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Coordonnateur du programme d'urgence
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans

Coordonnateur du programme d'urgence - Goma

Des paysRD CongoSourcesPréoccuperDate de clôture15 juin 2022

Concern Worldwide a commencé à travailler en RDC en 1994. Depuis lors, nous sommes devenus l'une des principales organisations humanitaires opérant en RDC avec des programmes nationaux de réponse rapide, des programmes de résilience, des programmes d'argent, WASH et de nutrition. Il s'agit d'une opportunité passionnante de diriger notre équipe d'urgence dans la prestation du programme d'intervention d'urgence SAFER pour Concern. Aujourd'hui, 1 personne sur 10 dans le besoin humanitaire vit en RDC - venez nous aider à faire notre part.

À propos du poste : Il s'agit d'un nouveau poste de 12 mois avec des mandats non accompagnés basé à Goma (avec des déplacements réguliers), en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) avec un salaire de grade 4 de 44 133 € à 49 038 € par an.

Vous rapporterez au directeur de programme et assurerez la gestion hiérarchique des gestionnaires de programme d'urgence et de leurs équipes (cash et WASH). Vous rapporterez également aux coordinateurs de zone et travaillerez en étroite collaboration avec le coordinateur du développement et de la qualité des programmes, les conseillers techniques, les responsables S&E et CRM, le coordinateur logistique, le responsable de base, le responsable financier pays, le responsable RH. Compte tenu de l'importance stratégique du programme pour Concern, vous assurerez également une liaison régulière avec le directeur de pays, qui siège au comité de pilotage de l'ensemble du programme SAFER.

Nous aimerions que vous commenciez dès que possible.

Votre objectif :Le coordinateur du programme d'urgence assurera la direction de la gestion globale, de la mise en œuvre et du développement de toutes les interventions d'intervention rapide de Concern en RDC. Concern est membre de SAFER, un consortium de cinq ONG internationales qui mettent en œuvre des réponses rapides pour soutenir les ménages déplacés partout en RDC. Le programme est la première réponse pour soutenir les ménages fuyant la violence ou les catastrophes naturelles et vise à soutenir les ménages pendant que d'autres acteurs se mobilisent ou que les ménages se préparent à rentrer. En tant que coordinateur du programme d'urgence, vous dirigerez la réponse SAFER pour Concern en RDC et serez responsable de la coordination avec les quatre autres organisations SAFER ainsi que l'unité de coordination du consortium pour vous assurer que nos interventions répondent aux besoins des communautés vulnérables dans l'est du Congo,

You will be responsible for:

Coordination and Leadership:

  • Maintain strategic vision and provide operational leadership to the implementation of Concern emergency programmes.
  • Participate actively in SAFER coordination mechanisms (working groups, operational coordination), in coordination with the Programme Director and Country Director.
  • Develop and maintain a strong network of key contacts with other INGOs and local partners, OCHA and other UN agencies in order to ensure complementarity and avoid duplication of activities
  • Develop and document lessons learnt and success stories, share appropriate information and promote good relations and collaboration with other actors
  • Develop strategies and plans that contribute to raising the profile of Concern as an expert organization in Eastern DRC
  • Work actively with other consortium members to develop, improve and harmonize tools for the emergency programme
  • Participate in donor calls and meetings, and prepare appropriate material to present the project updates.

Programme Management, Quality and development

  • Work proactively to identify new alerts and strategic positioning for Concern emergency responses, with regards to emergency responses in North Kivu, Tanganyika or other provinces.
  • Oversee the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Rapid Response Programme, ensuring timely, high quality activities on budget adhering to Concern and international standards.
  • Ensure mainstreaming of a gender-sensitive and protection-oriented approach into all programme activities, in particular while working around culturally sensitive and difficult topics (gender-based violence, transactional sex, sexually transmitted diseases) with groups of women, men, girls and boys.
  • Participate in conducting joint assessments and planning responses together with other teams and follow up on the recommendations & assist in the development of funding proposals as relevant to support the programme
  • Work closely with field teams on objectives, indicators and activities and develop clear monitoring frameworks for each project in collaboration with the M & E Manager and Programme Director.
  • Coordinate emergency assessments and proactively identify alerts in coordination with other actors such as OCHA
  • Support the program team on the field and monitor program implementation
  • Support the development of the technical aspects of proposals for the SAFER programme.

Donor compliance and Financial management:

  • Support project launch and closure, collect and disseminate lessons learnt and support learning initiatives across grants.
  • Ensure that donor proposals, budgets and reports are of high quality, up to date and delivered in a timely manner in accordance with Concern policies/procedures and donor requirements.
  • Ensure that donor strategy, donor guidelines, formats and processes are understood and adhered to within programme implementation and procurement.
  • Coordinate and review financial forecasts to maximum the allocation of funds and ensure compliance with donor and Concern guidelines.


