outbreak that has continued till date. The IRC is one of the major organizations contributing to stop the spread of the epidemic through health, IPC/WaSH interventions, protection, and community engagement in the North Kivu and Ituri Provinces.


Under the guidance of the Ebola Response Director and as a senior member of the country team, the Deputy Director for Programs will have overall responsibility to supervise, support, and enhance quality, coherence, impact, and synergy of IRC’s Ebola Response in the DRC. S/he will play a lead role in setting and maintain strategy, fundraising and advocacy work of the Ebola Response. The Deputy Director for Programs will be based in Beni and will be required to travel to other sites approximately 40% of the time. S/he will manage the Health Coordinator, Environmental Health Coordinator, Community Engagement Coordinator, Women’s Protection and Empowerment Coordinator, MEAL Coordinator, Grants Coordinator, and Deputy Child Protection Coordinator. S/he will work closely with the DDO- Ebola Response, IRC DRC’s DDP, Finance Controller- Ebola Response, Senior Emergencies Coordinator, Reproductive Health Coordinator and others.



  • Take a leading role in strategy and program design drawing on evaluations, lessons learnt and identified beneficiary needs;

  • Ensure all response related activities are guided by a well-designed, cohesive, and relevant strategy;

  • Support the program team to write high quality proposals, meeting identified needs and donor requirements;

  • Ensure issues of gender equality and protection mainstreaming are integrated into program design;

  • Maintain an up-to-date contextual analysis to ensure pertinence of all programming;

  • Lead discussions with programs and operations teams about potential engagement in new areas based on need;

  • Ensure that all staff and partners have a clear understanding of the importance of gender equality in programs and that all programs are designed to reduce the gender gap.


  • Ensure effective and timely implementation of programmatic objectives of the Ebola Response through application of response strategy;

  • Collaborate with IRC DRC DDP to ensure the provision of wraparound services and a client-centered integration of programs;

  • Work with the senior management team to develop budgets, which reflect a detailed understanding of situational parameters, community needs, available resources and technical possibilities;

  • Ensure that project planning tools (implementation plans, procurement plans, spend plans, M&E plans) are developed, shared and updated on a monthly basis;

  • Work closely with Grants and support program coordinators to hold efficient and effective Opening, Review, and Closing Grants Meetings

  • In collaboration with the Grants, Finance, Operations, and programs coordinators, ensure that monthly Grant Review meetings are conducted and actions are followed up;

  • Assist Coordinators in developing and maintaining monitoring plans, work plans, spending plans, staffing plans, etc. in collaboration with Operations, Finance and Grants.

  • In collaboration with the Grants and Coordinators ensure that quality donor reports are generated and submitted in a timely manner, ensuring programmatic review and inputs on all reports ahead of submission;

  • Provide on-going problem-solving guidance for field offices regarding programmatic issues, planning issues, and difficulties encountered;

  • Ensure a close coordination and collaboration with the DDO- Ebola Response to ensure an adequate synergy between programs and operations;

  • Support and promote adherence to finance controls for program expenditures in accordance with IRC policies and procedures;

  • Develop strong working relationships with Technical Units and Technical Advisors, to ensure adequate remote and in-country support in line with country office needs and strategic direction.


  • Ensure all monitoring and evaluation plans in place from the outset, which are reviewed at regular intervals;

  • Work with the relevant stakeholders to make sure information collection is pertinent to the Ebola Response and relevant complex emergency programming;

  • Keep informed of latest epidemiological updates and potential impact on IRC programs;

  • Assist with technical assessments and evaluations by reviewing TOR, reports and checking quality of activity;

  • Ensure adequate budgeting of M&E activities in proposals.


  • Represent IRC and IRC’s interests with authorities, donors, UN, and other operating and implementing partners when required or applicable;

  • In collaboration with the Advocacy Coordinator, assist the Ebola Response Director in informing IRC advocacy around the Ebola Response and wraparound programming;

  • Assist the Ebola Response Director in developing a strong relationship with donors to ensure sustainability of programs.


  • Supervise five program coordinators, one deputy program coordinator, and one grants Coordinator;

  • Conduct regular one to ones with direct supervisees and ensure objective setting and performance reviews in line with IRC’s Performance Management System. Ensure that these systems are cascaded to all program staff;

  • Oversee recruitment of all program staff, ensuring transparent processes adhering to IRC’s policies and procedures;

  • Conduct training of IRC staff on program design, monitoring, and evaluation, report writing, and proposal development. Capacity building of both the expatriate and national staff members in the above-mentioned areas is a priority.


  • Key member of the Ebola Response’s Senior Management Team, contributing to the effective leadership of the country program;

  • Replace Ebola Response Director when s/he is out of the country.


  • Bachelors degree in International Relations, Community Development, Economics, Social Sciences, humanities or related disciplines. Advanced degree is preferred.

  • At least 5 years of experience in overseeing programs, at least 3 years of experience overseeing emergency programs. Experience in Africa preferred, and Ebola response is highly desirable.

  • Demonstrated skills and experience in NGO administration, strong knowledge of finance and logistics systems is highly desirable.

  • Proven ability to effectively manage and develop staff capacity.

  • Proven capacity in staff management, multi-tasking, time management and diplomacy.

  • Proven capacity to foster a collaborative, inclusive, and responsive work environment.

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.

  • Expertise and knowledge on a diversity of programs (WASH, primary healthcare, community-based health service delivery, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Child Protection)

  • Innovative and creative problem solver, strong communicator, excellent writer, have a focus for quality and most of all be a team player.

  • Good command English and French.

  • Knowledge of Swahili is an asset.

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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