The Lead Researcher will manage the implementation of an Information Ecosystem Assessment in Eastern Congo, working with a team of field researchers and translators.
The Information Ecosystem Assessment will have a strong focus on how people use online platforms (including messaging apps, sms) to access information about Ebola and related issues and how their use of online media intersects with their use of traditional media particularly community radio. Research activities will include desk research, Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, surveys, capacity assessment interviews and field observations. The research will result in a final Information Ecosystem Report.
1. Desk Research (3 days)
The Lead Researcher will conduct desk research to collate a wide range of factors that constitute the media and information landscape, with special focus on online platforms that influence and shape people’s engagement with information related to the Ebola-response. Desk research will include the collation of: existing data on reach, audience, language and content orientation of messaging apps, text-lines, hotlines, internet penetration and mobile phone ownership and use - disaggregated by age and gender – hurdles and challenges related to the regulatory factors governing access to sim-cards, data-packages, charging of devices, prevalence of SMS use, and prevalence/popularity of social media streams (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp). The research will explore how these platforms intersects with community radio as an enabling or inhibiting factor for information dissemination and audience engagement in a health emergency.
2. Recruitment of Field Researchers (8 days recruitment postings + 2 days interviews – in parallel)
In collaboration with the Internews Team in Goma, the Lead Researcher will recruit a team of field researchers that are members of the communities targeted for this assessment. The team will be recruited based on criteria of representation, aiming to get a diverse team to facilitate access to those members of the community that are identified as the most relevant for the research, including those who are most deprived of information and potentially have limited or no access to online or other information sources.
This team will include representatives across gender, age categories, and as many languages as possible from across the region. The Lead Researcher will be responsible for
3. Design of Questionnaire and Field Research Approach (5 days – in parallel with the desk research & Start Up Workshop)
The desk research will provide preliminary findings that will inform the following:
4. Conduct Start Up Workshop with Field Researchers (3 days)
Organize a 3-day workshop with field researchers to train on qualitative and quantitative data collection, following humanitarian principles (dignity, consent, privacy). Translation of the questionnaire in relevant local languages, and testing adapting it based on input provided by the team of field researchers. Draft a Work Plan with the field researchers with an outline of target audiences and the most appropriate methodologies to capture their insights.
5. Field Research (10 days)
The Lead Researcher will be responsible for the preparation for and conduct of the field research including:
Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with key-actors within the community, including those collecting feedback for humanitarian agencies, local media & key members of the community, active online.
At least 5 FGDs in target communities will help achieve deeper nuanced understandings on participants’ relationship with their information environment, with special focus on their use of messaging apps, their online access, how they validate and share information, and how their information environments influence their understanding and perceptions of the Ebola-response. Discussions will focus on participants’ attitudes, needs, preferences and challenges in accessing, sharing, creating, and validating information, and how these have changed over time and in different circumstances. Focus groups will be conducted with men and women – either separately or together to understand the gender dimension.
The team will document the information environment and its social context. Researchers will document field observation and collect materials (e.g charging stations, promotion of hotlines, etc)
6. Final Workshop with field researchers (2 days)
Once the data collection on the ground is finished, the field researchers will gather again to discuss their findings with the lead researcher and to make sure that the findings are all aggregated and analyzed together taking into consideration the local context.
7. Submit Additional Deliverables
The lead researcher will be responsible for producing a four-page preliminary findings document to share and discuss with key stakeholders at the end of the fieldwork period. The researcher will then synthesize the key findings from all aspects of the research and presenting a Final Report with recommendations for the design of future interventions, including the selection of partners and strategies. A slide deck summarizing key points and featuring illustrative visuals will be delivered along with the report.
The final report will be approximately 20-25 pages long and should include:
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