  • In collaboration with the Security Focal Group and Area Coordinator, undertake analysis of security incidents and trends in the zone of intervention and surrounding areas, ensuring that line management is regularly briefed on the security situation and advise as necessary in relation to adaptation of work plans and movement plans as necessary.
  • Participate in the revision of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other security related duties when necessary.
  • Support the program team in security and feasibility assessments for new areas of intervention

Staff Management and Development:

  • Manage the rapid response program managers with particular emphasis on capacity building of staff through mentoring, training, and ensuring all staff have up to date job descriptions and Performance Development Reviews (PDR) as per policy.
  • Identify project staff needs, ensuring that job descriptions are developed, properly qualified staff are recruited, inducted and trained as per the needs of the programme and organisation.
  • Participate in the recruitment of the programme team staff. This includes preparation of job requisitions and job descriptions, participation in interviews and induction.
  • Establish clear performance objectives for each of the reporting staff and conduct formal Performance and Development Reviews (PDRs).
  • Build the capacity of the current team members on project management and relevant technical skills.


In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS):

  • actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
  • work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
  • work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.


  • Ensure team members are aware of core Concern policies and procedures relevant to their work, and with the support of others, carry out regular briefings on these policies, including the P4, security management, accountability etc. Contribute to the implementation of these policies.
  • Together with other project teams members, ensure HIV & AIDS, inequality and risk and vulnerability are analysed, mitigated against and responded to during the overall planning, implementation and management of the WASH project

Your skills and experience will include:

Education, Qualifications & Experience Required:

  • At least 5 years of experience in implementing multi sectoral programmes in a complex emergency context, with proven experience in all cycles of the project cycle
  • Experience managing cash-based interventions
  • Experience in external representation with authorities and partners
  • Good spoken and written French & English.
  • A proven record of effective team and people management.
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences, and the ability to work in a wide variety of cultural contexts.
  • Excellent teamwork skills and the ability to build good relations both internally and externally.
  • Experience of building capacity of internal and partner staff
  • Analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Proven financial management skills.
  • Commitment to Concern’s ethos and values.
  • Sound IT skills, including Word and Excel.

We would also like:

  • Experience in proposal and report writing
  • Familiarity with logistics, HR, Finance, and administrative processes of Concern.
  • Understanding and experience of mainstreaming issues of gender equity, ethnicity and HIV and AIDS into project planning and implementation.
  • Proven influencing and negotiating skills with internal and external audiences,
  • Experience of working in Africa (or elsewhere under similar conditions)
  • Ability to organize and prioritize workload, using initiative when appropriate.
  • Ability to cope with stress; work under pressure often to strict deadlines.
  • Facilitation and interpersonal skills.

How to Apply

Les candidatures en français sont les bienvenues.

To apply: CVs should be submitted through our website at https://jobs.concern.net by closing date.

Due to the urgency of the position vacancy might be closed before deadline.

Concern is an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all section of the community.

Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies.

Your Personal Data

During this job application, you will provide Concern with your personal data. Concern takes its responsibilities towards this personal data very seriously and is committed to complying with all relevant data protection legislation.

Concern receives a substantial amount of funding from external donors each year. Increasingly donors are introducing requirements whereby future funding is conditional on ensuring that the name of any employee or volunteer (existing or new), does not appear on terrorism lists generated by the European Union (List of person, groups and entities to which Regulation (EC No. 2580/2001 applies), the US Government (Office of Foreign Assets Control list of specially designated Nationals and Blocked Persons) and the United Nations (Consolidated List).

Any offer of employment (either paid or voluntary) with Concern Worldwide will only be made following a successful clearance check being conducted on the applicant and such checks may be updated periodically during the course of the period of employment.

By submitting a formal application for paid or voluntary employment to Concern, you agree to Concern carrying out a clearance check as outlined above and that Concern will not proceed to recruit you should your name appear on any of the aforementioned lists

In certain circumstances, donors may request that personal data relating to employees to work on the activities that they fund be provided directly to them - so that they can perform their own counter terrorism checks. This may involve transferring some basic personal data outside the EEA. It will be a condition of your employment contract that Concern be allowed to share this information with institutional donors for these purposes.

For additional information please consult our web site or contact the Human Resource Division in our Head Office.

You have certain rights under data protection legislation. For more information on how to exercise those rights please visit www.concern.net/about/privacy

Please only apply for this position if you are satisfied with the proposed processing of your personal data as outlined above.

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  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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