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Country director - dr congo
Publié il y a 5 ans


Closing date : 2 Aug 2020

Are you ready to take on one of today's most pressing and complex humanitarian crises with over 25 million people in need of assistance and protection? We're looking for an experienced leader, We're looking for an experienced leader in DR Congo, is it you ?

We are looking for a dedicated Country Directors, to further develop and strengthen our country's operation in DR Congo.

With 25 million people in need, DR Congo is one of the largest humanitarian and protection crises in the world. Conflict continues to cause millions to flee their homes. Food insecurity is on the rise and the COVID-19 is producing increased challenges for the people of DR Congo with the secondary impact putting an even greater strain on the most vulnerable.

DR Congo is NRC’s largest operation in Central and West Africa, with programs in Petit Nord Kivu, Grand Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu, Ituri, Kasai, and Tanganyika and a team of over 400 dedicated humanitarian workers. In 2019, NRC’s teams assisted over 600,000 people through a multi-sectoral response across the displacement cycle. NRC runs a large market-based emergency response, in addition to a range of rights-based programs to promote stability and pathways to durable solutions. NRC in DR Congo is piloting a Humanitarian Mediation Programme that seeks to explore new ways to prevent people from being forced to flee.

As Country Director, you will have the overall leadership and responsibility for the country operation. You will report to the Regional Director for Central and West Africa (CWA).

Duties and responsibilities

You are overall responsible for

  • National representation and coordination
  • Development and execution of country strategy
  • Safety and security of all staff
  • Resource allocation and mobilization
  • Cost efficiency and quality, including implementation of control mechanisms
  • Responsible for all NRC advocacy efforts in the country and ensure that contributions are made to NRC regional and global advocacy efforts
  • Analyze the political and humanitarian context and adapt the NRC program ensuring relevance to the evolving context in DR Congo and the Great Lakes
  • Motivate and coach staff in order to create effective teams, with particular attention to ensuring an efficient and empowered Country Management Group
  • Learning, training, and development of all staff, including a strategy for national staff development
  • Promote accountability, the highest standard of ethics, including safeguarding, and adherence to the Humanitarian Principles
  • Develop and enforce policies to promote and maintain diverse staff at all levels
  • Serve as a proactive member of the Extended Regional Management Group, promote collaboration with other COs and the Regional office and contribute to the development of the Central and West Africa Region as a whole


  • Minimum 5 years of experience from working as a Senior Manager/Country Director in humanitarian/recovery context
  • Experience from working in complex and volatile contexts
  • Documented/proven results related to the position’s responsibilities
  • Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile
  • Fluency in French and English, both written and verbal
  • Knowledge from the specific contexts of DRC and the Great Lakes
  • Experience from advocacy work
  • Experience with change management processes
  • Valid driver’s license

Personal qualities

  • Strategic thinking
  • Handling insecure environments
  • Empowering and building trust
  • Influencing
  • Good sense of humor is an asset
  • All employees of the Norwegian Refugee Council should be able to adhere to our Code of Conduct and the four organizational values: Dedicated, innovative, inclusive and accountable

We can offer

  • here is the Job description.
  • 2 years of full-time contract in a stimulating and rewarding work environment, a collaborative workforce.
  • A Competitive salary and benefits according to International staff terms and conditions, including contributions to a pension fund
  • Grade: 12 in NRC's grade structure (see attached)
  • Duty station: Goma, 50% internal travel. The duty station is flexible. if relevant (accompanied family members) we can consider Kinshasa, with frequent travel to the field

An approved health certificate will be requested before the contract start

Application procedures and CV registration: Please note that you are required to enter the geographical location for all your previous positions while registering your CV. There is no specific field for this information in our CV form, but you can use the "Company name" field for both company and location

How to apply

Apply Here

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
  • Rencontrez le vendeur dans un lieu public sûr
  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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