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Consultant / expert in lqas
Publié il y a 5 ans

Job Announcement/Consultancy

Reference : DRC/DAI-IGA/07-020/023

Job Title : Consultant/expert in LQAS

Contract type : Consultancy (approximately 12 days)

Location : Remote (for the DRC)

Project : USAID’s Integrated Governance Activity (IGA), implemented by DAI

Supervisor : M &E Manager


DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis mitigation and stability operations, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, HIV/AIDS, avian influenza control, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change. Clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and host-country governments.


The purpose of USAID’ Integrated Governance Activity (IGA) is to create the good governance framework and local capacity that is necessary for improved delivery of key services, particularly for health, education, and economic development. USAID has recognized that for this assistance to truly forge and strengthen the social contract between citizens and the State, it much reach people at the community level, where most citizens experience government. The project must do this by not only addressing capacity issues, but also – through empowering a broadly inclusive set of nongovernmental actors to hold public officials to account for better services – by changing the incentives of officials at all levels of government to act in the best interests of citizenry.

Job Description

DAI-IGA is seeking a Consultant/Expert in M&E with a strong experience in using LQAS for perception surveys. Under the M&E Manager’s supervision, the consultant will have the following tasks:

Prepare Training of IGA staff on LQAS methodology

· Supply a simple guide (in French) on LQAS methodology for staff who are not M&E specialists

· Develop a training program of 3 days on LQAS methodology which must include at a minimum:

o A clear and simple explanation of the methodology

o Explanations when the use of the LQAS methodology is appropriate and when it is not

o Practice exercises using survey examples

o PowerPoint presentations, training manuals, sample tests, sample survey designs

· Support to the facilitators doing the 3 days training on LQAS

· Help with the evaluation of the participants at the end of the training, based on their test results

Adapt a perception survey tool

· Based on an existing tool, adapt it for a pilot test using LQAS for sampling. The purpose of this tool is to measure the perception of quality of services supplied by the government, particularly for health, education and general services of local governments

Prepare a pilot test using the above tool for a perception survey

· Prepare the materials needed for the training participants to do a pilot test survey

· Prepare an implementation plan for the pilot test

· Assist with the analyses by the training participants

*Prepare a brief report on all of the above


· Master’s degree in the Social Sciences, Public Health, International Development, or other relevant disciplines

· At least 5 years of experience with surveys using the LQAS methodology for sampling (note that this qualification is mandatory)

· Experience using the LQAS methodology in perception surveys

· Experience in West or Central Africa, particularly the DR Congo is preferable, but not mandatory

· Knowledge of, and a strong experience in, participatory and training techniques

· Professional proficiency in oral and written French. Good knowledge of English preferred.

How to apply

To apply:

Please submit to recrutement-DRC@dai.com by July 30, 2020

· Current CV

· 3 professional references

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