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Country project coordinator dr congo (for consortium project) (100 %)
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 4 ans

Starting from as early as possible with a fixed contract until February 2023

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe is the humanitarian assistance agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany with headquarters in Berlin. It has regional offices in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as country offices in our priority countries, which are responsible for the coordination of aid programmes. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe’s operating model is structured around implementing projects exclusively through a network of local partner organisations.

In the context of this vacancy announcement, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe program in DR Congo is of special relevance:

In DR Congo, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe has been implementing humanitarian projects with local partner organizations for over more than 20 years and is running a country office in Goma since 2010, with currently 9 staff. The main areas of intervention are North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Ituri province, with projects mostly applying a multi-sectoral approach, including WASH and epidemic prevention, Food Security/Nutrition, Shelter/NFI and Protection activities.

Program Description

For supporting local actors in strengthening their capacities in humanitarian response, preparedness, coordination and advocacy, four German humanitarian NGOs (Caritas Germany, Welthungerhilfe, Malteser International and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe) have agreed to join for a Consortium and work together in a localization program. The program ToGETHER - Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response” aiming, that Local Humanitarian Partners (LHP) of the Program take responsibilities and actions in the humanitarian system of their countries for an effective and timely, accountable and principled humanitarian action. The program with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO-AA) is running from March 2020 to February 2023 in altogether eight countries. Each consortium member has the operational lead in two of the participating countries. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe is in the lead for DR Congo and Somalia.


The Country Project Coordinator in DR Congo (CPC) facilitates the cooperation at country level between the 5 participating Local Humanitarian Partners (LHPs) in order to enable a productive and transparent joint capacity building process which is beneficial to all participants. The CPC assures the implementation, reporting and financing requirements by AA (including queries by the AA, audit companies, evaluators, Programme Management Unit, Programme Advisory Committee are met in quality, time and language) for submission to the Consortium Focal Point and thereafter to the Programme Management Unit and AA. In addition, the CPC assures that all requirements and actions concerning Code of Conduct compliance and audits are met in the respective Country Project., i.e. DR Congo.


The duties of the Country Project Coordinator include:

Process and Finance Administration management:

• Lead the Country Project Unit (CPU)

• Supervise the Process and Finance Administrator and the MEAL Advisor to ensure the compliance with the AA guidelines and programmatic approaches (including narrative and financial reporting)

• Provide timely, high quality activity report to the Consortium Focal Point, Regional Programme Coordinator and/ or Programme Management Unit).

Project Coordination (under the guidance of the Programme Management Unit/ Regional Programme Coordinator:

• Facilitate a participatory and transparent cooperation of the 5 Local Humanitarian Partners (LHP), providing them equal access to opportunities and resources offered under the project;

• Lead the selection process for the LHPs in the country and operationalize the Country Steering Committee;

• Facilitate the application of the common project standards provided by the Programme Management Unit in the local context;

• Drive and shape the project activities based on the country priorities identified by the Country Steering Committee;

• Lead the project implementation through the development of country specific work-plans;

• Enable in country workshops and conferences on the Localisation Programme.

Qualifications and skills


• Excellent professional track record with at least five years of experience in the NGO sector working in program/project implementation, preferably in humanitarian assistance or related fields.

• Completed degree in a relevant field.

• High interpersonal skills with a strong analytical approach in problem solving and management

• Strong intercultural and social competences with regard to communication and interface

• Ability to manage partnerships and relationships with a range of stakeholders (LHPs, Non–traditional actors, local authorities, UN agencies etc.)

• Ability to facilitate/guide/moderate change at an operational and strategic level

• Willingness to travel inside the country and visit partner initiatives on the ground, sometimes in complex environment.

• High resilience, improvisation talent and flexibility

• Excellent proficiency in English and the local working language


• Specific experience of managing capacity strengthening projects

• Experience conducting organizational capacity assessments and design capacity building plans

• Knowledge in organizational development

• Ability to transfer/multiply lessons learned

• Experience in mentoring and coaching local partners

• Professional experience in the host country or knowledge of the local context

• Proficient knowledge of Core Humanitarian Standard

• Familiarity with the localisation agenda

What we offer:

· Interesting and challenging position in an innovative program approach in the field of the global localization agenda

· Strong support through Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe’s experienced, strong and vibrant teams in the country offices in Goma and Mogadishu as well as the Head Office in Berlin

· Remuneration in line with the international standards

· Consultancy (honorary) contract.

How to apply

Applicants who meet the requirements and competencies should submit the following:

1) A cover letter (max. 1 page), expressing an interest in the assignment, why the applicant is the best fit for the assignment, earliest availability and envisioned salary.

2) A Curriculum Vitae

3) Three references from your most recent employers or service contractors, preferably from the last one.

Please forward all documents mentioned above in one PDF document in English or French via E-Mail to: jobs@diakonie-katastrophenhilfe.de

Subject: Country Project Coordinator – ToGETHER- [First Name and Family Name]

Please indicate your possible starting date and send your application until 10.01.2021

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe reserves the right to contact candidates before the deadline for applications.

We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those applicants who are selected following the initial evaluation will be contacted.

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