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Community communications platform consultancy
Publié il y a 5 ans

he Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants, consulting firms or non-governmental organizations to develop a pilot Communications Platform to address three main needs:

  1. Quick, accessible information sharing between the Okapi Wildlife Reserve (OWR) and community stakeholders
  2. Reporting corruption/illicit activity inside the OWR
  3. Reporting/tracking grievances

The Request for Proposal (RFP) provides detailed information as to the project requirements and the desired qualifications of Proposers. To request a copy of the full RFP please contact Ms. Deo-Gracias Makangu dmakangu@wcs.org with the email subject line: “Community Communications Platform RFP_WCS-DRC-0003”

Proposers should provide a summary of their understanding of the objectives of this RFP and a description of the methods they will use to achieve those objectives, including technical quality assurance, and general management practices for comparable projects. The following elements must be included in the proposal (failure to produce the required documents may result in disqualification):

  1. A communication platform development strategy which includes a minimum bundle of social media tools, telephone hotline, incorruptible grievance-tracking database. The strategy should contain a schedule of activities for each of the three components

  2. A detailed approach to designing and/or customizing a platform-training handbook and guide.

  3. Detailed timeline of the communication platform launch preparation including a 1-day community launch event.

  4. Support Materials for marketing the platform roll-out in villages

  5. A timeline of the communication platform set up and launch (including training for community focal point and/or end users)


To request a copy of the full RFP please contact Ms. Deo-Gracias Makangu dmakangu@wcs.org with the email subject line: “Community Communications Platform RFP_WCS-DRC-0003”

A copy of the proposal in electronic version (MS Word or PDF format) plus attachments, exhibits or appendices are to be submitted to: DRCprocurement@wcs.org

Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM GMT January 20, 2020.

Key Dates:
Last day to submit questions January 10, 2020

Proposals due January 20, 2020

Anticipated Notice of Award January 30, 2020

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