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Humanitarian coordinator
Nord-Kivu | Goma
Publié il y a une année
Mennonite Central Committee

Job Synopsis

The Humanitarian Response Coordinator is responsible for providing technical support and capacity building to partners with projects containing humanitarian components. This includes short-term food and non-food assistance as well as nexus programming which incorporates food security and livelihood components in addition to humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding.


All MCC workers are expected to exhibit a commitment to: a personal Christian faith and discipleship; active participation in a Christian church or Christian community; and nonviolent peacemaking. MCC is an equal opportunity employer, committed to employment equity. MCC values diversity and invites all qualified candidates to apply.

  • Highly proficient in oral and written English
  • Ideally proficient in oral and written French, or willingness to learn
  • Ideally proficient in Swahili, or willingness to learn
  • University degree in Development Studies, Project Management, Agriculture, Business, History, or related field (graduate degree preferred, undergraduate degree required)
  • One to three years of experience in development program coordination, management or in a planning, monitoring and evaluation position
  • Strong writing and communication skills, with significant experience in editing and formatting
  • Strong skills in data analysis and visualization
  • Training and/or experience in results-based management principles, tools and techniques
  • Ability to understand and communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills
  • High competency with Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel
  • Ability and willingness to travel to rural areas, as security allows

Invitations to serve with MCC are contingent on the successful outcome of criminal background check(s).

Key Responsibilities

• Assist partner organizations with all management aspects of project cycle including situation assessments, concept note and proposal development, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting (PMER)
• Assess current capacity of local partners and offer training and coaching on PMER themes
• Review all partner reports for quality and ensure that reports and other project documents capture progress, effectiveness, and impact of projects
• Review and make recommendations on submitted project proposals
• Edit proposals and reports for clarity, providing technical support in data analysis and visualization
• Support partner compliance with project agreements, especially around key deliverables
• Ensure key document deliverables are entered into MCC databases
• Monitor deadlines to ensure that all reporting requirements are met
• Visit partner organizations and their projects on a regular basis to better understand their work
• Translate reports and proposals from French to English
• Monitor humanitarian trends and population movements in collaboration with partners
• Participate regularly in OCHA coordination meetings
• Model non-violent peacemaking in the workplace and community through respectful interactions with others.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of PMER principles and practices
• Other duties as requested

Location Description

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a naturally beautiful country with many lakes and rivers, beautiful mountains and green valleys. The peoples and cultures of the DR Congo are vibrant and the music, song and dance enthralling. The spiritual and political dynamics of daily living are full of passion and energy. It is an intensely engaging location in which to serve.

In the midst of all this, citizens of Goma, North Kivu, where the Humanitarian Response Coordinator will be based, live with a zest for life. The town is full of energy and dynamism. People are friendly. The weather is good. There are attractions such as Lake Kivu, Virunga park and Kauzi Biega park. Many international visitors make this place their home.

The great challenge in the DR Congo is security. Since 1996, DR Congo has been affected by violent conflicts; two major wars took place in 1996 and 1998. Since then, the country has not fully recovered from violence. In some parts of the country, especially in the east, there are still active armed groups.

Additional issues the service worker should be aware of are:
• While there is volcanic activity around Goma, eruptions are rare.
• Water and electricity are not consistent in many locations.
• The presence of endemic poverty and constant demands for money and/or jobs can be stressful.
• Care for serious injuries or diseases is available in Kigali or Nairobi.
• Because of poorly maintained roads, travel in the region is not very comfortable. Also, MCC workers are expected to coordinate with partners before traveling to any area outside of the three major towns of Goma, Bukavu, and Uvira.


Complex-needs population; Externally funded program; Location requires digital communication; Local church not supportive to LGTBQ+ persons; Local area not supportive to LGTBQ+ persons.

How to apply

If interested click Here to apply.

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Conseils de sécurité
  • N’envoyez aucun prépaiement
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  • Inspectez ce que vous allez acheter pour vous assurer que c’est ce dont vous avez besoin
  • Vérifiez tous les documents et ne payez que si vous êtes satisfait
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