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Deputy chief of party
Publié il y a 4 ans

The Jane Goodall Institute is currently recruiting for a Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) for an anticipated integrated multi-sectoral governance, conservation and development public private partnership project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The anticipated project is expected to implement activities focused on improving governance at local and institutional levels and enhancing biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing outcomes in eastern DRC.
About the Jane Goodall Institute
Founded in 1977, the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) USA is an international non-governmental organization that continues Dr. Goodall’s pioneering work on chimpanzee ecology and behavior. Its mission is to promote wildlife conservation, in particular chimpanzee sustainability, through research, education, and community conservation. The breadth of JGI’s mission reflects Dr. Goodall’s personal philosophy that the survival of all species, whether chimpanzee or human, depends upon the collaboration of all people. In 2012, JGI formally adopted an ambitious 30-year goal to protect 85% of Africa’s wild chimpanzee populations in their natural habitats. In reaching this goal, JGI will capitalize on its considerable strengths and experience gained from working throughout the chimpanzee range, which includes more than 50 years of chimpanzee behavioral research at the Gombe Stream Research Center; 20 years of developing people-and community-centered conservation strategies; impressive expertise in the use of geospatial technology to innovatively map and monitor human and chimpanzee use of forest resources; and a global environmental and humanitarian youth program—Roots & Shoots.
Under its Africa Programs (AP) Department, JGI USA implements community-based conservation activities in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, and Uganda. Our Africa Programs partners include, but are not limited to, Arcus Foundation, Disney Conservation Fund, J.P. Fletcher Foundation, USAID, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), and a strong individual donor base.
The Deputy Chief of Party provides supervision and support to staff responsible for technical, administrative, and fiscal aspects of a proposed public private partnership promoting improved governance and biodiversity and human well-being, ensuring quality, impact, and cost effectiveness of the project. Provides leadership to key functions in coordination with the Chief of Party (CoP) and assists in defining the project's strategic direction. Effectively supports implementation of the project vision; provides guidance and assistance in reporting, documentation and knowledge management; supports evaluation and monitoring and evaluation; identifies opportunities and prepares proposals; and liaises and coordinates with donors, stakeholders, and partners. A primary objective of the project will be to develop the capacity local stakeholders, including that of a local non-profit to transition to being capable of being the recipient of donor-funded projects. Promotes an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. The Deputy Chief of Party will report directly to the Chief of Party.
Essential Functions:
• Monitors progress in achieving project objectives. Evaluates project effectiveness and determines corrective action needed to improve goal achievement. Coordinates with key staff and partners to ensure that activities are implemented as per the work plan and deliverable timelines.
• Maintains regular contact with partners, staff & consultants in Goma and in field locations. Establishes leadership and personal credibility and implements and maintains clearly understood chain of authority and accountability.
• Develops the capacity of the primary local non profit partner in governance, financial management and program/technical management so that this non profit can assume more and more direct responsibility for managing USAID and other donor funds, to the point where during or at the end of the project, the local NGO is capable of being awarded the prime recipient of USAID or other donor funds.
• The project proposes to demonstrate effective use of embedded local and international consultants who can assure that JGI and all project partners develop greater capacity to provide technical and programmatic support, financial management and improved governance. The DCOP will be primarily responsible for the planning and integration of embedded consultants across JGI and all partners.
• Visits the field regularly and provides direction and support for field-based activities. Informs the Chief of Party of progress, issues, challenges and concerns; makes recommendations; and implements decisions.
• Assume the responsibilities of the COP when the COP is absent.
• Assists with recruitment for project positions and orientation and deployment of new staff. Identifies and utilizes opportunities to improve technical capacity of staff and provides technical assistance backstopping when required.
• Builds or maintains constructive relationships with government officials, project partners, conservation sector leaders, donors/collaborators, and others as appropriate.
• Ensures adequate programmatic reporting to donors by collecting information and preparing detailed implementation plans, annual reports, evaluations and other reports as required.
• Organizes and facilitates Stakeholder Review meetings and other ad hoc meetings with stakeholders as necessary.
• Works closely with the Finance & Administration Manager, closely monitoring project expenditure and cash flow. Keeps Chief of Party apprised of significant variances.
• Ensures accurate and timely technical and financial reports to donor(s) and JGI management.
• Assists in managing grant/project budget within approved spending levels. Ensures grant/project expenses are reasonable, allocable, prudent, and spent in accordance with donor rules and regulations. Supports auditing procedures as needed.
• Assists in monitoring grant management and subcontracts, meeting with NGO subcontractors regularly for updates, planning, and problem-solving.
• Assists Chief of Party with property and equipment acquisition, disposition, and management in compliance with donor requirements.
• Other relevant tasks as assigned by the JGI Chief of Party or his/her designee.
Minimum Qualifications
• Master’s degree in natural resource management, biological sciences, economic growth or other relevant discipline.
• At least eight years of experience in management positions working with conservation and development related organizations.
• Experience working on establishment and governance of wildlife corridors or habitat connectivity related projects is preferred.
• Experience working in DRC or East & Central Africa is preferable.
• Exceptional English and French written and oral communication skills.
Working conditions
The position will require most of the work time to be spent in a very isolated rural and undeveloped zone of eastern DRC. Accommodation, travel and living conditions may be difficult and may vary over time. Challenging partners and stakeholders may require flexible and time consuming support, coaching and assistance. At least 70% of the time would be in Walikale and Lubutu. Physical requirements
Climate and health conditions may pose a challenge and candidates should be prepared for physically demanding conditions. Direct reports
Chief of Party (COP)

How to apply

Deputy Chief of Party Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo - The Jane Goodall Institute (recruitee.com)

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