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Behavior change multimedia campaign
Publié il y a 5 ans

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants, consulting firms or non-governmental organizations to design, produce and launch a multi-media campaign to reduce bushmeat consumption in Kinshasa with the objective of influencing the habits of its residents in order to reduce the level of bushmeat consumption. The Request for Proposal (RFP) provides detailed information as to the project requirements and the desired qualifications of Proposers.

A full copy of the RFP can be obtained by sending a request to Ms. Deo-Gracias Makangu dmakangu@wcs.org with the email subject line: “Bushmeat Campaign RFP_WCS-DRC-0002”

WCS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to saving wildlife and wildlands through science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world’s largest system of urban wildlife parks. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) WCS supports the efforts and actions of the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) and other partners to prevent biodiversity loss across National Parks and Reserves across the country. As part of its activities related to species protection, WCS would like to recruit a communication agency that will design, produce, and launch the first multimedia campaign to reduce bushmeat consumption in urban cities like Kinshasa.

All work must be done in compliance with WCS Media Department rules/protocols as well as requirements set forth in Appendix B, attached and made a part hereof. WCS is exempt from sales tax in certain states, including New York, and may be exempt in certain foreign jurisdictions. Project scope of work details are included in Appendix A, attached and made a part hereof. The project cost range is estimated between $300,000-350,000 and the campaign is expected to be launched April 30, 2020 during an initial duration of 6 months contingent on available funding.

Proposers should provide a summary of their understanding of the objectives of this RFP and a description of the methods they will use to achieve those objectives, including technical quality assurance, and general management practices for comparable projects. The following elements must be included in the proposal (failure to produce the required documents may result in disqualification)

  1. A campaign implementation strategy with three options for the full use of different media (Media Mix). The strategy should contain a schedule of activities for each of the three options;

  2. A detailed list of poster sites and the number of panels, soothers, LED screens, by size with details on the location of the panels (neighborhood, key places for the campaign and available backlighting);

  3. Photos to illustrate the chosen advertising spots locations;

  4. A price lists for the production of all promotional materials referenced in the terms of reference as indicated in Appendix A.

  5. Tariff schedules for the broadcasting of TV and Radio spots (30 secs).

  6. A price list for the rental of advertising posters of different sizes.

  7. A timeline of delivery times for the installation of posters and the broadcasting of radio and TV spots from the time of placing the order as well as the media plan.

  8. Detailed timeline of campaign launch preparation including campaign launch 1 day event

Proposers must provide detailed information that demonstrates the following:

· Experience developing and launching media campaigns in DRC or Central Africa (experience in social marketing would be a major asset)

· Demonstrate a good understanding of target audiences within the city of Kinshasa

· Proficiency with projects of comparable size and complexity;

· Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of media interventions

· Experience with behavior change communication


A full copy of the RFP can be obtained via email by contacting Ms. Deo-Gracias Makangu dmakangu@wcs.org with the email subject line: “Bushmeat Campaign RFP_WCS-DRC-0002”

All requests for clarification and questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing no later than December 16, 2019 via email to Ms. Deo-Gracias Makangu dmakangu@wcs.org with the email subject line: “Bushmeat Campaign RFP_WCS-DRC-0002”. Responses, if determined appropriate by WCS, will be issued in writing to all known Proposers.

A copy of the proposal in electronic version (MS Word or PDF format) plus attachments, exhibits or appendices are to be submitted to: DRCprocurement@wcs.org no later than January 6, 2020 at 5:00 PM GMT.

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