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Conseiller infrastructure et wash
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a 3 ans

Conseiller Infrastructure et WASH

PaysRD CongoSourcesMédairDate de clôture3 août 2022

Rôle et responsabilités

Le conseiller en infrastructure et lavage fournit des conseils techniques, un soutien, une coordination et un soutien aux PC et PM dans toutes les bases. Fournir des conseils et un soutien techniques à la direction sur le terrain et au personnel WASH et Infrastructure. Développer, diriger, suivre et évaluer les aspects WASH et Infrastructure du programme de pays. Coordonner et réseauter à un niveau supérieur avec les autorités nationales et régionales WASH et Infrastructure et d'autres ONG. Diriger tous les éléments WASH et Infrastructure des propositions et des rapports, en renforçant les capacités du personnel national et international. Promouvoir les meilleures pratiques dans les programmes WASH et Infrastructure et contribuer à la gestion globale.

Aperçu du projet

Projets de santé d'urgence et WASH ciblant les populations déplacées, touchées par la guerre et vulnérables dans le nord-est du Congo. Projets de développement (santé, WASH et infrastructure) visant un changement de comportement durable et à long terme pour améliorer les résultats de santé publique et accroître l'accessibilité.

Lieu de travail et conditions

Poste Medair basé sur le terrain à Goma, en République démocratique du Congo, avec des déplacements réguliers à travers le pays.

Date de début / Détails du contrat initial

Juin 2022. Temps plein, 24 mois.

Principaux domaines d'activité

Supervision technique du projet

  • Superviser les infrastructures et les activités WASH dans toutes les régions et les bases Medair pour s'assurer que toutes les conceptions, le matériel et les activités sont de qualité et standard acceptables.
  • In collaboration with project coordinators (PCs), project managers (PMs), define appropriate guidelines and protocols, in line with government, Sphere and WHO guidelines. This will include taking a lead on the preparation of standard designs (drawings and BoQs) for all commonly infrastructure.
  • Supervise and monitor the development of reporting systems for data collection (qualitative and quantitative), analysis and follow-up and feedback to staff, donors, partners and other agencies.
  • Support the mainstreaming of accountability to affected population, PSEA, gender and protection issues throughout the projects and programming and other cross-cutting issues.
  • In collaboration with PCs, take a lead on identifying programmatic needs and funding opportunities so that Medair can expand and build upon its existing programme – this will include concept notes.
  • Work together with the support departments (logistics and finance) to assess the suitability of contractors to work with Medair in the execution of infrastructures (latrine construction, water point construction, borehole development/rehabilitation, maternity construction, road work, bridges, etc.).
  • Support the team in preparing for donor visits, accompany any visitors (including donors) to see and appreciate program activities progress and achievements on the ground.
  • Review all proposed projects implementation plans as well as indicator tracking tools of WASH interventions such as to ensure projects progress and performance is captured and known by all stakeholders. Responsible for the technical review of all external WASH & Infrastructure documents.

Representation and Funding

  • Seek out relevant networks or task groups on specific Rehabilitation/Construction of WASH related humanitarian aid issues and actively participate, if possible.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with UN, NGOs, donors, partners and other stakeholders, with the objective of raising public awareness of Medair and ensuring good co-operation and partnerships.
  • Represent Medair at coordination, sector and bilateral meetings, working groups, with national and / or local government departments and any other relevant meetings or events, facilitating supportive synergies and overall progress in the sector and avoiding duplication with the work of other agencies (e.g. NGOs, UN, etc).
  • Maintain an overview of the country infrastructure and WASH programme and of the regional context, with a view to strategically develop new projects in current sites and/or surrounding regions.

Staff Management

  • Be involved in the design, elaboration and harmonisation of the country organisational structure as well as the recruitment of technical staff, providing advice on technical skills and experience as requested.
  • Provide technical support to the infrastructure and WASH teams in all project bases, including the evaluation and impact analysis of current projects and the writing of donor proposals and reports within the required timeframes.
  • Provide relevant on-the-job training to the staff with regard to global standards, in particular approaches for WASH in emergencies (both hardware and software) and contribute to general staff’s capacity development.

Financial Management

  • Monitor the WASH project expenditure and ensure it is in line with approved budgets, advising on potential under / over spend and recommending appropriate corrective action.

Quality Management

  • Create, curate and promote the use of a resource library for all WASH technical issues – which can be kept up to date with the most up to date resources and information – that is available to all WASH staff.
  • Ensure rehabilitation and/or construction of WASH projects are implemented in line with donor proposals and requirements and in accordance with Medair, donor, country and international standards e.g. Sphere and HAP standards, WHO recommendations, etc. Follow the construction guidelines and recommendations of the relevant Advisors at GSO regarding quality, strategy and technical guidelines.
  • Regularly assess WASH & Infrastructure technical and programmatic activities and provide timely feedback on any possible issues to PMs, senior management and GSO colleagues.

Team Spiritual Life

  • Reflect the values of Medair with team members, local staff, beneficiaries, and external contacts.
  • Work, live, and pray together in our Christian faith-based team settings. Fully contribute to the rich spiritual life of your team, including team devotions, prayers, and words of encouragement.
  • Encouraged to join and contribute to Medair’s international prayer network.

This job description covers the main tasks that are anticipated. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary

  • BSc / BEng in a technical field, preferably in civil engineering or in another relevant field such as architecture / engineering / construction management.
  • Fluent in the French language and good working knowledge in English (speaking and writing).
  • Relevant post-qualification professional experience, in a management position.
  • 1-year overseas experience in relief work with an NGO, managing and coordinating WASH projects, preferably in an emergency context.

All new deploying international staff to Medair’s country programmes (and other roles which require field travel) should be fully vaccinated with a WHO-approved COVID vaccine, supported with a COVID vaccination certificate as evidence

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Before you apply

Please ensure you are fully aware of the:

a) Medair organizational values

b) Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of beneficiaries, volunteers, staff and partners, and particularly children. Therefore, we do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Medair staff are required to give the utmost respect to, and comply with, Medair’s accountability policies and best practices.

c) Cours d'orientation Medair Relief & Recovery (ROC) (qui fait partie du processus de sélection de recrutement pour les postes sur le terrain).

Processus de demande

Pour postuler, rendez-vous sur cette offre d'emploi sur notre page Medair .

Merci de ne pas faire plusieurs candidatures. Nous n'examinerons pas les candidatures par e-mail. Seules les candidatures / CV en anglais seront examinés.

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